as hard as it is to admit, when people uglier or flakier than me have boyfriends and i don't, i do get a bit insecure too. fuck daddy issues man. fuck em.
it makes me so fucking mad when an ugly bitch has a hot boyfriend. i just want to punch her in her face and ask him wtf he sees in her!
and i know guys are the same way
mmm can't wait till all you 'pretty' kids get older and start falling apart like the rest of us ;) It's so amusing to watch the looks over personality battles.
I like my guy because we just fit. He's not the original sort of guy I used to hunt after but he makes me happy.
hey sometimes shit happens, id like to think im a pretty good looking guy, and it pisses me off when a good looking girl is with a douche who treats her like shit, but you gotta go out and find one and treat her right, thats the only way...and be honest for fucks sake
Ugly people can be just as ugly on the inside. In fact, I've known more than enough to know that your reasoning is (likely self-serving) bullshit.
I also hate it when people uglier than me have boyfriends (especially hot ones!!!)
and even still when the other chick is stupid, fat, boring, and or plain.
Also, why is it that cute punky girls never get the cute punky boys??? WTF is up with THAT??/!!!!
If a guy is quiet when he's listening to you, it's a good thing.
If he's quiet in the sense that he never talks to you or is able to carry on conversation, that sucks.
If he's quiet in social situations, it's okay if he's shy. But if the guy is too reserved to meet people that you care about (say, family close friends) then that isn't the greatest, but I wouldn't use the term hate.
If he's quiet in bed, well, that's a toss-up ;)
You're a man, not a woman. Guys who think their value is based on their looks are pathetic. Get successful if you want hot chicks. These ugly dudes are probably better than you at life.
I hate that too! I have dated guys who I normally wouldn't go out with cuz of their looks, They're still wack because they're so insecure cuz they know that your way hotter than them. The story of my life. I need a confident man.
What's up with the fat insults? Not everyone bases their relationships on looks you know. Some people actually care about their significant other's personality. Of course, the people saying such things are most likely lacking in that area, hence, no 'love life'. In conclusion, go fuck yourself since no one else will =]
3:17, when i saw that i simultaneously thought "why the fuck would she want to marry someone who's too huge to leave their bed" and "if he found someone why can't i"
pity both ways i guess
Ugly guys get girls because they act the role. They make the girls feel lucky to be with them through their attitude. It throws girls off, they would expect the hot guy to act that way, but when somebody of an ugly nature does it makes them wonder "What is so good about him" and we all know that the minute you create intrique or mystery in a girl's mind it is game over
ive always thought that girls date guys who aren't as physically attractive because it boosts their own esteem to be the better looking one in the relationship.
@ Everyone who agrees - Stop feeling jealous or sorry for yourself, go do things, and maybe meet some people while you're out there. I know you can do it.
yes it does suck when i see a hot chick with a guy that is fat or uglier than me but life goes on and its a bitch but what can ya do about it? not a damn thing besides keep livin and try to find a person for you to be with.
omg same here! i have the best boyfriend in the world right now. but before he came around i would see really ugly girls and think "wtf why cant i get a boyfriend" im not cocky at all, but im fucking hot haha. but its all good now, i love my boy :)
I'm in a relationship now and I know y'all are gonna call me an ugly bitch for saying this but side note... I'm def not ugly. But I totally remember feeling this exact same way. Like... If ugly people can find love, why can't I?
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