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  • Bondage is more comfortable? I'm curious to what the other option was

    Submitted by awkwardpanda94 on May 4, 14 at 2:05pm
    • Honestly, some girls are straight up freaks. I've had one ask me to pretend to be a burglar and " take advantage" of her after i rob her... Dafuq??

      Submitted by ck24 on May 4, 14 at 5:35pm
      • Yup. Been there. Then she wanted me to slap her. repeatedly. harder each time. like, was angry i wasnt hitting her hard enough. madness

        Submitted by PolarisDTA on May 4, 14 at 8:02pm
    • Well done bondage can make you feel really comfortable and safe. It's kind of a nice feeling, actually.

      Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on May 5, 14 at 10:26pm
  • oh wow.. and people think I'm strange...

    Submitted by awkwardpanda94 on May 5, 14 at 10:10am