a girl in my class is on a twilight fan site and running her fingers on the screen as edwards body comes up.
I got into my dads silver toyota in the back seat to get picked up and 2 mins later I asked my dad when are we leaving, then an old mexican woman turned around. wrong toyota I'm guessing.
And then she said "sorry if my vagina smells like fish, it's just active."
Just found out its our ciliated mucous membrane that traps the molly when we snort it. Biology does relate to life
Swallowing. Like you said. Lions. Always.
Grandma is giving me marriage advice again. On the plus side, she thinks I'm straight now.
Can't wait to bequeath this flannel to my grandchildren someday.
'I've been using this to pick up lesbians since before you were born!'
Miscalculate d the jungle juice, it's actually 10%. Can't taste the diff anyway but my stomcha is warm. Come play pongm.
So I'll bring my machete and we can smoke your shit.
Out of context, that is a hilariously scary message.
He yelled "HOO-ah!" like Al Pacino when he pulled down his pants. Trust me, he has every right to.
And I'm bringing my coffee cup of wine.
I'm fucking blazing boy. 5hr weed sauce kicked in and my entire face feels like an 8ball of gold bond flying down a mountain of Fresh powder. Just gliding.
just curious, were the inflatable penis' received? Amazon says they were delivered.
So high I legit spent 20mins in the shower just holding my tits cuz they feel bigger than normal.
...okay, you can't just say 'masturbating llama' and not explain yourself