If women say men will never know the pain of childbirth, then we get to say you will never know how much more disgusting this is than swallowing semen...
I hate when people cry "fake" about everything, but I gotta say this is the work of a troll. blood clots aren't usually something you experience at the very beginning or end of a period so unless the dude was going down fully aware she was menstruating this is unlikely. blood clots are not in fact bright red. and how did he see the color? and why would you swallow that if it ended up in your mouth? coughing causes the vaginal muscles to constrict, yes, but it doesn't send things shooting
I agree, this is bullshit. How would he even be able to see it unless his tongue is a foot long? And blood clots are dark, almost black. Anyone who has had a cut or a scratch knows what blood looks like when it begins to clot.
I only have a couple picks at your statement... One, yes, they can be bright red. 2. yes, they can happen at the end of the period. This statement coming to you from a girl. Other than that, you probably are right, unless he puked it up, there wouldn't be any way to know the color.
Ok, yes this is gross, but I don't understand why compared to other posts I've seen about such wonderful things as swallowing vomit and semen, getting pissed on, having sex with brides/grooms on their wedding days, abortions, etc., people find this text about a few drops of blood to be the most scarring, horrific thing they've ever experienced in their lives. Do you all hate your bodies that much for menstruating? Yea, its gross. So are most of the posts on this site. Chill.
candycane, actually period blood is a variety of colors. it's definitely possible to be bright red. however, if this person truly did swallow it, how would they know the color of it? so as to the fact that it's real or not, who knows. but coughing does force more blood..or whatever..out. just so ya know.
Obviuosly kelliexo she just got her period, no person in their right mind would do that. And this wouldn't be a tfln if he/she wasn't so disgusted that it happened to begin with.
Bullshit. One, blood clots are not bright red and he wouldn't have seen it if it was in his mouth two, for there to be a blood clot he would have had to go down on her in the middle of her period and fully aware of it which is just nasty. And three, yeah the muscles do contract when you cough, but it won't send anything shooting. Nevertheless this is still so gross I wish I could erase it from memory. Op is disgusting and stupid.
CandyCane ya cuz we r all on here to fucking decipher all this shit. Ya we know it's fake so are movies and we still go to them. I'm sorry you're a friendless virgin but don't spoil the fun for the rest of us.
Let's just say BULLSHIT!! I mean what she spontaneously projected a bright red blood clot out of her vagina. Coughing does not mean you throw blood clots..and bright red.. means active bleeding not period blood which is NOT bright red.\n\nseriously people, pull your heads firmly outta your asses and think about the shit you comment and believe.. \n\nThat's the problem with today's generation, you believe all the bullshit out there..
Don't be a dick, 1) guys exaggerate, the fact that he said "bright red" as opposed to "red" doesn't invalidate the statement 2) coughing and sneezing DOES push out more blood and sometimes clots that would have taken longer to work themselves out, which is why the fucking pad/tampon commercials talk about "achoo-proof" protection 3) You come to this site knowing a lot of it is probably made up no need to call it out and vomit your superiority complex on
i can't believe how disgusting this is, a girl just KNOWS when it is around that time. i can't imagine having a guy down there anywhere close to that time, not to mention possibly during. barffffff.
Sure it's disgusting, but I find it funny how everyone is freaking out SO bad. I feel bad for him/her but chances are, he knew that could happen. Just be happy it didn't happen to you guys.(:
Omgravy..... i dunno who i feel worse for. The chick cuz of the immense mortification, or the dude for the period in his effing mouth. Uuuuuuggggghhhh.
I just vomited in my mouth a little. Did you puke on her?? Who DOES that?!? I don't let my husband's face anywhere near that area until it's completely over... and a bright red blood clot isn't even half over!!!
Ok ok guys.. As a lesbian.. Not so bad goin down there wen the aunt flo is visiting.. Tastes like iron a bit.. But I always have the girl showered and corked up... Ps the jolly rancher comment was by far the funniest response EVER.
When someone has HIV like this girl, sometimes the turberculosis (easy to catch with a ravaged immune system and HIGHLY contagious) can cause large puss-filled blood clots to form directly beneath herpes sores. When you licked the crusty sore you probably loosened the clot which was then shot into your mouth by the violent TB cough.
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