Are you ones of those people who confuse they're, there, and their, 6:55? Harry Potter was a dimensional, dynamic series. Your protagonist was dull, whiny, codependent, weak, let herself get raped, married at 18, and finished the series having given up her family and friends for her stalker.
aside from maybe putting "and" between dynamic and dimensional, there are no grammatical errors in 7:09's post. then again, 7:09 never claimed to be the professor. The self-proclaimed proff can't use punctuation, though!
I was a tween ugly nerd girl and even I know better than to fall for a steaming pile of Twilight. Nerd usually means smart, which is the last word you'd use in describing a Twilight fan.
7:29 is a 16 year old girl. No self-respecting teacher talks and acts the way this person does. An actual Professor would generally be over the age of 30 and especially in English have to have a Master's Degree, unless teaching at Keg U.
Define amazing. Poorly written? I don't even have to get into the plot, it's riddled with spelling and grammatical errors her editors didn't care enough to fix.
Google the Vamp by Tantus. It's a frigging dildo that sparkles in the sunlight that you can put in the freezer to mimic cold vampire flesh. Fangirls are pathetic, Twilight is an abysmally written series, and those that obsess over Twilight need to be sterilized so as not to dumb down the population any further.
It also failed at Science. Guess what. People who have no pulse have no blood flow. If you have no blood flow, you can't get an erection. If you can't do that, you can't have sex. AT ALL. Also, there's the fact that crystalline structures sparkle under ALL light, not just the sun. So, Eddy McSparklepants would be "dazzling" people all over the place. Not just in the sun. Oh, and sperm dies three days after you do. Since Eddy is over a hundred years old, he can't get ANYONE pregnant.
yeah, fuck u twilight h8rz! y are u even here wasting ur time if it's such bullshit? nd u really can't judge shit if u haven't even read it! saw part of the movie? fuck the movie! read a book u dumb fucks... btw! robert pattinson is hot SOMETIMES. taylor lautner is sexy 24/7.
I'm a university professor actually. So I guess taking your kids out of my class would be a struggle! 7:09 you need to chill the fuck out buddy, just because you don't agree doesn't make you correct! Jackass.
Yes, there were grammatical errors in Twilight, "Professor". If you need some examples, "dust MOATS" jumps into mind, as does her misuse of the word "incandescent" to describe Edward. Christ, I'm fourteen fucking years old and I can spot errors better than you. I hope I'm never in a class of yours.
I really hope you aren't a university professor, especially of the English language due to your numerous displays of incorrect grammar. This is the problem with a lot of people today they don't respect it enough to use it, and it's not just teens and kids, it is obviously the people teaching the kids. Fail, 7:09, fail.
I really don't think a movie such as twilight is ruining the IQ of our population. That's the stupidest thing ive ever heard. It's a damn movie and most of the people bashing it have probably never even seen it. Yeah there are some crazy fans out there that should be shot but honestly, what about the stupid Harry potter fans that go to the movies in wizard costumes????
Twilight is Laguana Beach and OC meets Van Helsing. Created for immature dumbass girls to fantasize about being somebody's property and being treated like shit one day..and are like soooo totally trendy
Actually, there is a lot of editing errors, at least in Twilight itself (and more than normal in the newest book; but I suspect some of the errors, at least in the newest one were intentional, to make the average teen more receptive to the book)...
There are also the canyon-sized plot holes, like how Jasper goes batshit insane over a papercut, but is apparently immune to girls at their "time of the month". And the fact that Rosalie's father was described as a successful banker. During the time of the Great Depression.
12:37 Excuse me? I don't know about you but Harry Potter taught me a lot of morals and influenced me to read at a very young age. Though there are overly-obsessed fans, they're harmless. Dressing up to go to a movie is hardly weird, dumbass. It's how fans show appreciation. Sort of like wearing "team edawrd" or " team Jacob" t- shirts.
To answer the people who asked why we care if we hate it so much. The answer: Because I am sick and fucking tired of being barraged with meaningless drivel that is collectively lowering the IQ of our population. What's even worse are the idiots that read it and talk stupider than the text they read. LIKE OMGZ LAWL Edward and Jacob are sooooooooooooooooo hawt. Seriously people stfu and at least try and feign intellect
All of you people need to chill out. If you don't like Twilight then don't read it or watch the movies. It's meant to be entertainment, not a true story. And by the way it's a book in the "young adult" section in most stores meaning it is meant for teens. I personally loved the series and I'm 24, maybe because I took it for what it was and didn't try to overanalyze the story. It's a love story. Yes, it's nit realistic but who wouldn't want to find a love Luke that lasts forever?
There was also the fact that the story lacked a plot, dynamic characters, and the "true love" it claimed to be about. What Bella-Sue and Edward have is LUST, not love. Also, Bella is the epitome of Mary-Sue.
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