McDonalds has hash browns for only a quarter! many u want?
All of them
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I wish quiet guy would go die.
mcdonalds should serve breakfast all day...
Hahahahahha. Mee toooo. They should have quarter fry day!
Screw hash browns, hash brownies...
Epic fucking win is an day ever!!!
Yeah who the fuck put bad night?! Fuckers. Quarter hash browns? That's fuckin amazing!! Definately a good night!
Haha! And one of the few none perverted or druggy ones.
They are only a quarter because they are nasty!
Its not Selina 5:34 so stfu know this has to be Terre Haute!
I wish there was at least 1 mcdonalds in every major city that always has breakfast- all day :(
I Love Hash Browns. And Hash Brownies
Haha all of them:( how the hell can you keep a straight gave with this?!!!!
Mmmmm cock meat.... -quiet guy
12:54- that's what's up
Mmmmm...hash browns.... -quiet guy
Holy shit that's amazingggggg
Evansville represent!!! I live in Mt. Vernon but am usually in Eville every day and night and I have not seen this! Which McD's is it?
Hahaha, that's awesome.
I work at mcdonalds and we don't have this
haha now i'm craving hash browns
This site is full of
You're all over the city
I have a belly button
To want all the hashbrowns, sounds like the munchies to me
Not necessarily terre haute. Could be Evansville... Their just as ridiculous!!
since when does McDs have quarter hashbrowns? i'm kind of excited.
I got 18 cents how many can I get?
Ioookkiooooooikookq a
Best, is that you? Lol
Haha u work at mcdonalds
Oh ho ho. Eez fahnny because you are not me, and you pretend to be me because you do not like me. Oh ho ho.
ha. after 11 chik-fil-a GIVES AWAY HASH BROWNS FOR FREE. they actually give away all their breakfast food for free. including chicken minis.
You're an understatement
You're not necessarily
i can only imagine a riot in harlem right now, if this happens in nyc...
actually no, all over the city. :|
Here, I'll be a fatass and die of heart failure.
A) 7:54 they're = they are. Please learn correct English. B) This is probably Evansville, Indiana. They test market for McDonalds because of its diverse population in such a small area.
damn dude, youre a complete d bag
Mmm hash browns. Mcdonalds sucks though.
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