Dude I think I was making out with the cat last night
I don't have a cat..?
Well nonetheless. Whatever it was purred when I used tounge.
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As long as you didn't get it wet I'm sure the gremlin will forgive you.
Women do that. Purr, I mean.
i am appalled by the number of idiots who cant spell tongue- you deserved it, idiot.
You sir, made out with a furry. Rule 3: Dont fuck a furry.
@TheRuleBook: that's rule #4, not 3!
Depends on which text you using. Of course you are trying to correct a Rule Book.
You were licking my ass
This made me LOL and almost fall of the hammock!
Keep it classy north Texas
Sorry, that was me, you left your door open
These pretzels are making me firsty:)
This is only one of the many problems with the 940. I would know. I sadly live here.
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