My mother had a miscarriage while she was fretting over terminating her pregnancy, when she found out the fetus was severely deformed and probably wouldn't live past its first year. That was a gift from God.
7:34 We don't even know the OP is referring to himself or herself. I knew a girl who wanted to be a mother at 19 and wasn't ready at all. You know the type. Can't hold a job, druggie, promiscuous, no goals in life, blah blah blah. It was a relief when she miscarried, sad as it was, because that kid would've been doomed.
Pro-lifers are the selfish, irresponsible ones. They don't care about helping all the unwanted kids after birth, what permanent health problems a mother has after pregnancy, or environmental sustainability.
I'm sorry, sir, you have tunnel vision.
as long as we're all sharing stories let me share mine. i used condoms with a long term boyfriend. somehow i still became pregnant. before my scheduled procedure i had an evening of bad cramps and passed most of whatever had formed. i was relieved. relief is a legitimate emotion.
You don't even know if this was sent in by a female.
I'm so glad to see rational people speaking out instead of calling the OP a whore. If I had a miscarriage before I had an abortion, I might be flippant too. It's not your life, so it's not your business.
wow.. go to hell, seriously.
and i highly doubt the sender sent this text as an honest praise due to deformities of the baby. seems more like an irresponsible skank/dick who cares more about getting ass than the life of a child. and anyone who finds humor in this text is sick in the head.
I don't regret my abortion. I have a child now I was able to raise by choice. My health is not your business. I don't tell you how to live your life. There's a reason the majority of people are pro-CHOICE.
Wow, your god took their baby because of free will! That's amazing you believe such contradiction.
You also seem to think only people who don't use protection get pregnant.
My partner's miscarriage was a gift from the Lord. We got ahead of ourselves and tried for a family when we didn't have adequate means of support but an abundance of love. When the pregnancy held a few years later, we both were sadly appreciative that losing our first child meant we gained the maturity to raise the next.
i think it was someone talking about some idiot who should never have gotten pregnant in the first place miscarrying. totally thought that about a young couple i'd see smoking pot and drinking while the chick was pregnant.
oh please keep the abortion debate off another text. there's a reason our country, and most countries, are pro-choice: because i do what's right for me, you do what's right for you, end of story.
Yeah so my parents had multiple miscarriges before me. Like, a lot. They couldn't get pregnant. But then I showed up. So yeah I don't think miscarriges are funny at all...
my sister miscarried before she even started to show. it was an unplanned pregnancy, caught her and her bf by surprise. she wasn't excited about it and she was sad but i don't think she minded when she lost it. i was probably more upset.
but i wasn't in her shoes. i don't know. this text has too much sass in it i think for someone who recently had a miscarriage. i think we've all missed the point.
8:17 thank you for sharing that.
While it is horrible to lose a child in that way, obviously the op wasnt ready to have a child, and i am glad that a child isnt going to be brought up by people (or a person) who is not ready to take on the responsibility.
Fuck you u sick Bitch!!! What is your fuckin problem?? a life is a gift! Im sorry your mongaloid ass is confused on how many boys your skank ass fucked, but do not ever blame your "gift" on the lord! You should praise him for not giving a baby to a bitch like you!! Burn in HELL
Actually 2:04, when someone submits a text to a website based on hilarious drunken texts they send it on the basis of being funny. Unless u for some reason personally know all the people out there who agree with this text U have no idea whether or not they think it's funny. And no when I say sanity I mean sanity,
not everyone wants kids, which is a very responsible thing. is this text in bad taste? maybe. we don't know who sent it. could've been a best friend's lighthearted take on the situation.
This sounds like a text I would've sent when I had a miscarriage in an abusive relationship.
I didn't want the baby and I was so scared. I would've been flooded with guilt and relief.
Fuck god. Fuck you for judging a person for something like this. It's not your fucking life. You fucks can send teenage men and women into war to get their heads blown off, but a miscarriage or an abortion is the worst thing that could ver happen. Fuuuuuuuuuck yooooooooouuuuuuu.
i have no idea why people who have not had a miscarriage feel like they know what its like. and think they can judge wether it was a baby or just "dna" i had a miscarriage three weeks ago didnt know i was pregnant and was very upset. This person should not have said miscarriages in general its pretty fucked up.
