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  • You should have done your best Exorcist voice and told him he would burn in hell. Cross and vomit are optional.

    Submitted by scarab on Oct 24, 11 at 4:32pm
  • I think it was losing it to another guy that bothered him most...

    Submitted by TPO_Hisself on Oct 24, 11 at 6:48pm
  • This kid is so ungrateful, god goes out of his way to get this kid laid and he doesn't so much as utter a thank you

    Submitted by tlovell on Oct 24, 11 at 10:24pm
  • The fact that it was his first time explains why you pretended to sleep afterwards

    Submitted by Phys on Oct 24, 11 at 9:09pm
  • Tim Tebow?

    Submitted by mattmac91 on Oct 24, 11 at 11:27pm
  • A few more blowjobs and that nasty case of religion will clear right up.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Oct 25, 11 at 5:34am
  • You must have been a HORRIBLE lay.

    Submitted by W_T_F on Oct 24, 11 at 7:31pm
  • I kinda commend him. I'm not going to have sex until I'm married. There's more to sexual abstinence than just religion. And, no, the bible doesn't say you will go to Hell for having sex before marriage.

    Submitted by skittleeagle on Oct 24, 11 at 11:56pm
    • So... you commend him for going against his beliefs and what he believes to be morally right? Because you also believe what he believed...except that he fucked up? I'm confused.

      Submitted by Raaaaawwwwrrr on Oct 26, 11 at 3:47am
    • But if this charge is true (that she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night), and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. (Deuteronomy 22:20 NAB)\nby committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to de

      Submitted by Meaty_McSausage on Nov 17, 11 at 2:28am
  • What a pussy.

    Submitted by ReesesPoofs on Oct 24, 11 at 4:20pm
  • Just bc u don't believe doesn't give u the right to make fun of ppl who do. They can believe whatever they want ur not physical mental or emotional being hurt bc ppl believe in god

    Submitted by smiche516 on Oct 25, 11 at 12:15am
    • This post hurts me mentally. "Mentally" is an adverb, by the way. That's an adjective that describes a verb! Knowledge is power! That is why it is absolutely hurting humanity as a whole that these people believe the Earth is 6000 years old.

      Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 25, 11 at 12:54am
    • The fact that he's indirectly judging her however does give her the right to feel offended. It was his choice, at any point it would have been easy for him to not go through with any of the actions that lead to it. He should own his actions and be proud he got to experience one of the most beautiful and intimate acts people can do, not cry for forgiveness over spilled milk.

      Submitted by MD86 on Oct 25, 11 at 3:44am
  • It's not pre-marital sex if you don't plan on getting married!

    Submitted by menardgcrebs on Oct 25, 11 at 1:16am
    • huh, this is an interesting line of thought. Of course you'd also have to come through on the intent and actually never marry.

      Submitted by MD86 on Oct 25, 11 at 3:39am
  • This is obviously fake, God doesn't answer prayers!

    Submitted by manlaw6 on Oct 24, 11 at 4:42pm
  • Damned crazy Christians. Their myth is as obviously made-up as other ancient myths like those of the Greeks, but you don't see people worshipping Zeus anymore...

    Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 24, 11 at 7:53pm
    • actually if you study the origins of Christianity all they did was change the names of the god. The Greek devotion to the goddess Athena is the reason Mary became so popular ;)

      Submitted by YeahReally on Oct 24, 11 at 8:40pm
      • Considering Rome was still a predominantly Greek-influenced empire, in fact if not in name, when Chrisianity came about and gained momentum, this makes sense.

        Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 24, 11 at 10:38pm
      • Not true at all...Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John...And if you think everything is a myth, read up on some actual history, not the crap your liberal profs want you to believe!!

        Submitted by peachpie88 on Oct 25, 11 at 3:12pm
        • No one is arguing the Bible contains a lot of history accurately, but that doesn't mean that much of it, especially much of the New Testament, is a work of myth.

          Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 25, 11 at 3:41pm
          • most historians agree that the new testament is true in the since that Jesus was really a man who taught and was crusafied on a cross that much is historical fact.

            Submitted by Grillin on Oct 25, 11 at 11:19pm
            • Thousands were crucified, that doesn't make anyone the Son of God. Thomas Jefferson took out all the mysticism of Christ's life and wrote a purely historical version of Christ's teachings. But please don't tell me you believe in the wine to water or fish and loaves miracles.

              Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 26, 11 at 12:37am
              • what poof do you have that they didn't?

                Submitted by Grillin on Oct 26, 11 at 1:12am
              • What proof then, do you have that Christ wasn't.

                Submitted by peachpie88 on Oct 26, 11 at 10:56am
              • @peachpie88, no one can really prove or disprove God. But doesn't it bother your sense of reason that a burning bush could talk, or that a man with a staff could displace a sea, or that someone could walk on water? How does that not appear as fictional as other ancient myths to you? What makes these fantastical elements less silly than other myths,which Christians love to look down upon? Please don't tell me to rely on Faith, that's such a convenient escape from the discussion.

                Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 26, 11 at 11:53am
              • Evolutionist and Scientists have of faith in the own things. One there is no real proof that evolution is real, it is still just a unproven theory that evolutionist accept as truth, ergo on faith. Also Scientists have no proof of dark matter or black holes. They just know dark matter makes the math work and black holes have to be out there to hold the universe together. However they have no proof of ether...ergo faith once again.

                Submitted by Grillin on Oct 27, 11 at 1:02am
            • Pardon me, water to wine. My mistake.

              Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 26, 11 at 12:41am
        • *isn't

          Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 25, 11 at 6:09pm
      • Chrisianity doesn't worship Mary.

        Submitted by Grillin on Oct 25, 11 at 11:13pm
        • Please, after the canonization of so\nmany people, Christianity is strikingly similar to so many polytheistic religions. The Trinity itself resembles the Greek and Roman Triads of deities... Take your pick which.

          Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 26, 11 at 12:39am
          • Christianity is the only religion that says faith not works. Also the Jewish trinity of God was around long before the Roman Triads.

            Submitted by Grillin on Oct 26, 11 at 1:16am
            • There is no Jewish Trinity. It is a central tenant of Judaism that there is only the one true God. Jews relate the Trinity almost to false idolatry.

              Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 26, 11 at 1:26am
              • look at genesis 1:1 it mentions God the father and God the son "In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God and The Word was God." Just because the Jewish people no long accept it does not mean they didn't have it.

                Submitted by Grillin on Oct 26, 11 at 1:35am
              • @Grillin, you do realize that is a direct quote from John, right? Genesis includes nothing of the Trinity or any threefold manifestation of God. Not the Jewish genesis anyway. There are several different genesis accounts in the Bible (P and J.) They have proven multiple authors coexist.

                Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 26, 11 at 1:43am
              • sorry that was a bad quote I didn't realize it at the time that's my bad. Thank you for pointing it out. However The Hebrew word translated "God" is the word El or Elohim. Elohim is the plural form of El. The plural form is used 2607 of the 2845 times the word "God" is used in the Old Testament. Not only is the word for God usually used in the plural form, but several verses refer to God as "Us" and that is from the Jewish "version" of genesis.

                Submitted by Grillin on Oct 26, 11 at 1:55am
              • Grillin, You're right there. When God decides to create Eve he actually says something to the effect of let US create a companion for Man. Personally I believe that speaks more to God's omnipresent nature than any multiple manifestations of His being

                Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 26, 11 at 2:13am
              • So you do believe in a God/Gods?What ever the case I respect your belief however there are other examples of the Trinity in the Old Testament suck as Proverbs 30:4 and Isaiah 42:1. But you are entitled to your beliefs. I would like to continue this conversation later but I am going to sleep now.

                Submitted by Grillin on Oct 26, 11 at 2:23am
              • such*

                Submitted by Grillin on Oct 26, 11 at 2:24am
              • @Grillin, no I don't believe in God or gods. I'm just very interested in all types of mythology, particularly the Classics. I found this conversation very stimulating, thank you!

                Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 26, 11 at 2:31am
          • Christianity is the only religion that says faith not works. Also the Jewish, also Christianity's, trinity of God was around long before the Roman empire was around.

            Submitted by Grillin on Oct 26, 11 at 1:23am
  • What a delusional putz.

    Submitted by Americanism on Oct 24, 11 at 6:46pm
  • OBTW, I am Christian. Think it over. If I am wrong, I lived a good life with no reward. If you are wrong, you had fun and .... Damn...

    Submitted by CrazyManNo9 on Oct 25, 11 at 8:14am
    • Really? The old "what if we're right" argument? That's a horrible reason to believe, if you can even call that believing. Religion shouldn't need scare tactics. Plus who says you need to be religious to lead a good life? Go back to Medieval Europe where you belong please.

