In my neighboorhood their drink of choice is budweiser. Then they get into fights with each other. One brother has a glass eye because his brother fucked his original eye up royally. At least they've proved entertaining in their antics. Lol
Unless you've lived in a third world country and know what it's like, stfu about people who wanted their kids to grow up in a safe neighborhood and to be able to feed them
Stupid stupid ignorant people. Anyone who HATES anyone who where they are from or their race a) has to much time on their hands b) just ignorant and is everything that is wrong with people. Oh and Mexicans have many many other options for beer Coronas? That's like the Taco bell of beer.
Living in the bay area you see an abundance of mexicans... even if this person didn't put Mexican, I wouldve assumed.
What I dislike is that they don't bother to learn English and send theirchildren to school barely speaking English. On top of that they relish in their young daughters getting preggers.
But if we didn't have the illegals picking the fruit and doing jobs us 'fat' Americans don't want to do, our economy would suffer further.
I think people need to get over their self ritious selfs and suck it up and deal with it like adults. It's just a joke so laugh like normal people and don't get you're panties in a bunch every time you don't absolutly agree on what someone says because that's just fuckin life
Reading all these over-the-top racist remarks, wow. I have many close mexican and white friends; all are equally intelligent and hardworking. C'mon people.
what the fuck is wrong with you ppl. You all sound like such stupid pieces of shit talking about sending them back to their country. I have had plenty of bad experiences with mexicans but im not hating on the race as a whole. I wish i knew who some of you ppl were id beat your stupid asses
Dude 6:39 those spicks will cut u son, and they won't get charges cuz they clean up very well. And 6:54 don't make fun of red necks, they invented NASCAR!!!
This sounds like downtown L.A. lol. Man I love it. But serious all u racist ppl are fucking idiots. News flash just because there are Latinos does not make them Mexican. Call a someone from Spain that see how it works out for u. In closing California is the beststae true story
racist people are gross. i am not even hispanic but i think its rude as shit when people talk shit about others just cause they arent exactly like them.
So much hate around the world no wonder no one is a peace these days.... Racism isn't cool and it never will be I bet All the minorities have jokes about white people.,. Fucking idiots think the color of ones skin determines how smart someone is... Pathetic
To those of you rednecks telling the Mexicans to go back to their own country: Tell you what, they'll go back to their own country when you start showering, brushing your teeth, can go a day without being drunk, can listen to something other than country, drive a car instead of a truck, quit singing "Honky Tonk Badonka Donk", shall I go on? How's that for stereotypes? And to those of you hating on the rednecks, and calling people racist, go hug a tree, smoke some pot, it'll be all goo
can 1 up that one..i once saw a guy and his wife pushing a stroller up a hill with a 1/2 barrel in it while the mom held the 2 kids..oh and it was raining
My problem w Mexico? They whine ncry like little babies if we talk about closing our southern border, like they have the right to cross illegally, but they patrol THEIR southern border and they're BRUTAL about it. (Don't just take it from me, go look it up on Human Rights Watch or whatever.)
Undeserving of respect, they are, the whining little baby hypocrites.
I laughed so hard . and I'm Hispanic ..Colombian and I think mexicans give us HORRIBLE rep. they're all mostly pervs and need to stop fucking up the us. when they stare at me. I seriously go off on them.
Lazy stupid fucking mexicans! Let's just ship them back to where they came from! Oh wait, that would be so rude of us Americans. On second thought, let's just let them keep living here, taking our jobs and now our beer and we will all just paying for the whole fucking thing. GET THE FUCK OUT OF JERE YOU PIECES OF SHIT.
I fucken hate racist ass people especialy the fucken dirty ass red necks that talk shit about mexicans!! U whites r the dirtiest race u all stink like shit have the ugliest fucken kids n u all brought ur nasty European diseases over here! Don't be upset cuz mexicans r such a beautiful race. Muuaahhh
This ignorance of the children on this site scares me. If all of you have children and teach them your racist idealogy - the world should be careful cos all the "stupid ignorant" Americans are about to start ww3. You all enjoy passing out stereotypes, and false criticisms, but none of you can handle it when the rest of the world is laughing at you for being fat and ignorant - at least as a stereotype.
Yesterday a mexican came up to me and my friend when we were about to go into 7-11 and he shook both our hands and said "Hola!"
He probably got done masterbating. Ew.
Fucking idiots! If u can't take a joke then go back to your corona drinking, house party friends just don't fuck your cousin anymore, we have enough of u on one apartment already.
fuck mexico. also, screw central america and the caribbean. get some damn class. peru and bolivia could use some genocide as well, fuck natives i.e. evo morales and his fugly sweaters
love, south america
Fucking spicks. Go back to smelly-ville you fucking taco hoppers. You expect us Americans to learn your disgusting language and yet all you can say is "no speaka anglash", fucking spicks. You impregnate anything that has a vag, you hang around in your greasy wife beaters smacking your hairy fat slob bellies. Stop whisteling to 12 year olds. And yes they do drink corona, and modela. ugh YOU SHOULD ALL BURN! GO AMERICA!!!!!!!! LAND OF THE NON SPICKS!
Why does every text turn into a race war or someone doing something to big tone? First who the fuck is big tone and why do I care 2nd I wish I could kill all of u rasict ppl parents that way I can kill the cause of your ignorence. I'm sorry was that to much... Fuck you all you and them deserve it
this is racist because the text could easily have been, "I saw a guy" but (917) decided they wanted to make sure everyone knew that the guy was "Mexican"... and by "Mexican", they meant he looked like a stereotypical Mexican man...
Everyone was a minority back when America was 'created'... unless you were an English male. Women weren't even able to vote till the 1920's but the black men were allowed well before that. Regaurdless there votes didn't count as a whole, they still had the option.
Mexican, black, white, brown, yellow..... we all bleed the same. I don't see people by race, i don't judge. However I thoroughly enjoyed this text. It was just meant to be funny, not to provoke mean people to cause race hating drama.. Grow up.
I love how people always have to pull the race card even when something clearly isn't even racist. Oh and I also love when people say they hate racists but then continue on about how they hate whites. Ps This is funny ;)
i love how this basically became an "everyone hate on eachother's countries/races" thing,
once again proving that most people, regardless of location or skin color, are fucking TOOLS
so to you, i laugh out loud
i saw a white guy walking down the street and he was pushing a stroller full of twinkies and cheetos while his fat baby tried to catch up.
not to ride the stroller, mind you, he was too fat for that. he just wanted to stuff his little entitled white butt because he could.
it's not racist to say all white people are fat, right? i mean "that's what stereotypes are there for" right? to perpetuate them. isn't that the logic floating around here?
12:07PM, you're an asshole. The fact that you are looking at Hitler as a model to destroy all the mexicans is fucked up. Who cares. Maybe u should go live in a cave if u can't coexist with the minorities in America.
It's not racist, it's fact! The guy was Hispanic! And he had 3 twelve packs of corona! It's the guys fault for firing the stereotype, if people notice who's fault is that? Just laugh cuz it's fuckin funny
6:54 your probably one of those Mexican spics that came over to America illegally, stole a job from a deserving American, and then refused to give back to the system by not paying any taxes. Fuck you and all your worthless kind. Go to Britain and fuck them over.
Fuck mexicans !!! Go back to ur own country . Our economy is bad enough !!! We don't need any extra work by supporting u smelly Dirty fucking assholes .. Fuck off !
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