"We said a prayer for each other that our lives and plans will live up to God's plan, as He has bestowed upon this person. Praise Jesus!"
The world has enough babies.
Abortion is responsible.
Adoption is responsible.
In vitro is selfish.
Miscarriage could be luck or tragedy depending on the parents.
If it's not your baby, it's not your business.
I had an abortion last year. It was the most horrible thing I've done. It was such a mess when you do it at home with a wire hanger. Never doing that again.
To all of you for prochoice... Even the lady who wanted an abortion in roe vs Wade
is now that should make you think a little bit... Fuck prochoice you're killing a future child
Hey 11:05, did you read the fucking post? You missed the point entirely! You dumb ass! So YOU need to back the fuck up and I am serving you a nice hot piping cup of shut the fuck up!
for those of you saying "it wasnt a baby" and it "wasnt anything"..
the heart starts beating during the THIRD week of pregnancy. last time i checked, inanimate objects do not have heartbeats.
9:09, and there are MILLIONS of kids who are never adopted. And millions of wannabe parents who would rather spend thousands of dollars on in vitro fertilization instead of adoption. Why don't you gain a little perspective?
i would be relieved if i were in that situation, lot's of people aren't ready for kids. however, i wouldnt send it in a text like that, kind of ridiculous.
the gift from god is that a sick person like you didnt have a beautiful wonderful child cause if you think a miscarriage is a "gift" you dont deserve a child. sick selfish asshole.
That's because abortions should be celebrated, 9:40. I wish more people didn't bring unnecessary life into the world and let these sentimental, uneducated fools make them feel guilty for being responsible.
You people ate fucking disgusting. "It's not a celebration, it's a burst of releif"?!?! Are you fucking serious?? I hope non of you horrible people ever have the chance to bring life into this world.
"at least its not an abortion"?
what the hell? its still a BABY dieing, who cares how it happened? its horrible either way and shouldnt be joked about/celebrated.
who are you people to cast stones when you're on TFLN? seriously? because this is an appropriate place? go take your rage to church.
and what if it is a gift from god? dude, even giving a baby up for adoption means being steeped in med bills. fuck it, it's a gift, let it go.
You care so much about an insentient cluster of cells that has no DNA of yours that you thumbed down the scared abused mom. Self-righteousness is a mental disease.
Op believes in God. I'm totally thinking she secretly wanted an abortion but wouldn't get one. And in her crazy, desperate relief, she sends this text. It's not, HOORAY FOR DEAD BABIES! but a crisis averted.
my, how quick everyone is to judge. i'm curious if the counting troll does this deliberately now to break up potential tfln debates - this also popped up in the text about jesus and zeus when christians were throwing tantrums.
10:46, I'm sorry about what you've gone through, but I think you need better priorities at your age. What about your education? How are you going to support your future children?
9:14, when your condom breaks or your oral contraceptives fail, karma is a bitch. You have no way of knowing that the OP is a girl or had unprotected sex.
9:03, the child may have been unwanted by its parents, but there are hundreds of families who would have LOVED to have this child. and just because miscarriages happen all the time does not make them any less significant. for example, people find out they have life cancer every single day. does this mean that it doesnt matter and we shouldnt care about them/their illness because "it happens all the time"?
if you want to give up all rights to your own body, feel free to move from the United States to one of many fascist dictatorships or fundamentalist theocracies around the world.
This is not an argument based on religion. For all of you who say it's the "Christians" who are needlessly upset and don't have a sense of humor, it's not a matter of religion. It's about the death of a baby. Fucked up.
9:23 you're totally right. I don't see this being written by someone who had the miscarriage at all, even if it was a relief. It was the deadbeat father. Joking to his friends how he avoided responsibility.
Gee, all you people whining about potential adoptive parents obviously aren't speaking personally as an adoptive parent. You'll probably want your own flesh and blood. So it's really not something that should be your concern.
so many sentimental pieces of shit here.
oh, poor little baby!
fuck that. you're not supposed to tell people you're pregnant until the fourth month anyway because so many things could go wrong before then. this happened early before the baby was anything.
