It was around the time I started requesting "big girl straws" from the bartender for my jack and diets, that I knew I'd probably wake up with my sunglasses on and find my wallet in the shower.
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Jack and.. diet? Pussy.
Using diet over regular gets you drunker, faster.
Explain that to me. I drink whiskey straight. How does diet pop affect uptake?
Haha... the "diet" part of your jack and diet is worse for your body than the "jack" part, really. was probably clear because when you asked the bartender pulled out his stuff...and you were none the wiser.
Diet?? I hate girls who order drinks mixed w/diet soda! I'll take the extra sugar over extra chemicals! Or, Old Number Seven on the rocks, please!
Taxing your bartender for unnecessary items just to fulfill your tiny life with meaning again? You're fired!
Ok lyontamer. No one likes a copy cat. Especially one that wants to be Rick scott
Sounds like a fun night and a painful morning.
That is why I drink vodka and water. With lime. Can't go wrong there!
Chesapeake alcoholics.
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