its not like peeing is like using a firehose. if you let it go it doesn't flop around spraying everywhere. its more like flying a plane. you just have to control it during takeoff and landing which leaves plenty of time for texting mid-flight.
I think you mean "Reason #3 women are better than men who are missing a hand". And even then, you're only right if the guy didn't lose it wrestling a bear, fending off zombies, or swordfighting, because then he automatically wins for being awesome.
In conclusion - you're a fucktard. We don't need two hands to piss.
Weak, I do that all the time. That only leaves 2 other reasons: we men envy the fact that we don't have breasts to play with on our own, and the fact that you can't get kicked in the nads
hah, texter is dumb.
i'm a chick and i've written my name in the snow with my piss before. i can also get it in the urinal standing up. everyone has a party trick :)
Yeah, I'm a guy and I can pee standing up while texting. I can text in one hand and change the song on my ipod with my other hand while intricately peeing an anarchy symbol in the snow. Do that lady
Reason #394734927 that I'm better than all of you: I can piss while texting, driving drunk, fucking a girl bent over the dashboard, running over every last one of you fuckers, and not spill my beer.
She's right, I can't txt while peeing, only because I need both hands to hold it.
But does that mean she's better than me? Or that I'd tear a hole in her ass?
Everything on this site turns into a stupid fucking argument between a bunch of people who dont even know each other. Why the hell would you base gender superiority on what you can do while taking a piss. It's not that damn serious. Get over it people.
I think i'd rather be able to piss on a tree easily than be able to text while pissing... it takes what? a minute at most to piss? we don't need tp either i think i much prefer the male pissing situation
Babe we can text message, pee and shake it with no hands. Sorry to spoil it for you... But you can relish in the fact that you can bleed way more than us and not die plus you ladies can through some mean BF's
dudes can piss while texting AND dont drop their phone in the toilet, i hear weekly stories of some chick droppin their phone in the toilet. So, who wins?
oh my god. how dare someone suggest that women might, for a minute, be better than men?! blasphemy.
seriously, get over it. its not that big of a deal.
I am also a girl and I also think the OP is a fuck nugget and is one of the bitches that helps make females all over the world look like fucking idiots. Helping chauvinist men continue to believe that other than the fact that we have tits and vaginas there really is no other reason to keep any of us around. WAY TO GO OP. DUMBASS. Keep your mouth/fingers shut next time.
Actually guys with any hang to their dick can piss without hands AND we don't have to stop texting to wipe, guys win this one too. Reason #1 is girls have a clit, #2 is girls have boobs. The reasons stop there...
I find it funny how the more I read this shit the worse it gets!! IT'S ALL FUCKING FAKE! And it sucks cause it's actually a funny site! But now it's all men against women and ppl are running it in the ground REAL FAST!
didn't say my sister was raped. just saying that sex isn't always sex in the military. and because tfln is anonymous i can say confidently that she doesn't have an interest in anyone's "tank gunner" if you catch my drift.
358... A double negitive is "I ain't going nowhere"
Calling you an overweight fat ass is not a double negitive... It's the truth, and it must have hurt.
2:46 is a moron. Women have higher IQs on average, test better than men during the duration of their schooling while earning much better grades, and attend college in higher numbers.
There are plenty of reasons women are better than men, and this is not only inaccurate but retarded. The ability to multitask depends on the individual, not the gender, and it's universal enough.
is it really necessary to repeat something someone else already stated like 40 times? i think we all get the point now that men can text while peeing too
5:38, I don't know any feminist as stupid as the OP. And I think you're unfamiliar with the true meaning of feminism, which is not "women are better than men."
Women are better than men? Oh sure...until they need their oil changed, car towed, houses built, jars opened, electrical wiring done, plumbing...yeah, FAAARR fuckin superior, right?
even though the poster's point was invalid, "write THAT in the fucking snow" made me laugh... now im trying to think of the perfect situation to use that line
4:44, you only make more money out of discrimination and double standards. not because you're a better worker. where's the pride in that? smartest retard in special ed, anyone?
I take massive dumps while getting blown, talking on my bluetooth headset, playing pokerstars, watching tv, listen to music all the while texting the OPs mom.
Haha. That's funny. And you guys. need to chill bc she didn't mean it like girls are better yea u can piss and txt too but u have a better chance of dropping ur phone in the toilet and stuff
soooooo false, im a dude, and i can write guys rule bitches drool in the snow with my piss while im texting the same thing to someone on my phone. good try though
I was getting all riled up ready to dispute this when I remembered that I've dropped a phone in the toilet doing that before. I still do it all the time, though.
reasons why women are better than men 1. boobs 2. pussy reasons why you are retarded, your 3rd best reason is something that literally anybody that has 2 functioning hands attached to 2 functioning arms can do.
I have two hands free while I am peeing...
Guys don't have to hold it with a hand...
Besides I have to give something for women to clean up off the walls. Right?
(they clean it for me anyway )
this is true... but only for people who have such gigantic members such as myself that we must hold it with two hands to keep it from causing serious injury... i imagine other, lesser men could text while peeing, though..