      Submitted by NPH9384 on Oct 25, 11 at 11:33am
    • If you're a "good Christan" and you're wrong, you built your entire existence around a false premise, spending countless hours for nothing. Or worse, you believed in the wrong god and now you're suffering whatever consequences. The "But what if..." argument proves you aren't really a devout Christian, that's no reason to believe in anything.

      Submitted by BobLoblaw138 on Oct 25, 11 at 2:42pm
      • Christianity is not about being a goody-goody...The thing is, if you are one, you want to do right...BTW, God forgives every sin, and you won't go to hell for a sin...Because we all sin!

        Submitted by peachpie88 on Oct 25, 11 at 3:16pm
  • What Rachelsmash94 said

    Submitted by alienmonster on Oct 24, 11 at 6:19pm
  • What GA Peach said.

    Submitted by CrazyRunner on Oct 24, 11 at 5:58pm
  • manlaw you're back! I missed you <3

    Submitted by ReesesPoofs on Oct 24, 11 at 6:34pm
  • Just a thought. Maybe Christians are right. Maybe we do talk to God and She answers our prayers. If we are wrong, we live good lives and live with Her for all eternity. If you are wrong, you have fun and .... Damn ....

    Submitted by CrazyManNo9 on Oct 25, 11 at 8:28am
  • Cute.

    Submitted by h3li0 on Oct 25, 11 at 11:39am
  • Its pretty simple- there is no god. Especially the christian one.

    Submitted by Downtownsbrown on Oct 25, 11 at 11:52am
  • quit sleeping with children.

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Oct 24, 11 at 5:34pm
    • Not always children. When I was in college, I hooked up with a 19 year old at a party. The next morning, she started crying and called her christian, virginity, prayer circle friend to come get her because she got drunk and laid.

      Submitted by steven5441 on Oct 24, 11 at 6:05pm
      • I waited until I was 18, but past the age of 15 or so I stopped hearing my classmates discussing this. But, I went to a catholic school and they seemed pretty loose...also...I don't consider age a factor when someone is being childish. Someone who has the belief that god will forgive drug and sex crazed murders but not them for having pre-marital sex seems like a very childish way of looking at the world and religion.

        Submitted by GA_Peach on Oct 24, 11 at 10:28pm
        • I should of known you meant lack of maturity instead of age. Speaking of lack of maturity, OH MY GOD, CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRL UNIFORMS ARE MY FAVORITE!!!!!

          Submitted by steven5441 on Oct 25, 11 at 12:36am
  • Oh I totally did that too. Lol

    Submitted by hiddenmasochism1 on Oct 25, 11 at 11:47pm
  • yeah that or he was praying they all dont smell like that rotten gash between your legs u call a vu jay jay

    Submitted by PHD1026 on Oct 24, 11 at 11:15pm
  • • •\n\n\n\n\n_____________________________

    Submitted by virginia11 on Oct 24, 11 at 8:53pm
  • Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha Hay sues ah che

    Submitted by NotDaveMatthews on Oct 28, 11 at 12:50pm
  • God is just an imaginary friend for grown ups. People only pray cuz they think there is a 'higher being' that controls everything and we must obey this 'being'. Personally I just see a hippie with a book...just saying. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion

    Submitted by shhhhhhH on Oct 25, 11 at 11:24am
    • That's where faith comes in...So lean not on your own understanding, because you won't understand it all...That's the point of having a God who is much higher and knowledgeable than we are.

      Submitted by peachpie88 on Oct 25, 11 at 3:18pm
  • That seems fair

    Submitted by daisy_dukeluke on Oct 27, 11 at 12:24am
  • Aren't we all going to hell anyway for having sex before marriage?

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Oct 25, 11 at 12:09am
  • Aren't we all going to hell anyway for having sex before marriage?

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Oct 25, 11 at 12:07am
  • I wonder what a Muslim would have said?

    Submitted by dreamcatcher on Oct 26, 11 at 4:15am
  • Yes he does.

    Submitted by rachelsmash94 on Oct 24, 11 at 4:48pm
  • Aren't we all going to hell anyway for having sex before marriage?

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Oct 25, 11 at 12:13am
  • Aren't we all going to hell anyway for having sex before marriage?

    Submitted by LuvvyBoo on Oct 25, 11 at 12:05am