One of her kids, Dakota I think, got stuck in a ceiling fan and she had a fit, thats when she found the penis hat.
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Was this some idiotic thing seen on Jon & Kate?
HAHAHAHA DAKOTA FANNING! because... dakota.. and... she ..hit the fan!?!?#?! but penis hat?
dakota fannnning THATS FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO
Hey 10:34, my names Dakota. Jackass.
I want the backstory to this...
8:57 you're my hero.
HAHAHA omg! who knew that one of my texts would be posted on a website? LMAO
Haha, this is perfect!
With a name like Dakota, she was asking for it.
Hahaha no it really was her text!
Lmfao i love confusing texts This sounds like one hell of a story
I thinks it's reasonable for anyone stuck in a ceiling fan to throw a fit. I'm not touching the penis hat, though. Should've worded that better.
Dakota fanning sucks. I should b Jane!!!! Edward will be mine!!!!
ha, it must have been dakot FANNING
Was the penis hat in the fan? I'm confused.
Thank you, Knoxville. I always knew my hometown wasn't that bad.
No, this was my text. not there's. sorry loser faces
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