Someone changed my text signature to "Also, I think I might be gay" last night. Also, I think I might be gay
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I actually laughed out loud at this text.
So did I!
Hey mom we need milk\nAlso I think I might be gy
One of the best texts that's been on here for a while
I can't remember much of anything from last night. Also, I think I might be ga y
I want to fuck you so hard. \nAlso, I think i might be qay.
Best TFLN I've heard in a couple days! Reppin' the Bay Area right 510
Best. Idea. Ever.
Classic lmao
Hey bro want to get together? Also i think i might be gy
Hahaha omg that's brilliant!
Welcome back tfln, welcome back :)
So I tried this and it doesn't really work because you can see your signature on the bottom of a text when you writing it so he/she would have noticed before they sent a text. Epic tho :)
Genius! I literally LOLed
I love you baby. Also, I think I might be g ay
Hahaha that is awesome. Rep the bay like hella hella.
I think so too :D
Dude I need to get laid. Also I think I might be gayy.
Ouch town population you bro
Good one. Lol
Awesome. Just awesome.
Why did you not change it before this text? Thank you for not, but why not?
I think so too ...
Literally laughed out loud!! That is awesome!
XD best tfln I've read yet!
Funniest text I've seen here. Actually LOL'd.
Haha. The east bay is the shit
Also, I think I might be penis
I deff. laughed out loud tooo!!
We should take a break. Also, i think i might be qay.
Funny shit!
Man that is seriously funny, I'm gonna have to do this to some of my friends phones. Also I think I might be qay.
One of the best!!!
Yo bro, our friendship means a lot to me. Also, I think I might be ghey.
Fire service humour- absolutely brilliant!!
Laughed out loud as well lmao epic
Hey baby wanna come over for a good time I think I might be gáy
A new meme is born. Also, I think I might be g ay.
I will do this to someone
this will reach GOAT status.
Win. Also I think I might be g ay.
LMAO oh boy i gotta couple buddies ima get with this!
Lmao funny shit
...he was wasted, dude...
Love this one. Go Oakland
510 Represent!
That is fucking brilliant.
Hahahahhahahah i just pissed my pants
I'm qay. Also, I think I might be qay
Clever, very clever!!
I lol'd xD
@jmar411 shut the fuck uppp. Stop questioning it, laugh at the rare funny text and move on.
Real lol
Text signature? Really? WTF?
Best. Text. Ever.\nLmaooooooooo!
I love you so much, baby. Also, i think i might be qay
This is fucking hilarious
this might be the greatest idea i'll see all week!
Great TFLN
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