Praise Jesus in the same line as "fucking whore" did you miss a few lessons at church like he who is without sin throw the first stone"? Maybe u should check which of the two of you will be going to he'll.
haha, it's funny how everyone is like "it's a gift, it's a gift! blah blah blah."
it's only a gift IF you want it. otherwise, it's nothing but a burden.
and besides, the text itself is ironic, so it's funny.
it doesn't matter if you're pro life or choice, it's a miscarriage, so everyone should be for it; it's like being pro-mature.
Did anyone else read what Penelope Trunk posted on Twitter last week? I'm not one to call "fake!" but it makes me suspicious.
Miscarriages are painful. You're not going to be texting with a sense of humor. This had to be about something in the past or someone else's miscarriage.
As somebody who suffered through a stillborn, and then a miscarriage, I see this as a horrible text. It doesn't matter if you aren't ready for a child or not, they are a wonderful gift. And if you still feel you aren't ready when you have the child, you can give your child to a family who will love, and cherish them forever. Just wait until your due date arrives. I doubt you will feel the same.
I just got back from a Bible group, and I shared this thought with my Brothers and Sisters. We said a prayer for each other that our lives and plans will live up to God's plan, as He has bestowed upon this person. Praise Jesus!
Hey asshole, your girlfriend lost her fetus, she's bleeding and in pain. Maybe stop celebrating with your friends how you don't have to pay child support now?
And fuck you TFLN readers, this wasn't sent in or written by the girl who had the miscarriage.
While you people were arguing about someone you don't know on this message board late into the night, I went out to a party and had fun. Just throwing that out there...
Actually thinking about current events, and the recent hoopla over the woman who tweeted about her miscarriage for attention, has anyone considered that this submission might be FAKE?
i just lost my baby and i think anyone that is happy about a miscarriage is sick. its a very sad and depressing thing no matter the situation. but the baby is in heaven so thats all that matters. i am 19 and cant wait to be a mother
For all the people that think this is soooo horrible why the fuck are you reading it?? Stop being whiny bitches and go to some other website if you don't want to be offended.
there are plenty of people who don't regret their abortions. a smaller percentage don't regret their miscarriages. my mom confessed that she had a miscarriage before me (i'm an only child) and was almost grateful because she wasn't ready.
to each their own, i guess.
Wow! Everyone is twisting this whole thing. A miscarriage doesn't make someone a slut. Not one of you know what the situation could be. The only sluts are the idiots assuming shit because someone is happy about a miscarriage.
1:37 pm A-FUCKING-MEN!! All of you arguing about this are fucking retarded but its funny as hell reading all the shit yall wrote and for the record i laughed when i read the text and Ive had a miscarriage that i didn't want to happen but you know what IT WAS A FUCKING JOKE LIGHTEN THE FUCK UP.
And P.S. I'm not the poster you're responding to, but I know what she's talking about. Pregnancy c o m p l i c a t i o n s. I have a heart condition from giving birth. It is cruel to force another person's body through such drastic, and often permanent, changes. Please take your rant elsewhere.
That is horrible. Think of all the women who are trying to start a family and find out they can't. And you're over here praising god for your lack of knowledge in birth control and safe sex. Karma is a bitch.
Regardless of the situation here (deformed baby or not, HIGHLY UNLIKELY) the person is clearly not upset about it, they made a joke out of it and they put it on a website that is meant to be funny. Things like this should not even be allowed to be posted. Sick fucks. I hope you never have the privledge of having of having a child. GET YOUR FUCKING TUBES TIED BITCH!
1) you don't know how far along the pregnancy was.
2) you don't know if the OP is male or female
3) at least it's not an abortion.
This is really fucked up. Get on birth control and use fucking condoms and you won't have this problem dumbshit. This sickens me. How many women and familes WANT children out there that will NEVER have them. Grow up.
