All I have to say:\n\nThere is no definitive proof that links moderate cannabis use during pregnancy to abnormalities after birth, physically or mentally. In fact, it can be successfully used for treating symptoms like that of morning sickness, and for about 1-2% of all women, HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) which is a potential life threatening condition if untreated.
I don't think you're a terrible person if you get high while you're pregnant, I've known lots of people who did. For some it was the only way they could keep food down. However you ARE getting your baby high too. This is why I chose not to smoke while pregnant. I don't do any drugs or drink. Drinking while you're pregnant is fucking horrible and you should be thrown in jail for that and have your child taken away. Sad part is the damage is already done.
My sister smoked throughout both of her pregnancies, and her daughters are two of the happiest and healthiest kids you will ever meet. Why don't you show some intelligence and do a little research to learn the facts before you go ripping apart somebody's lifestyle. Spoon-fed information breeds ignorance.
Submitted by
on Jul 17, 10 at 11:18am
Likewise, I went to highschool with two sisters whose mother smoked during pregnancy. First of all, they don't even look normal, secondly, lets not even get into how retarded they are. How sad it must be, being born with a nicotine addiction, and those neurological problems...and not looking quite right.
That's just fucked up!! Why in the hell would you want to get high while your pregnant? That just makes you a piece of shit! You shouldn't be able to have kids!
Too fucking bad my taxes don't pay enough for education, so we end up with a school system that produces ignorant pieces of shit like yourself who have no fucking clue 1) how their tax dollars are actually spent or 2) what the lives of the people that receive assistance are actually like, yet feel entitled to bitch about both.\n\nChild welfare programs account for 2% of the taxes you pay, the majority of which goes towards nutrition... and drug use is much higher among suburban kids, you ig
hmmm actually people that recieve assistance come from many different backgrounds, yes some are very useless and have no ambition and are just using the state so they dont have to work and yes having more kids increases all of your benefits. but some are using them while getting by and trying to better themselves. And yes they should drug test all welfare recipients. what i find really sad is that the waiting list for section 8 is like 5 yrs. im sorry but if you put yourself on that list ur
How do you know this person is on welfare? Even if they are, unless they've never worked and paid taxes, then they themselves have been working to pay for the services they are receiving. I hardly think someone who smokes pot is a "drug addict". Yeah lots of people are drug addicts and abuse they system but just because someone is on welfare doesn't mean they are useless drug addicts who have never paid taxes in their lives. You shouldn't generalize.
After my dad died my whole family got financial aid because two jobs still does not pay for four children, regardless of how much we had saved, bills still pile up. I myself have two jobs and I'm paying for most of the expenses however insurance is helping me, but I've paid taxes since I could work, nor am I addicted to any drugs. Broad terms are often incorrect.
wowww i didn't expect that to go on TFLN. I sent that to my friend because they put me on very heavy painkillers that are alright for pregnancy after pregnancy complications when i was in the hospital, so before you say what a bad mother I am, you should be grateful that my kid is doing fine and that I went to the hospital when something was wrong. i've been clean my entire pregnancy. haven't even taken tylenol.
Well, that's a little more understandable.\nBut considering that 95% of the texts on this site are about sex or getting high, I really don't think you can complain about people jumping to the conclusion that you were talking about weed. Especially when you used the word "stoned." Backlash is your own fault, IMO.
No which is why i'm not angry or complaining because that would be my first reaction too. Which is why I signed up to posted an explanation so people didn't simply assume I'm a stupid unprepared teen parent.
i absolutely think youre telling the truth. 100% of these texts have been taken out of context, and thats what makes them funny. If you were were recreationally stoned, i honestly believe you wouldnt have made a user name and gotten on this site to defend yourself. good luck with everything
Or, I would have freaking out at the negative response, however that's not the case, so I can see people's doubts in my explanation. However I know what happened, I'm amused at how this blew up so quickly for something that was fairly innocent, and it's all in good fun to me.
Whatever, screw what these people think. You were ill and the doctors did the best they could to help you out. I highly doubt you would be trying to defend yourself if you really were doing anything. EVEN if you were smoking herb... WHO CARES?! do you have any idea how much our parents smoked with us?! lol. All these people can go suck it.
