If nookie is goin longer than an hour...either yout gfs vagina is terrible or you played with yourself so much in highskool it has rendered your dick pretty much useless. If ya know what your doin...45 minutes can be fuckin epic
Haha, you all love to make assumptions, but I suppose that is appropriate for this site. We did switch it up a bit with positions. It was just really nice because we hadn't seen each other in a few weeks.
New record is a personal thing, I am well aware that time varies greatly for everyone depending on many different factors, and that the time itself does not make the sex good.
best thing ever.
take a day off work, she does the same.
stay in bed. order delivery so you don't have to leave.
stock up on Gatorade the day before so you don't pass out.
and get some ibuprofen for the next day. both of you will be sore.
Me and my ex once went for an hour and a half. He usually came within like...5 minutes. Sad for me, good for him. At least he was good at other things.
Man, if you chicks get friction burn from 45 minutes, then you gotta lube more. Some of us get wet enough that friction isn't an issue until we've been fucking for hours.
fuck taking that long if you cant get her off and yourself off in anything more than 45 minutes you must fuck like a retard....45 minutes is the max after that she is just sore
My personal best is three hours for sex and an hour for performing oral. Needless to say they both seemed to enjoy it. On the flip side, the embarassing record is somewhere around 45 seconds.
Even if you get off multiple times, 30 min is enough. For everyday sex, 5-10 is fine. Anything less is considered a quickie. I don't know why guys think going for multiple hours is a good thing...
Kudos to 11:01. I know what you mean, 45-an hour is amazing when ur baby gots a nice big dick that will u keep u sore but happy a few nights in a row.
On another note, that was cute. I'd fuck you if I wasn't taken and happy with him.
1:37, thank youu!!!! stupid-ass bitches like 3:09 calling girls lame who think 45 to an hour is a long time obviously aren't with very, ahem, gifted guys. my boyfriend is big enough that i start to get sore after about half an hour or so.
If you fuck to the Zelda theme on loop you can go for EXACTLY 31 hours. You'll need a third person to run IV fluids into the both of you. Avoid eating any husk beforehand.
Thank god for TFLN on slow work days. 45 minutes seems good to me. My ex used to last only 3 TOPS. My current man takes his time... usually 30-50 minutes... something like that. Depends what we are in the mood for. I love it because we never do the same thing... he's creative. :)
Only 45 mins? What are you eleventeen? When you can last over the two hour mark then you can talk about how long you last. Until then, brag less and work more.
Girls on here are kinda lame. 45 minutes is way too long?! I don't think I've ever gone for less than 30... But the guys I've been with have been pretty talented ;].
(4 hours is my record. I was sore for days afterward, but it was amazing. Not something to do often, but DEFINITELY something to experience a few times.)
Um... yeah... seriously 45 minutes is only a record if you're 14 and your partner is your hands and nudie mag... but hey keep up the practice! someday, you'll make it threw the night! (or day) lol
Lol to all the guys clamining 4 hours. No one has sex for 4 hours unless you're taking about some tantric shit where you sit in positions and don't move for hours...I'm sorry but you are all clearly 16 year old virgins
i like a guy who offers variety... 2-3 hour long sex sessions when i need it but if i can get him to cum in my mouth in 20 seconds if that's all the time we've got. be versatile!
Well the first one is usually record fast. The second one including foreplay cuddling etc. bout an hour and a half. PS. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER HOW LONG YOU CAN LAST IF YOU CAN'T GET A GIRL OFF. Might as well be fucking a Mr. Potato Head
Did anyone else notice July 24, 2009 1:32PM? Who the hell does that?
Hey, I'm on TFLN, I'm going to take the opportunity to suggest you support some obscure Iranian politician.
I love doing foreplay, why? because every time they are so confused and happy that you would think of them first and bam! you got yourself a new sex buddy
7:43, you're an idiot. nobody said anything about friction burns til retard at 6:33. all people said is girls get sore from the action of the friction. an actual friction burn is a totally different story. GOSH you people are stupid. you all sound like you go to OSU.
I like how 4:33 is speaking to the future.
Also, 45 is fine enough for me, considering the average person's ave is between 4 & 7. You can look that shit up.
Yeah... the friction burn thing weirds me out.
If a guy doesn't get you wet enough to keep your labia minora intact, maybe you shouldn't be fucking him.
Omg im so fucking cool cuz i can go longer than the OP. Fuck I'm awesome. Who gives a shit. Please your girl and make sure you get yours. Who cares about the time.
You know, I don't get it, the sex I have always lasts for AT LEAST 45 minutes, and both of us get off, she gets off at least twice in the process, I don't really understand the victory here
It's fun to last a while early on, and even now once in a while, but once you're in a relationship, the girl always gets lazy. She'll get hers and roll over. Nowadays if I'm taking too long for her I'll just say "I know you'll help me out later" and not make her sore. It's called consideration.
Ok but 5:06, like if the RECORD is 45 minutes? Sometimes it's nice to go just for a bit but sometimes I want a nice couple hours in bed. So if that's the longest he's ever gone... I don't know.
45 seconds, play the ending of looney tunes with porky pig saying "Th- Th-Th-Th-Th-... That's all, folks" while she makes you a sandwich and cries about how miserable her life is.
Come on guys. It's not that people fail because they take 45 minutes to do it. It's because they take hours to do it... Again. And again. And again. And again. And again.
Who the hell wants to fuck for more than 45 minutes? If you need more than 15 minutes to get her off...it probably isn't going to happen. I'd rather sleep the extra 30 mins.
If you're just fucking to get off, 45mins is long.
If you're the type of person who enjoys their partner and their body, 45mins is a warmup.
Some people do have sex because they love someone, not just because they want to cum.
5:09, i see what you're saying, but i don't get some of these guys care so much. if he set a new record, good for him. the dudes on here bragging aren't the ones who have to sleep with him so they should just quit whining. lol.
My exboyfriend and I used to take whole days to have sex. I like 1:51 thinking. It's not like you have sex the whole time, but having sex for a couple of hours straight three times in one day is amazing.
You should probably also take the next day off of work as well.
It is not true that girls only like 30 mins. We only like 30 mins if you are an amature and just try and beat it up. If you actually know how to work it in bed you can last hours without causing the girl any pain and keeping her wet the entire time. GROW UP
3:13 Love it!!!!! Id slap that ho too, and im a female. I may get off first, Ill be damned if I get off him till he got his. Women need to stop being so lazy, thats why they are overweight, Do some work ladies!!
if you're mixing it up with different positions, swapping oral sex, etc, then 45 is awesome. if the dude is just banging away and the chick is just lying there taking it and not cumming, then 45 minutes is fucking lame
LMAO at all the guys on here with small dicks. My girl is sore if we go longer than 30 minutes. Just an FYI, it's not something to brag about if you can fuck a girl for that long and it's not painful for her.
all of you like "pssshhh! 45 minutes!? n00b!" are trying so hard to brag. it's cute, really.
honestly, take it from a girl, that CAN be fun if you're including foreplay and different positions...but if you're making it your goal to go that long every single time, that's stupid. we get sore after going at it for awhile. wouldn't even be fun.
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