First, yelling at somebody from a righteous point of view and then telling them to burn in hell really undermines how good of a person you are. Second, although this is not a very funny thing to say, at least they tried to go through with the pregnancy and didn't resort to abortion. Not everyone is ready to raise a child and saying "then they shoudnt be having sex" is unreasonable. H
maybe all the news about miscarriages and abortions is due to the US' stupid plan of teaching abstinence only education in schools for the past x number of years?
opinions are opinions, i mean, not everyone appreciates the "miracle" of life, but instead appreciates the miracle of not fucking up the rest of theirs with a kid they didn't want in the first place.
you don't like it? click bad night and move on. stop blathering on about "god" and "burn in hell"
Omg miscarriages happen all the time to women, ladies stop the pity party. I always think it's a gift from god when unwanted children aren't brought in the world.
Who's to say the miscarriage was from being rapped or fuck by a guy she now realizes she doesn't want to be chained to, who can abuse her. A friend of mine went for an abortion to finally break off the fucked up relationship with him for good; Bc she was scared to be stuck with him.
So whoever wrote this is incredibly insensitive but so is the person who decided to post it. It was obviously some private joke and we are all seeing it out of context. Also- abortion is not responsible. Safe sex is. My view is somewhat down the middle. I wouldn't want someone telling me what choices to make, but using it as a form of birth control and the way some doctors perform them are the issues. It is a difficult choice no matter how you put it.
8:02, how do you know it's not a mixture of upset and relief? I was upset when my bf broke up with me and relieved that I didn't have to worry about a boyfriend during college, to use a superficial example.
It's called mixed feelings. Get over yourself.
I really love that no one takes issue with the rampant drug use or promiscuity this site promotes, but you all freak the fuck out over a natural occurance. Cute.
Almost a century ago a German couple wanted a baby. They tried for years and the pregnancies kept ending in miscarriage. Finally they had a Son.
They named him Adolf.
Fuck G O D. I'm not religious and don't believe any religion. It is stories of ancient time when it was documented that alcohol and mushrooms were widely used. All you ppl who do believe might as well believe a drugged up homeless guy.
sad truth is, there's nothing special about babies. i could fuck a homeless guy without a condom, and that wouldn't make whatever was conceived special. if SO MANY people here had miscarriages, that makes the whole thing even further routine and unworthy of such anger and hostility.
If it was your girl getting pregnant and you didn't want it you people wouldn't be saying that. You would agree with this text. So next time when your bitch gets knocked up and you don't want think miscarriage!
All of you need to shut the hell up. It was miscarried, so there was no way around it.
Stop talking about adoption, you can't put a dead baby up for adoption.
my mom was 6 months into the pregnancy..i think that is slightly more than a cluster of cells..also im not being self righteous at all i dont think im better than anyone..i just think thats something that people shouldnt joke about for the same reason you are defending the dont know everyones situation and you don't know who can be hurt by it..thats all
Okay, fuck the miscarriage being a gift from god. NOT GETTING PREGNANT in the first place would be a gift from god. OP's a stone cold bitch. Whether it's the actual girl who had the miscarriage or not.
Just cause she had a miscarriage doesn't make her a whore. It wasn't meant to be that's all. I know I'm talking from experience. I would have been a mother at 18. Instead i'm in my mid 20s with a career and a college degree. It was a second chance. So all you asshole need to back the fuck up. No body plans miscarriages. Fucking idiots.
i'd bet the poster's not actually saying they had a miscarriage. i'm sure this just a snippet of some conversation. somebody probably said gift from god in a sentence and this was the reply. i doubt very seriously anyone had a miscarriage in this situation. whatever, made me laugh.
number one the person wouldnt have put it on here if they didnt think it was funny. people need to realize everything they do is reality. imaturity, selfishness and fucking dumbasses are not worth anything. it doesnt matter wht reasons you make for urself of why ur own baby shouldnt live. everyone deserves a chance. not EVERYTHING happens for a reason. some people just fuck up their lives and others like nothing.
baby killer. You know your a whore when your happy about a miscarriage.. you will go to hell. how the hell can you be happy about a miscarriage? maybe it is a gift from God that you will NEVER be a good parent, you don't deserve to have a kid. it's people like you that make me SICK. Kids are suppose to be a blessing, not a burden. you killed someone, intentionally or not, your a murder. KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED you WHORE. or use protection? PRAISE JESUS.
