good work 9:46. Area code 514 is Montreal, CANADA. So the ignorant, unenlightened, presumptive and judgmental jerk that made chose to use to this text to perpetuate negative American stereotypes can...proverbially, SUCK IT.
Someone says something negative about Americans, and our best response is "we have bombs," "no one can beat us up," and "if you hate Americans, you love terrorists?" Way to dispell negative stereotypes about us, you dimwitted cave-people. I didn't realize so many Bush-fans were on this site. Why don't you go back to planning your next "tea party" and leave the debating to the adults?
I'm from the us and pizza ferraris beer and chocolate didn't come from the us dumb shit and DVDs prob came from japan or china so if you don't have the right info keep your mouth shut because then you make all Americans look stupid im14 and I know more than you
umm 7:33..when people say the english, they are talking about england, scotish....scotland...spanish...spain....ALL OF THESE ARE NOT CONTINENTS YOU DUMB FUCK
10:04 has hit the nail on the head. Every nationality has its share of dumb asses and dickheads, but on sites like this americans get so touchy about it and jump right in with the talk of terrorists, bombing people and saving everyone's asses that it really doesn't do them any favours.
Pizza is American Farraris are Italian beer is from everywhere chocolate originated from south america and yes CDs came from Japan so get your shit straight or we will drop a million dollar bomb on YOUR tin house with just a phone. America FTW!!!
I just love the fact this homo is bashing the US, but doesn't even have the sack to say where he's from.
And I love how this all happened with a text from Canada, LOL. . . . WTF
To 9:39: Exactly. Which is why "entertaining yet illegal things" was listed as a separate item. I was referring to recreational drug use, repairable vandalism, stealing lawn gnomes, etc. I was being generous and letting readers use their imaginations. Sorry you missed the memo.
The world is going to hell. The number of texts on here from male and female hoes and drug addicts and alcoholics seriously makes me worry about the future.
10:54 has no good reply to 10:50, and so decided to pick on one of only a few mistake. Mature, man. 10:50 is an idiot, but not just because he misspelled "then".
So in defense of America, we killed Sadam in Iraq, and Bin Laden in Afghanistan. What terrorists did your country defend the world from?? A SHOE bomber?? You don't even have a real military. Shut the fuck up while we got your lame ass back
12:15, I can tell it's been a while since you've had a good, deep fuck. One where you're in such a state of euphoria you start to cry. If you need one let me know.
urban dictionary gives 7 suggestions, only 2 having to do with poop. one of them is also referred to as "Upper Decking," and the other said this:
foul ball
When you are pooping and the length of your turd would cause you to normally have to raise up off of it, but it breaks and falls forward hitting your testicles.
Paul had to wipe his sack after the foul ball.
Do you realize how offended people in Central America get if you go there and are like, "hey, I'm American"
They see themselves as being American, too.
Good job calling 7:33 a dumb fuck. way to be mature.
10:04 Well since you're clearly a lefty liberal, I'll try to keep this simple!! "Tea Partys" are a peaceful protest of a government that the people of the US, which to the best of my knowledge is STILL protected by the Constitution. I know that Democrats believe that only they can protest, but believe it or not all Americans can gather and protest peacefully! So please, heed your own words and leave the debating to the adults, but than again this is from someone on TFLN.
Lol, I just got done reading all of this, and I'm still astounded that the Scottish chick chose to go off on Americans on one of the few texts that came from another country. It's true -- like a lot of people around the world, Americans like to drink, party, have sex, do very entertaining yet illegal things... the difference is when we do it, it's cute. And you're just jealous. :)
8:38 ive actually been there and i didnt meet anyone that was offended when i said i was "american" that is my i stated before, you refer to your country not continent...and yes i called them a dumb fuck, immature maybe, but doesnt mean i am not right. more examples? Columbia= columbians, brazil=brazilians, france=french, japan=japanese.....
Wow, I just read like half of the replies on this thread. I need to find something productive to do. This is pointless and wasting my dope high. So, let me expedite the process with this: America sucks, but so does everywhere else. Americans are dumb, but so is everyone else. So.. settled? sweet.
seriously, if you people love america so much (and i am just as american as you) then show your country some respect by not being such narrow-minded pricks. our ability to destroy people who we don't understand is not a selling point.
