I ride home in a shopping cart. Don't at like you aren't jealous.
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i love giving little boys anal -Crispy
Well, if the OP has both a car and shopping cart for transportation, this is a win.
12:45, I find it odd you used "making love" describing sex over a shopping cart.
1:12 - Fail for spelling Porsche wrong.
OOH Crispy--it's purple? Dude I'm with you. lol juju
Weed makes people do silly things gotta love it
only bcuz you don't do it. there are plenty of smokers out there who get me. :) Stop getting your panties in a wad. No need to be so serious.
I made love to a girl over a shopping cart. I win.
You're jealous of my purple shopping cart -Crispy
I'll fuck anything 330-235-2050
i wonder if this was from my university... i saw someone being pushed home in a shopping cart last weekend. they were being chased by the cops.
anyway I'm married and have boobs and all--i think he's 12.
shopping cart or a REAL CAR. hmmm. whcich ones wins. yet another idiot. He must be like 5 to get excited over riding in a cart. juju
12:59 It doesn't have to be in a bed with some soft background music, rose petals on the bed or a few lit candles strewn around the room to be classed as 'making love' my friend.
crispy & juju are the same people. the same LAME person.
bcuz he needs more weed in his life--he's wound too tightly. He really needs to relax some.
1:49 --yeah and his "home" he's riding to is the cardboard box with the newspaper flooring around the corner.
A gentlemen delivers his lady back to her sorority house in a shopping cart. It's simple Greek etiquette.
i have rode home in a grocery cart on several occasions :) so much fun!
5:14 why you screaming?
YEAH, bc ur super lame juju. im thinking of you drinking bleach. make that happen.
NOPE Crispy isn't me. thanks for the attention tho. At least you're thinkin of me. juju
another proof that southwestern Missouri school systems suck worse than you do...
Why would anyone be keloid of that? BJ
smoking is lame also. figures you would say that. LAME. LAME LAME LAME!
nah bleach ain't my thing--I'll smoke a blunt with ya tho.
I ride home in a porche :)
i made my friends push me home from the store in the cart the other day
Seen it done it would totally do it
WAIT....so if you're riding home in it..who the hell is pushing you?
thats fucking sick. learn how to have a good time, fuckers.
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