Its not a problem when youre from Fairfield, westport, greenwhich ETC and have mommy and daddy paying for everything. you can afford all the coke you want with the parents debit card...
You the chances of this being lines of coke is probably the most likely...but has no one here considered that this could be lines of molly? Now THAT would be a fun and worthwhile drug...
because doing drugs and drinking are TOTALLY "growing the fuck up". I'm just defending the dude. Seriously though 8:43, since when is that being mature? I thought being mature was getting over the shit and actually DOING something with your life.
For the record, I have only drank once in my life, and I don't plan on it again. I have NEVER, will never do any kind of drug.
I guess I can kind of excuse doing pot or something, but to do coke, you've got to be really fucking stupid.
818, how old are you that you dont know anybody who has ever tried coke?
and i wouldnt say trying coke is "fucking stupid" probably just moreso curiosity
Jesus fuck ppl, get over yourselves, it's just coke! Big deal, don't act like none of you never drink, smoke or do drugs of ANY kind. You are all a bunch of flame throwing FUCKTARDS!
Look the guy can be a cokehead if he wants. Who are you to judge that? Are you a judge? Are you Jesus (no a Mexican named that does not count) ? As long as he is a beneficial member of society what's the problem? If he has a job and pays his bills and isn't hurting anybody then why is it your buisness?
Wow I'm 24 and never realized how many young people do drugs...it's sad. Say all you want about how it's fine and what not but for every one person who is starting drugs and saying it's all good there's five others who have ruined their lives over what started as casual "fun" drug use
psh well if alcohol and weed are okay clearly cocaine is too.. I'm sorry but I can't believe people are using that logic, cocaine is so much more dangerous than alcohol+weed
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