The context doesn't matter. I have a toilet sense of humor, but even I think that this is fucked. This person deserves to be tortured. And not wussy waterboarding torture.
Apparently whoever the hell posted this wanted it to be our business or else it wouldn't be on here. The gift of life is not something to fuck around with.
8:07 - Are you fucking serious? Do you realize how moronic you looked there? You just threatened me and my family AND THEN TOLD ME NOT TO THREATEN PEOPLE! (Which, consequently, I didn't do. I said they DESERVE it, not that I would do it.) Are you really that retarded? The point that everybody has is that if this person was truly happy about a miscarriage THEY SHOULD KEEP IT TO THEMSELVES.
We don't know that the OP is female.
We don't know that the OP was the one who wrote the text.
We don't know if the OP was even involved in the miscarriage being discussed.
And we don't know if this text is real. I agree, I think this sounds too much like the Twitter miscarriage thing.
"We said a prayer for each other that our lives and plans will live up to God's plan, as He has bestowed upon this person. Praise Jesus!"
What you don't realize is that God sent this unborn filth to the Abyss as part of his Divine Will. Praise the Lord!
if your parents had that many problem pregnancies 8:32 then you probably have a lot of problems. a miscarriage isn't out of the ordinary. but after "a lot" your parents should have adopted.
regardless of how you feel about this the fact that someone posted this with the point of making people laugh in mind is what is fucked up. I don't need to "grow up" because I don't see the humor in a miscarriage.
Why is everyone so pissed off at the op? What if she's not financially responsible or sone other shit, a baby isn't a baby until it's born so who cares
I'm seeing an increasing number of these text and they make me sick\nI had 2 miscarriages and was completely devastated now I can't have children. \nYou would think the mods would post FUNNY texts not disgusting texts. \nSeriously considering calling it quits on this site all together.
10:35, well there is a little bit of a difference between eating an animal and an innocent baby dieing.
and ps. i had noodles, corn, and mashed potatoes for dinner tonight, thanks for asking!
My mom had two miscarriages when she was trying for a baby she was depressed for months...i dont give a shit if you get an abortion or w/e but don't joke about miscarriages..its fucked up no matter what..i hope i never have to see my mom in that state again...
That's awful! I mean I'm prochoice but still a miscarriage is a depressing thing. Try telling my wife who's lost two kids that you're excited for your miscarriage
The problem is that a lot people who do have miscarriages are really, really distraught by it and then this person goes and laughs at it. It may be their own (his or hers) but it still brings up a very sensitive issue. Christian or not.
GUESS WHAT FUCKERS... you can't control a miscarriage. If you were going to abort anyway, this natural occurance saved you a few hundred dollars. If this was the father texting, it saved him child support. If you didn't want to have the kid in whatever circumstance, you're not going to be SENTIMENTAL about it being expelled from your body. And you could joke like this and still be sad.
I just love how intelligent and open minded the bleeding heart pro-lifers are. It is obvious from their posts that they are well informed, educated, and not at all terrified of what fits into the little box they keep their ideals in, therefore attacking the moral integrity of OP rather than doing something ludicrous and considering OP's situation, minding their own business and getting on with their abortion clinic bombing lives.
Everyone can be judgmental.
Iowa represent.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then why evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
the reason this text is disturbing is not 100% the topic and whether or not he/she was relieved by the miscarriage, its more of how blase the OP is about something that, even when you don't want the child, is usually something that you don't trivialize by texting it. whether you believe in god or not, the ability to produce life is still a miracle.
stop having fucking philosophical conversation on here... this is a humor website, not some christian or atheist pro choice or life forum...
if you think what is written on this website is funny, laugh
if you think it's sick/distasteful/not funny, keep it to yourself, no one really gives a flying shit what you care about... it's all anonymous anyways
8:05------ I'll torture you infront front of your family. Then I'll fuck your dead body. After which I'll move onto your parents while your little siblings (if any) and watch in horror!!!!! Don't threat others cause there are some sick fucks out there. I should know.
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