I know right? Haha my mom didn't smoke during my pregnancy or any of my siblings but she was a hippie, I know of other things she did. I wouldn't doubt she smoked when I was done breastfeeding. It's not hurting us, she's a great mother. No need to crucify that.
I love how everyone comments different "facts." As if Tunny didn't get it the first 100 times, and if you actually read her comments she was NOT smoking pot. She was on something her DOCTOR prescribed for her so shut the fuck up with your stupid Wikipedia answers. What makes you any better then her?
Tunny this is obviously not your text, and if it is than you lied in your explanation. Pk's don't make you hungry, but weed does. You're a bad liar and mother
so you said stoned and made a very "munchies" related statement because....??\n\nalso, you're not really supposed to use cell phones in hospitals. i'm just saying.
because, fuck I have no clue, I don't remember sending this. I checked my outgoing messages. Two, munchies and pregnancy cravings are like, literally the same thing, one is triggered by a plant, the other is triggered by a fetus, and is hinting towards making it healthy. Three, nobody cares about using cell phones in hospitals. I was probably bored.
Read through comments. Was going to laugh initially\nNow I'm going to laugh harder at all the idiots who decided to get into a morallity war\nGet off you fcking high horses and get back on your knees, cocksuckers.
I've been reading all of these posts and I must say you are an amazing person. You seem to make the most sense out of most of these people. thumbs up times a billion
Be advised, choosing to smoke weed while pregnant will result in your kid becoming a pot head, so the first time you catch him/her smoking your weed, embrace your creation and get stoned with your child. You'll deffinately will be considered a cool mom!!!!!!
I would never do that. Just like my mom knew that I smoked both pot and cigarettes before I got preggo, she didn't care, but she told me that she wasn't helping me get either and she didn't want to catch me doing it. I think that's fair. Don't do it around me, and I'll turn a blind eye. Anything heavier than pot though and we're gonna have some problems.
Why do all you people care so much. For all you know this text is bullshit. It wouldn't be the first fake text we've seen. And even if it is true there's nothing you can do about about so live and let live. Oh and stillhungover... amazing post!
You people are all so dumb. Smoking cigarettes or pot takes oxygen away from the fetus, thus yes, harming it. What a fucking piece of shit. I feel sorry for that baby :/
Ok, whether or not you were/are actually smoking weed, you have got to be the worst mother on the planet... That child should seriously be taken from you and placed in someone else's very capable care. You do realize that you can deny medical treatment. In other words, say no, which you should have done a few months ago at the looks of it. Why would you choose to subject your CHILD to medications when you have the option not to? Seriously kid, come on.
Yes? I have denied medical treatment for an emotional disorder I was born with and I've sacrificed my mental well being for the past five months already, and plan to until I'm done breastfeeding. There ARE medications that are safe during pregnancy at certain points and medications that are never okay. When you get pregnant YOU tell me when you stop taking asprin when you get a headache, cause I have.
Cannabis has been used medically for morning sickness for centuries. Do some research before you bad mouth someone. You don't have to smoke to feel the effects either...
I smoked when I was pregnant with my son and he's very intelligent. He learned to walk at 8mos, speak in full sentences at 13mos, and read at 18mos. He's now in 3rd grade, he's in TAG and is taking Junior High level classes. So before you people start criticizing those that smoked pot while pregnant, I suggest you do a little research.
Okay nova girl, than explain why your "allowed" to smoke weed while pregnant, but you can't take aspirin. Idk where your from but I never wanna go there.\nThis person should not be allowed to reproduce. And TFLN should be ashamed for putting this on here.
First off, I didn't say "allowed" its not like you get a out of jail free card if your caught with a dub sack or something. \nAspirin thins your blood. To much aspirin can cause you to get ulcers in your stomach. And you can take it during pregnancy just in small amounts. Just like smoking weed! Smoke a little to stop the morning sickness so that you can eat a little and feed your child with out throwing it all back up before its digested.
Say what you want. People are offended so easily by this because it's a helpless baby. He has no control over what his mother is doing and what she's doing CAN cause birth defects. Someone I know smoked pregnant and her baby developed amniotic band syndrome which caused to baby to gave a deformed hand. That she will have her whole life. All because her mom got high while she was pregnant.
Glad I read through all comments before posting. Was going to make a snarky comment, but after reading comments from original OP, in context this IS kind funny!
I know. This has entirely become some sort of political and moral debate about the ethics of how terrible a mother I am/cannabis smoking during pregnancy.
