a woman just threw her tv out the window while screaming "will you fucking work now?". i'm never moving
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Ahahah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She bought That tv for nothing!!!!!!!
Ahaha! I thought she was talking to the TV. I would totally do that. :)
Same thought crossed my mind as well 10:55. Sure as shit would have been funny to see.
hahah i think everyone has thrown something or hit it to "make it work" at some point in their life.
LMFAO AT 10:55 i didnt think of that
wonder if the TV sucked, or if she threw it out to get her degenerate husband to get off his lazy ass and find a job.
Bet her husband got off his fat ass and started on the dishes real quick!
That's from Americas funniest home videos
I think you mean "I fucking love *wherever the fuck you are*"
Well, this has the beginnings of a dead intimate partner written all over it. Wonder who will kill who.
Hhaha yeah, 10:55, I was wondering the same thing.
Bet her husband probably gave her a black eye and put a hole in the door. That fits with the white trash theme of throwing a TV out the window
You stay classy new jersey.
We've all succeded hurling the tv still plugged in down the front stairs
10:55 that's exactly what I thought. My last relationship ended when he wouldn't stop playing Fallout 3. Three weeks straight. So bad.
I bet it wasn't even the TV that was the problem.
operator error, i'm sure.
God forbid it his the homeless people on the corner as she says that... I bet there would less unemployment..
Great visual
Agree 9:23!!!!!!!!!!!) ahahah!!!!!!!
Fuk anyone that tires to first this...and sounds like a badass place to live!
10:55 sounds like a logical theory...
what a great idea 10:55 :)
I smashed a tv once. It was fucking great.
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