it's not gay if you rub your penis between their butt cheeks and pretend they are tits
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I have a feeling that this came from a frat..... I just picture a thick-necked guy saying this in a really deep voice.
yes it definitely is
they have support groups for that kinda stuff? I hope so cause you need help man. o_0????
12:56 was definitely the OP or the catcher
some of these are without a doubt, made up. people would never text this even if it was true.
if it's a dude's butt, hate to break it to you, it is a homosexual move. gaaaaay.
guy or girl is the question...
It's called the hotdog in a bun
I'm slightly turned on by this...
how the hell is this even a debate? there is no gray area on this topic. doesnt even sound fun, im weirded out
If it's a guys cheeks, then yes it's more than homosexual
I love rubbing my dick between boobs... Some chickies like it.... Hahaha
whatever helps you sleep at night buddy...
definitely a frat thing. The things they make those poor little boys do to get in.
I don't care if you were thinking of every tit in the world, you're a closet case. Or you were a closet case.Good luck telling your family.
Hairy ones are nice and plush you shoot faster
hahahahahahahhaaha funniest text in a while.
yeah, totally gayyyy
0416 871 762 in victoria australia if u want to play
hahahahahaha this is obviously a joke and you all are retarded for taking it seriously
Uh.. Yes the fuck it is!
This is why I hate the 209…
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