Yes well for those of us who r lazy men, like myself, sitting to pee frees up both hands. So, I'm peeing and smoking a cig while txting rite now. Top that missy!
ok this is 1215 back again and i was thinking... i could wright my name in the snow and txt you at the same time to tell you how fucking stupid you are for this txt... so again FUCK you cunt.
4:55 doesn't have a point because it's an inflation he never personally earned. like if i'm bragging about my height, which is something i might be able to influence but cannot really control.
Any chance you'll be arguing parthenogenesis, 2:35? Not that 1:06 makes much of a point, seeing as how he's not the one putting his health in jeopardy for the sake of a fetal parasite.
Oh, and 12:06, I change my own oil and open my own jars. I'd be curious if you act as your own electrician (changing a lightbulb doesn't count) or call someone else to do it for you. Those examples certainly don't count.
look at all these dumb guys. "hey i can piss standing and that's even better." everyone here is a moron. is all you can brag about is how you pee you don't have anything to brag about, durr.
What's so hard about peeing while texting? You bitches have to do it while sitting down, I dare you to try to text and aim at the same time. I sure as hell can do it.
Calling someone an overweight fat ass is more like a semantic neoplasm, which is also one in itself.
Seems like you still need to up your game, 4am. You're just not cut out for an intelligent debate.
4:52 (assuming you're a woman) i make more money because that's the way it is. it's not my fault, i don't make the rules. sorry babe. lifes tough. it's good to see that you care though, that's cute :)
Women who seek equality to men lack ambition. I hate this idea that women are only worth something if they're the same as men. I wish we didn't observe a binary in gender. It's all about INDIVIDUALS.
3:56... You said an overweight fat ass... That's a double negative you fucking retard. Go to school, get some class, and stop parking next to the elementary school while they're at recess you sick fuck
4:03, I think we've adequately established that both sexes are capable of texting and peeing. But if you want to debate male chauvinism, we'd love to have your two cents. You're just a tad late in the former.
Your reason for being superior is just as dumb as the texter's, 12:27. Think about that the next time your superiority is kicked up into your body and needs surgical removal.
The whole pee situation is probably the only reason I'd want to be male, since I do a lot of hiking and camping, and it would be convenient. Otherwise I'm glad to be a woman. I feel like we have more options in life, whereas men are still tied up in social expectation.
men have two hands, and most men can pee just fine without holding onto their dick the whole time. In fact we're more efficient at texting than chicks because we don't have to wipe out vaginas after...Also dudes don't constantly drop their phones in the toilet. Take that and stuff it up your cooch
Women are better than men? Oh sure...until they need their oil changed, car towed, houses built, jars opened, electrical wiring done, plumbing...yeah, FAAARR fuckin superior, right?
Even if men couldn't do that (which we can), this would be your third reason that women are better than men. We have what, 300 reasons to the contrary now? But yes, this is quite clever. :D
you are a fucking idiot. i am a guy and i will piss and text while standing up if i want to, but i don't because i can avoid the phone for 3 fucking seconds since i don't need to constantly bitch to my friends about the opposite sex because i can't get laid.
It's not a firehose. You have a whole hand free to text. I could write my name in the snow, text, and recite the Gettysburg address at the same time, if I wanted to. Beat that!
Remember, 3:56, that nobody is asking you to be behind a man, either. Stand next to him. Or without him. Whatever connotation of independence fits into the adage.
This is not even a "tfln" it's almost like some stupid bitch posted it for no reason at all! I mean honestly I'm a woman and I would never even THINK that because u guys are right u hold ur dick with one hand and text with the other! Stupid ass lol
The responses to this text are a perfect example why men are not better than women. Stop crying over cell phones and urine, it doesn't matter, and plenty of other guys have said as much well before you came along here. Jesus fucking Christ.
Women are better than men? Oh sure...until they need their oil changed, car towed, houses built, jars opened, electrical wiring done, plumbing...yeah, FAAARR fuckin superior, right?
I can pee and text at the same time because I have women hold my cock and aim it while I'm pissing. Honestly you'd be amazed at how many women LOVE to hold it while I take a leak. It was one of my ex's favorite things. So go write that in the snow with my cock you stupid sexist fuck OP -DW
I'm a doctor who happens to be a male, and I can pee on my phone to have it text a message, while eating cake, drinking whiskey, and smoking a cigar, all simultaneously.
True): I always try to sit and text but for some reason I always get hard and I know if I don't drop my iPod amd take hold quick something bad will happen :D
hahahaha 3:50. i like that. i text while i piss all the time you silly twat and fuck snow i write my name on wood fences in cursive. stupid fucking bitch.
Bitch is retarded. We can hold our cocks with one hand, text, and we are standing up. That is much more impressive than sitting down to text. Cant believe TFLN posts shit like this yet I know of some funny ass texts my friends and I have put in here and have been denied. Fuckers.
Us sperm donera with attitudes happen to be more athletic and smarter than average females
The school system proves it... The military proves it and once a month every one of you prove it
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