what you eat has a factor in body odor. When you eat garlic, onions, and other strong pugnent foods you will have a more pugnent smell. Eating more citrus fruits like pineapple, grapefruit, and lemons will help create a sweeter smell.
and p.s. i dont think this was a real serious text. it sounds like a "haha im going to be gross funny" kinda text. but thats just how i read it.
Either you're not a female or you are and have the poorest sense of smell on this planet! The vagina self cleanses. So there will always be a scent. When a female is wet, there is a scent. Even after you shower there is a scent.
Submitted by
on Apr 13, 10 at 10:30pm
uhh...first off, why the hell would you text that to someone...you just broadcasted to your friend how dirty you were. And second...you should be scrubing the shit outta your vag, not texting about it.
I can always smell my own vagina. That's normal though, right? I mean it's just a part of the anatomy that secretes a certain smell. Nothing out of the norm.
Wow some of you are seriously cruel. There is no denying that wearing tight jeans and working an 8 hour shift with only one or two bathroom breaks will create a slight odor, it doesn't smell dirty at all its just natural, those who deny ever having noticed a slight smell are very clearly ashamed of themselves
you all have to realize that the people who have responded who have said "whore, std, gross, etc.." are most likely male! ALL women, and I don't care who you are....girls have a "smell" and it doesnt have to mean bad--smell can be GOOD! But it never just smells like nothing, even if you do shower. Same with balls--they have a smell, even if its not bad!
its just gross and funny..girls are straight up lying if they say you cant at times. don't think she was serious about her rotting vagina guys.. it happens to all of us just like girls also shit and fart and do other unpleasant things. :) that is all. thank u and goodnight.
Hah all you fags saying skank and hoe and shit you are fucking stupid, EVERY girl has a smell and no matter how much you shower or use a douche you STILL smell it ok? So fuck off and before you try to tell her off do a little research cause your asshole comments are what give guys a bad rep.
A. That happens to everyone man or woman.
B. Maybe this person just got done excercizing or something like that.
C. Grow up, it can happen after a long day of work (not that the 13 year olds on this site would know what that is)
10:28 THANK YOU!!! You are obviously not a skank whore with 3 inch pubic hair with cheese balls hanging. Thank you for being one of the FEW women that know how to wash!
When I can smell my own sack through my clothes, like at the gym I KNOW my nuts stink. This filthy, stinky whore obviously is just smelly the mixture of all the different cum in her. WHORE!
1252 working a 8 hr shift in tight jeans? Are you a hooker? What job can you wear jeans,let alone tight jeans too? Pretty sure shirt and tie with dress slacks is professional attire
Hey smelly fish puss!! Did you hear about that really cool new invention that just came out? It's called soap and you're supposed to use it when you shower. You should try it some time.
sometimes i walk past girls in the clubs, and i'm like, i'm sure it smells of shaved pussy - as opposed to not-recently-shaved pussy. im absolutely sure there is a difference.
I'm gonna go throw up! Do chicks realize just how nasty that smell is or are they immune to it since they grow up eating so much tuna fish and the smell doesn't affect them anymore. They're like "it happens" and think nothing of it? Bitch, if I ever smell fish on a chick, I can't look at or talk to her ever again. This one chick I was dating just out of the blue said that she smelled fishy once and I broke up with her immediately cuz from then on, when I looked at her, I could smell dead fish!
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