Smoking marijuana during pregnancy may affect your baby's growth and the development of his nervous system. Studies have shown that children who were exposed to marijuana during pregnancy sometimes have problems focusing their attention and solving problems. Children of heavy pot users may also have problems with short-term memory, concentration, and judgment. NUFF SAID DUMB CUNTS WHO SAY IT'S NOT BAD!!\n
It's not even about it crossing the placenta. Women who are able to smoke marijuana and be pregnant are more likely the ones drinking, smoking cigarettes, and doing other drugs. This is why America is stupid.
Anything has a potential to hurt the baby, tylenol, fish, stress. It doesn't mean it will hurt the baby. I have never seen a case where pot hurt an unborn baby. I'm not at all saying go smoke weed while your pregnant, just saying it wont necessarily hurt the baby.
All of you posting about her being a horrible mom need to get a fucking clue, weed doesn't even cause any birth defects and it's the only drug that doesn't hurt your body.. Calm the fuck down.
1. The poster of this already said it wasn't pot\n2. Smoking pot while pregnant doesn't make you the biggest piece of shit ever. While it's not particularly healthy for your baby, there are so many things (prescription meds, alcohol, cigarettes, actual drug abuse, etc) that are much worse and are commonly used by irresponsible pregnant mothers.'s amazing how many people DON'T do their research. Here's a link that may clear things up for people. All the claims are cited to SPECIFIC studies. Oh, and by the way, SHE WAS NOT USING MARIJUANA!! CHILL OUT AND SMOKE A BOWL PEOPLE!\n
woah. didn't report anything so before you call me a bitch realize that MANY people have the power to click the "report" button. i'm simply amused at what a political self-righteous debate this has become and am continuing to follow it. and no I wasn't kidding, but stoned doesn't mean I smoked a ton of pot, it means I was under the influence of other, legally obtained drugs.
First off people, you don't know if the mother is even smoking! Hell she could have gone to the doctor and the doctor gave her painkillers! Gah shut the fuck up people.
that's what happened, too, hahaha. and i was in the emergency room when i sent this text. they sent me home with painkillers, and for my "mother of the year award", i haven't taken any, because i'd rather deal with the pain than screw up my child.
I haven't taken any since I got home from the hospital. However while I was in admittance there I was hooked up to IV lines which gave me the painkillers. This text was sent from a hospital.
yes. on the way to the emergency in the car that my mother was driving there was beef jerky they had purchased at a meat store in sourthern ohio after a recent trip. I don't know if you've ever been pregnant but simply THINKING about certain foods or glancing at them can give you cravings.
The text is stupid, in MY opionion. Which I am allowed to have. Tunny you're a mom right? If so then don't you have better things to do than sit here on TFLN? I mean seriously the whole being stoned thing is acceptable if your reasoning is what you claim it to be, but leave it be and go be a patent. Get off TFLN and raise your kid.
Uhm, my child is kinda marinating for the next few months, I really can't get offline and raise my child, I'm merely an incubator for it for the next approximately 19 weeks. And I've been put on bedrest until tomorrow, so if I want to sit on a laptop and read the explosion my hospital visit has caused, I have as much a right to do that as you do to have an opinion.
Tunny, you say you didn't take any of the pills and yet, you claim to have posted the text which clearly states that you were under the influence of something or other. I don't get it, sorry!!
Not really. After I got pregnant I took steps to graduate early, got a second job, and took classes to cut a year off my nursing program. I grew up instead of did stupid shit.
First off, many people have used medical marijuana for a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum with NO harm to the fetus. Of course, to be used only in case where there is no other option. Second, this woman was not using pot. Listen and think before you judge.
Coming from a mother of 2 with pregnancy complications yes, there are medicines that the doctor will allow you to take for complications. being an expecting mother "stoned" probably wasn't the best way to describe what you were feeling, kind of set yourself up.
No, she really didn't. Because she sent this to her friend in confidence and understand that she probably just used that word usage to appear funnier to her FRIEND. I would have done the same thing.
Fucked up!!! Nova girl you're a dumb ass. Obviously the reason you're so dumb is cuz your mom smoked too. Weed is harmful to the fetus and is anything but healthy. I swear some people need to get fixed at a young the puppies at SPCA.
