There's a girl in here wearing a kaballah bracelet and a miley Cyrus tshirt. consider her judged.
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My area code. Too much XD
Yea seriously shell turn out better than Lohan ds with her dad helpin her out right?
Miley Cyrus is a fucking whore without any talent at ALL. All who agree please say so.
Miley Cyrus is fucking ugly.
is it bad that I'm tempted to sayyy FIIIIIRRRRRSSSSTTTTTT! jk. tfln needs to step it back up though. these suck.
If her name is Madonna, punch her in the back of the head.
If you think miley cyrus is attractive, you are a goddamned retard.
she's already a babe. screw her dad i'll help her out
the texts are lame today.
This just proves that negative stereotypes are false. Jews are known to be very intellectual. Anyone that buys Miley Cyrus apparel has to have some form of retardation.
Hey now miley Cyrus will be a serious babe when she's of age
All my money that her red bracelet wasn't actually for Kabalah, but she's a wannarexic and its for "ana". Those girls are fucking ridiculous.
haha I liked this one
The red bracelet is probably not for kabbalah, she's probs just anorectic
the red bracelets have nothing to do with Kabalah. mondonna and her stupidty some how managed to make the red string the symbol of kabalah.
she must be like 12 if shes wearing a miley tshirt.
2:39 =. Your face is lame today.
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