All she gave me for breakfast was raw toast. How can she expect me to eat raw toast?
You mean bread?
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best post on this site yet.
Boy, IQ's in this country have dropped considerably...raw toast indeed!
Hahaha I've had someone tell me they wanted cooked bread before lol and yea sane area code
Straight up fucking awesome. loFl..
It scares me that people this stupid even exist.
She's probably a man..
Europeans call sliced bread 'toast'...
Can we also say raw potatoes if they don't give us French fries?
I'm going to miss Atlanta.
So using this line!!!
Atlanta! We're too good for bread
A Series of Unfortunate Events, duh,
Last two posters have never been laid.
thats just like an uncooked baked potato. haha gotta love johnny knoxville
do you mean plain toast? like, without jam?
This one is so fucking funny. It is absolutely ridiculous.
Heh. This is the best one I've seen in a while.
Nope, he got slices of bread.
do c o m m e n t s get deleted on here?
Haha hilarious!
everyone should be ashamed to be from Atlanta. The only people proud to be from Atlanta are the ones that came from Austin TX
2;10 kinda just made my day too... Hahah
Hahhaha roflmao. Hilarious!! Simply hilarious!! I choked on my raw toast while readin it lol.
Hahahahahahahahaha. Raw toast. Excellent.
had to spell it like that or it wouldn't let me post it
Holy crap, this my effing favorite
this is funny as shit.
Lmao i can actually believe that this is real
Haha that's so funny! And something I would say. :)
This is freaking hilarious.
Apparently this guy is both a slut and a dumbass.
i think he meant just buttered bread, not toasted.
I love this text so much. I want to fuck it.
You stay classy, Atlanta.
Does Atlanta even have bread?
You're my hero hahahahahahhaha
yeah I think the person got plain toast and mistakenly called it raw toast
Hilarious. And I'm going to start calling bread "raw toast" just for fun.
This is so fucking funny. Best tfln
Okay this is hilarious
Do you eat raw potatoes?
Jajaja lmfao jaja Never thought of it that way!! Great
ahahaha! sounds like ma man..
Actually, the "Atlantan" who sent me the message is a Jersey transplant. No one is actually from Atlanta anymore.
I spent a few moments trying to convince my friends that raw toast was real... happened sorta like this. kind of ashamed to be from Atlanta b/c of this haha
I lol'd
bitch better cook breakfast if she dont wanna get cBROWNED.
I swear I've had this conversation before. I even have the same area code. Hmmm...
Ha just got that!! She did not put butter or anything
sounds like she needs a shot of cum straight up to for her breakfast
You're a douche for expecting breakfast.
Last three posters have never been laid. -G
2:01 u just called yourself retarded
Tell her to shove that raw toast up her loose vagina and fucking make something edible. Then add in a cunt somewhere
Haha, gotta love hotlanta. But raw toast is pretty gross...
haha. alot of people eat "raw toast" so..guess theyre going to have to get over it.
do we not believe in educations ?
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