Obviously you know nothing about weed. How about you read a book about it? Or watch one of the hundred movies out there about it? You sound like a real winner to me. I make $25 an hour and have a dodge charger srt, and a 1976 Nova drag car. I bet you still feed off mommy and daddy. And GUESS WHAT? I have my green card! So I do believe I know a little bit more about smoking weed then you do. So shut your face, when it comes to things you know nothing about.
Actually, I've read all of her posts and the story seems to fit pretty well. Maybe all you anti-cannabis ralliers just don't have enough sense to be able to understand it =] pretty sad. I smoke weed every day and I got it. Maybe you should go back to kindergarten.
Wow! Regardless I whether it was pain killers or weed..what right does that give anyone to judge her for what she's done? I can guarantee most of you that posted have never been pregnant so you don't realize you get cravings. Some people refer to them as munchies. And besides this is effing TFLN not some political/moral debate.
You shouldn't be smoking anything while you are pregnant. You can't just think of yourself you have to think of the other living human being thats depending on you for like and a healthy start.
Just an update, my son turns 6 months old in 4 days, is crawling, using a sippy cup, identifying "ba-ba" as an object and not babble, and was born one week before my due date with no problems or complications, and I've been promoted to manager at one of my jobs, as well as recently signing the lease on our new apartment. So I'd like that mother-of-the-year award now, because I sure deserve it more than some of you morons who couldn't comprehend anything I said. Happy b
I'm sorry but if your on painkillers you should not be saying your "stoned"...stop making excuses for this text because your obviously a fucked up parent and don't need to be having a baby...get your shit together
well ive heard that pregnant moms use weed to relieve the nausea from morning sickness, and stidies show that it has little or no effect on the baby. this doesnt make her a bad mom at all!
And who funded/ is funding your prohibition? And btw, Ronald Regan funded some studies... He didn't like the results so he disregarded them... Why don't you do some research yourself and stop watching the ABOVE THE INFLUENCE commercials at 2 am after you just swerved your way home from wholesome healthy alcohol.
My prohibition? What the fuck are you talking about? All I'm saying is there is a clear ethical issue with funding a study on the effects of drugs on unborn children. It's like ethics 101. They can't consent to the study. BTW those studies you're talking about were under Nixon's presidency, asshole. And they weren't on fetuses. Throw on a Phish record, smoke a bowl and calm the fuck down.
hahahahha. Yes. Thank You. I'm sure more than half these people bitching about her "smoking" wouldn't think twice about getting wasted and driving themselves around town for a bit. Because you know the statistics of people dying while driving high are completely enough to overtake how much people die from drunk driving. Oh wait... last time I checked... no one dies while driving high... hmmm =]
Awe you are so worried about the minuscule possibilities of the effects marijuana may or may not have? What about the toxins from your exhaust, or cleaning products, or secondhand smoke... Because you don't like it evil people are surely the only kinds that would dare, right?
You're a moron. "Fight the power, man!" Fuck off, hippie. Go start a massive debate on some forum over the existence of God, aliens, and the legality of pot. This is not the place.
My mom smoked when she was pregnant with me, and I'm perfectly fine. Occasional smoking wont harm the baby, you just have to be very careful. But I still wouldn't smoke if I was pregnant.
no, but i can provide a link showing that the medicine i was on, while no major studies in humans have been done, is alright to take in moderation during pregnancy and under doctor's orders given that you're a safe distance from the due date, or it will suppress respiratory functions at birth. otherwise it's perfectly safe, including in the second trimester, which I'm in at 21 weeks.
Wow. Everyone who is calling this mother a piece of shit is fucking ignorant. First of all, it's none of your damn business. Like, yea, she's going to read that and say hey, maybe I should change my life because of what random fuccks on the internet think. Second, smoking a bit of weed while pregnant will NOT harm the baby. It helps with nausea too. As long as your not smoking every day like you used to, nothing will happen. Not to mention she has explained herself, which she didn't need to do
Submitted by
on Jul 16, 10 at 11:32am
Right, because my choice to bring another life into the world and not end it prematurely without any judgement is a worse decision than your assumption that I ingested THC in my body while being an incubator to it. I'm a bad mother because I choose not to kill a baby.