Yeah 12:15 is full of shit. Guys don't walk around in the US just slapping random girls asses on the street. She makes it seem like some disgusting place, making opinions based off of one or two occurances is the fallacy of dramatic instance. If you were educated at all you would know that you look at something as a whole, not based off one or two things that happened. There are a lot of good people here
944 was the only one to notice this was copied directly from urban dictionary. Weaksauce. Stop fighting and get drunk so we can have some REAL TFLN. Fuck!
it would appear that i have started a battle of "wits" here! my point is that the american youth is in a disgusting have so many things to be proud of and yet all the rest of the world sees is your moronic, STD ridden teenagers falling around at parties thinking it's fun to have sex with 20 frat boy on camera. BTW i am from scotland and am also female. when i visit america all i get is men either slapping my ass in the street or hitting on me in the lowest way. hence, my opinion is formed.
EXCUSE ME, but I am Canadian, and I would like to point out that this text came from a FRENCH CANADIAN!! Pretty sure they want to secede from Canada, so don't lump them in with the rest of us.
I'm with the "Non-American" we are gross. What country are you from??? I'm totally moving there. WHY do guys feel the need to talk about their shit. So gross.
You people realize that Canadians are Americans, too, right? "America" refers to the continent. The U.S. is in North America, as is Canada. People in Costa Rica, Brazil, Uruguay, etc., are all Americans, too. Stop being so damn self-righteous. I'm from the U.S., but I am not proud to be an American, because we're all so stuck-up and snotty.
10:50 (1) go hang yourself. Are you retarded? Please tell me what our pop culture hero of a president had done so far that is so much better than the bush administration. Health care? Nahh. You must be another one of those socialist prices of shit. Ps those of u from across the pond - do yourselves a favor and stay there.
So because it's TFLN that gives someone an excuse to be stupid? That's like fucking a whore and someone saying, "Who the fuck cares if you got herpes, you got some pussy"...
I'm not Scottish but I will admit they have given the world a few very important things, for example, the industrial revolution, and capitalism (via Adam Smith). America probably wouldn't have got too far without either of those
1:00 No not at all, but calling someone out on a basis of a typo, or because they didn't proof read their statement, is not going to prove your point. If you're going to argue then argue the statement!! When you attack someones typing it shows that you in fact have no validity in the arguement and probably are the one in need of an education.
I would love to debate the people who sit here all day and correct grammar, because I bet half of them wouldn't stand a chance in an actual debate!
Note to the world: this site does not represent the majority of Americans. I love my country except for the kind of douchebags who often post on here... don't judge us by the very vocal minority of stupid drunken frat boys. To all you douchbags: you are not doing Americans any favors by defending our honor in this manner. Do us all a favor & shut your ignorant, offensive mouths. please and thank you ;)
I love how even the Canadians don't want to be lumped with this text! LOL!
And as an American who has lived over seas, I prefer the U.S. and all the freedoms and choices we have here. Some things here do suck, some things are grossly abused, but we have the choice to have them be that way.
10:27 I'm English. Don't particularly give a crap either way, but the guy did make a good point. Unless 9:48 is how you want to be represented to the world.
4:11 when people say "Americans" they are referring to The United States of in the name of our country, not yea there are Canadians, and Americans, and Mexicans and so on....we arent talking about the fool
think they could have used this as a def for n00ps that dont know whats up or they were just faking? think they just made up foul balling casue i have never heard of that and it doesnt even make sense
urban dictionary definition for foul ball, number 5: I just foul balled at work. I took off my coat too.. I had to wash my hands and go back to get my coat. I hope the guy in the stall next to me didn't notice.
lol "Canada is in America"... way to be an ignorant prick. You like to think you own everything on this continent. Just because Canada is called "North America" we are not American nor do we ever want to be or we would just pack up and move down there. The reason we don't? America is a horrible place to live.
And yes, as previously stated, this text is from Montreal, a place Canadians also do not like to associate with. Fucking French wannabees.
9:35 - it's always been this way. sex, drug, and alcohol problems have been around since practically the beginning of the human race. it's just that now all the proof of the addictions is displayed in one place for all to see.
