It really doesn't. Ever been to the county fair!?! Or to Hershey pa where the streetlights are shaped like Hershey kisses? It doesn't get cooler than that. -freon
NYC is the greatest place on earth, PA? Hmm. When people go on vacation or something, do they say "woah let's go to PA!" or do they say "let's go to NYC!" idk. I sure as fuck wouldn't want to go to shitty PA. Been there, sucks fucking dick.
Hahaaaa. And where are you from? A fuckin hick town ? Exactly...i live in NYC bitch. So say all you want about Brooklyn but it is a shitload better than where all you fuckin bitches live
Lmao PA!!! wow pa is sooooooooo fuckin cool. I'm sure you have maddd fun shit to do there. NYC fucks PA hardd and slits your throat and sets your ass on fuckin fire bitch
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