I think you're a horrible person that shouldn't even be called a mother because you were not smart enough and selfless enough to NOT bring a child into this world under your lack of moral and ethical responsibility. In most cases, a woman of your age should not have a child anyway, adoptive parents could do a much better job raising a child based off of more life experience that you could not possibly have. They know how to be selfless, and put the child first, which you obviously cannot do right n
For all of you people saying all "young" mothers are automatically bad parents that don't deserve their kid, go fuck yourselves. There are good and bad parents of every age. I have a two year old and I'm only twenty one. Does that automatically make me an awful mother who deserves to have my child taken away? Because I guarantee I'm just as good of a mother as someone who O's older and "more capable" or whatever.
Granted, the majority of people have experimented with drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol at some point in their lives, but when you're caring for another life that kind of shit HAS to stop. You have a fucking baby who is depending on you. Shame on you for being such a selfish, wreckless mother. That baby deserves better.
What's sad is the mother is prob on welfare and a medical card, can't afford the child she is having, but can smoke pot!!! Yea, this is what the system does for us, let's loser mistreat their children and we have to pay for it!!!!
What's sad is that you're probably game for reproducing one day, when you can't ass yourself not to generalize and make assumptions. This is what the system does for us - funnels money away from programs that might actually inform the public and not give us ignorant citizens such as yourself. Oh, and it's *lets, by the way.
What a cunt ......yoir aware the states gonna take your baby from you after the birth right?? Its women like you that make men see us as not equal i hope you choke on your morning sickness vomit you selfish gutter slut
Holy shit people, how about you go read up on smoking pot. Even if this girl was smoking weed (which she wasn't) it would not hurt the baby. You all are jumping the gun here. Smoking weed is one of the best ways to not have morning sickness, my cousins doctor told her this while she was with child. And now she has her baby and he is in great health and is a happy little guy. My mom smoked with me and I am fine! Hell I bet most of your mothers did!
Someone would not take the time to come on here and tell other wise. She used the wrong word for it, but what other word should she have used? "I'm to drugged up to be...." that sounds worse in my opinion.
@ifsheapinsfast.. Offended? No I'm not offened! Annoyed that someone is stupid enough to get high while their pregnant and risk the chance of harming the baby, yes! And if I'm not mistaken everyone is entitled to their own opinions and if my opinion is that this bitch doesn't deserve to have a baby then so be it. I don't say shit about your opinions! So my advice is for you to shut the fuck up!
right? hahaha. i didn't realize my medical problems were that big of a legal and ethical debate when it came to cannabis use during pregnancy. i didn't realize people who actually came to this site had enough morals to object to drug use during pregnancy, however misguided their judgement may be.
I love how most everyone on here is yelling at this girl for smoking while being pregnant, however, when an abortion text comes up, everyone tells the girl she is a genius for killing the baby. But I'm not condoning being high while pregnant because it might as well be the same as getting an abortion. Use your brains people and realize that BOTH are WRONG.
because one of my friends, who apparently I had sent this out in a mass text, said that they saw it on here, so I went and looked, and she said it was exactly what I sent her but she didn't submit it and wanted to know if I did. So I mass texted my phone book asking if I sent it to anyone else and I did. to a lot of people.
I'm not responsible enough for a cell phone because I sent a text message out under the influence prescription drugs while under the care of a doctor at a hospital? Why the /fuck/ are you on this website if you feel people who send text messages under the influence of mind altering substances are too irresponsible to handle one? This is probably not the best place for you.
Oh, the old "you're grammar isn't correct, you must be an idiot" argument. Not actually valid. This is the internet, moron.\n\nWas my grammar good enough for you?\n\nSMOKE WEED EVERY DAY! =]
I'm not disagreeing with the poor lack of judgement/morals on the mums part but there has been research on the effect of marijuana on babies during pregnancy done over 30yrs and still ongoing
No its not better than smoking and/or hard drugs and it actually effects your lungs a lot worse than cigarettes do, and unlike cigarettes the lung damage from weed is permanent, it wont go away. So you already a sucky mother.
You think you'll be a great mother at 19... you're 6 months pregnant and still smoking pot. What the fuck is wrong with you? Can you take a single moment out of your haze filled day to think of the human being you are about to bring into the world?
My mom smoked pot while pregnant with me, I was valedictorian of my high school. I smoked pot while pregnant with my daughter, she's in advanced classes. Most people jump to conclusions without bothering to do any research. Good luck with your journey, hon :)
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