Just because someone accidentally touches their poo (which im sure EVERYONE has done in their life) does not make them discusting. LOL just grow up, this is a fact of life. Some people like to share their poo stories. I myself have often found myself taking pictures of large logs and texting the pics to my boyfriend... hows that for discusting?
p.s. I am canadian :) and I'm white. which is more than i can say for most americans hahaha!
If you don't care for or can't handle the occaisional text about a feces mishandle..i don't suggest you visit this website any longer. I mean there are far worse things in here than a couple poopy hands.
well i'm being wished cancer which is nothing less than i expected tbh. LOL! if the big C ever gets me 2:57AM i shall let you know so you can do your "righteous dance" on cam and post it on youtube for the world to see. and if i decide to post here again i shall sign myself scottish lass so you know where to direct your hatred. to all those with shit on your hands, i hope you find a wash basin and for all the STD posters, use a condom.
scottish lass
10:04 do you feel better now? You're helping perpetuate the negative stereotypes with that rant you just posted on a fucking website that promotes childish behavior. One that I happen to find amusing.
I'm going to go ahead and point out that most of the people who visit this site are Teens to early twenty-year olds. To anyone who is out of that age group (atleast in maturity level) I would like to say don't take anything anyone says on here to heart. They are a bunch of kids and act as such. I am American and proud to be and I've only ever been to Ireland..but they were awesome there and didn't give a shit that I was American..why does everyone care so much?
10:10: You're brilliant!
For everyone - I've traveled the world and lived in both Montreal & the US. I've pretty much found it's all the same: tolerance is much higher in most non-North American countries. I'd be more proud if I were from Copenhagen.
I love how someones message to someone not liking americans was to bomb us. and then if they would it would america would fuck them up.
12:15, little late in this text sorry, I a canadian totally agree with how yes the americans do parade around showing they have STDs and get drunk and party and do drugs, but it is not just them, it is everywhere, there are several sites where you can see all this, so don't just pin it on the americans we are all to blame in this.
WHAT THE HELL.. I'm a french canadian, and everybody from canada & USA that I know love us.. But yeah, this text is from 514 (and 514 is Montreal) and everybody know montreal is reaaaaaaally shitty..
Girls from quebec are the best anyway
12:15 My grandparents are from Scotland, but I am full blooded American. Honestly if you don't like it go back to the grass, but you are sadly mistaken with you quick assumptions!
who the fuck refers to someone from Costa Rica as 'American'? shut up. seriously. when you travel outside of the US and announce that you are american, people don't ask what country you're from. never. 'american' means 'from USA'. it's how it works. what else would we be called? united states-ians? united state-ites? fuck you.
america is here to save they day. what happened in vietnam, iraq, and afghanistan? found bin laden yet? your so stupid that you use million dollar bombs (fyi bombing another country is not the answer to everything either) to blow up a tin shack with a telephone.
everything good came from the US? what about beer? and sex and ferrari's, pizza, chocolate, dvd's?
and no, i am not as american as you. thank fuck.
so no one in scotland has an std or has sex? and guys dont go around slapping every girls ass here, you are an idiot. America has contributed was more to the world than your country ever has. I'm and american and a girl and i dont have an std and i dont sleep with 20 frat boys on camera and dont know anyone personally that does
americans are fucking gross! foul balled, herpes, and they all seem to think this stuff is the norm. and all the drunk driving. jesus people, get some fucking self respect!
Holy shit everyone needs to calm down no matter where your from. There is stupid, disgusting people in every country no matter where you go! And why does everyone care about fucking grammer on this! Its not an educational site, so i'm sick of everyone saying go get an education, who the fuck cares, except people who are trying to cut down other people any way possible.
11:01 HAHA, Do you mean mistakes?? Oh 10:54 I apologize I didn't proof read my statement on TFLN, because it means oh so much that I have proper grammar on this website.
yep, indeedee dee.
sex, drug, and alcohol problems have been around since year dot, but only the yanks could show them on TV as "entertainment". Thanks for nothing, Oprah.
10:04 you make fun of bush yet hes has had more success in his life than you could possibly ever dream does that make you feel? inadequate? or does making fun of him make you someone feel like you dont have such a small penis
If you don't like us, bomb us. Oh wait, you can't bomb us because WE WILL FUCK YOU UP. Were the best country in the world for a reason. Next time anyone needs their ass saved, just give us a call; We're number 1 on the speed dial
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