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  • Um that's pretty wrong, non-consensual sex is messed up regardless of gender.

    Submitted by jayblitz on May 4, 10 at 2:25pm
    • I would guess there was some consensual sex at some point before this

      Submitted by IDontWantOne on May 4, 10 at 3:17pm
      • uhh.. just because you've said ok to sex once doesn't mean you don't need consent later...

        Submitted by ohcoool on May 4, 10 at 4:02pm
    • My girlfriend does this to me all the time. Then I wake up to pancakes. Win win.

      Submitted by RockerRyan on May 4, 10 at 3:44pm
    • That's just not true. One of the hottest climaxes I ever gave a girl was when I wiped frosting onto her tits with the butcher knife I was using to spread it on a cake we were baking.

      Submitted by Michel on May 4, 10 at 4:25pm
  • Psycho. It's psycho.

    Submitted by jackie7 on May 4, 10 at 2:23pm
  • Bust a nutt then bust your ass getting as far away possible

    Submitted by mo_chedda14 on May 4, 10 at 2:24pm
  • Giggity

    Submitted by raptor2905 on May 4, 10 at 6:24pm
  • Nice!! Ata boy! Get em!

    Submitted by alexballer09 on May 5, 10 at 10:45am
  • And she didn't even have the courtesy to wake you up. That bitch!

    Submitted by Herschel on May 4, 10 at 3:26pm
  • haha if u were passed out at what/point did u realize this was happening

    Submitted by vinogirl on May 4, 10 at 2:26pm
    • When he woke up to cut-apart boxers, a knife on the table, and dry girl juices on his dick? Or possibly when he asked about WTF had happened.

      Submitted by Herschel on May 4, 10 at 3:28pm
  • You must be a cook.

    Submitted by inthepooper on May 4, 10 at 4:15pm
  • Why go to that much trouble? Boxers aren't that hard to get off... And second, if he was passed out, he's probably too limp to be much fun for her.

    Submitted by raje on May 4, 10 at 8:20pm
  • Psycho girls make good on and off girlfriends but no more. This is really true of she is hot.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on May 4, 10 at 6:59pm
  • If that was a girl passed out with a guy cuttin her clothes off this would be horrible, but I would not mind all, as long as she was clean

    Submitted by Frieghtrain on May 4, 10 at 8:10pm
  • Eeeek what if her hand slipped?!!!

    Submitted by maynard on May 5, 10 at 2:27am
  • sounds fake

    Submitted by AnimeBabe on May 4, 10 at 7:41pm
  • Please, the wind blows and I get hard. I could definitely see getting raped.

    Submitted by mnightgoulding on May 5, 10 at 9:23am
    • Well, typically the way to get a man hard when he is passed out is to take a large and heavy rock and repeatedly slam it onto his pelvis until he becomes hard. It's doable, but typically kills the man.

      Submitted by AbortParasites on May 12, 10 at 6:51pm
  • I wasn't really passed out, just sleeping, and, trust me, I woke up and consented.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 5, 10 at 8:00pm
  • lucky man

    Submitted by tea12 on May 4, 10 at 2:38pm
  • Literally shut the fuck up. THAT stupid.

    Submitted by tonto01 on May 4, 10 at 8:54pm
  • ok first of all for the people crying about not getting a yes out of him 1. we do this all the time, if i am asleep he wakes me up with sex 2.we live together 3. we were going out for 2yrs so this is pretty normal for us ok!plus i couldn't find the scissors!

    Submitted by bunny4206 on May 7, 10 at 2:46pm
  • Fuck yeah

    Submitted by Crash_Underride on May 5, 10 at 1:14am
  • Cyco sex! Great shit

    Submitted by frootyboom8 on May 4, 10 at 2:07pm
  • Kinda creepy...forget the knife next time sweetie...

    Submitted by username703 on May 10, 10 at 12:45am
  • Lucky bastard

    Submitted by pike1346 on May 4, 10 at 4:13pm
  • A knife near the crotch is scary no matter the reason!

    Submitted by kdeanne13 on Sep 21, 10 at 3:14am
  • Hmmm... Intriguing. I would like to meet this Female Michael Myers sex fiend.

    Submitted by eNVee on May 5, 10 at 11:15am
  • Oh my god give her my name and number! Cameron and see above!

    Submitted by 2144571774 on May 5, 10 at 1:11pm
  • I think I'm more worried about this 8 inch blade around my penis then consensual sex

    Submitted by bigjwin on Jun 2, 12 at 8:05pm
  • That is so hot.

    Submitted by Andikins on Apr 11, 11 at 10:12pm
  • Cincinnati, OH represent!! Hahaha xD I bet I know who you are.

    Submitted by OneNightWTF on Jun 12, 10 at 7:29pm
  • it's not impossible lol it's happened to\nme at a party before twice haha. getting a boner while unconscious is normal for men.

    Submitted by fd1 on May 5, 10 at 12:57pm
  • Fake

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 4, 10 at 3:11pm
  • Pics dude, pics or it didn't happen

    Submitted by blargmeansno on May 4, 10 at 3:09pm
  • Hahahahahahahahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 19, 10 at 1:20pm
  • K so why the hell are people makin a big deal about this and arguing about sex? Didn't happen to you did it? No he didn't say ye but he also didn't say no, get the fuck over it he's not complaining and neither was his woman

    Submitted by DearAndrew on May 4, 10 at 7:32pm
    • sex with someone who is UNCONSCIOUS is r ape, deal with it. doesn't matter if he would have been ok with it.

      Submitted by ohcoool on May 4, 10 at 9:05pm
  • And why do ppl insist on saying literally on this site?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 4, 10 at 3:11pm
    • probably because he was describing what literally happened.

      Submitted by oose on May 4, 10 at 3:40pm
    • because you can figuratively cut off boxers..

      Submitted by Obviously on May 4, 10 at 4:43pm
  • Seriously though... Who HASN'T done this at some point to some hot ass freshman chick in college? Isn't that what orientation week is for... banging possible virgins??? Anyone? Anyone? No? [cricket] [cricket]

    Submitted by YourWifesFantasy on May 5, 10 at 9:51am