i thought the use of hotdog was pretty funny, not childish. and Bob is right about the spread of herpes. and the herpes hype is overrated. i've had it for a year, really no big deal. and i just found out this one girl i know found out she has it and had no clue cause she's never had an outbreak. so really unless you have been tested and know for sure, don't mock it. and google it 1136.
12:02 here- you're right i got it from a dick who didn't tell me. but since than i have not slept with anyone because i feel to bad to do that to anyone. so untill you know the situation don't judge and make ignorant assumptions.
Yes you can transmit genital herpes from oral sex. If you have an immediate outbreak from it, it will present orally first then only show up in the genital region. Same thing with getting oral herpes from someone giving you oral sex... it'll show up genitally first then only orally. But any mucus membrane contact (genitals, mouth, eye...) with the infected area can transmit it...
I've got good news and bad news...
-good news-there are two different types of herpes; one below the belt; and one above the belt. You can't catch the one "below the belt" that way.
-bad news- because you didn't know that you're either an idiot or high/drunk.
I've never heard of someone getting genital herpes from this, like taking a bite of someones food. However, some girl with a cold sore giving head may give the guy genital herpes. And vice versa. Correct?
UMMM you motherfuckers with herpes act like it's no big deal so that you don't feel bad about passing it around like it's a nice big plate of cookies for everyone to share without telling anyone that you're giving it to them
Right on 152. The herp is a big deal to those of us who don't have it yet. That no big deal attitude is what got u infected to begin with and if u didn't notice it's probly cuz your genitals were already rotten from the other diseases you have
Do your research.....Type 1 is cold sores and such. Type 2 is genital. Type 1 can become Type 2, but not vice versa. I know this because i have Type 2 and I've done my research.
10:27 stupid assholes like you ruin this site. This is calle texts from last nights and their funny because most people are high/drunk if you agree say aye
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