We should be called the Road Head Warriors
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Giving roadhead doesn't make you a whore. It makes you a great girlfriend. =)
i give road head its fun and he loves it even more lol
Would this be giving or receiving?
I love giving road head:) And to all you people who want to call me a whore, I've been with my bf for over 2 years.
I love giving road head. It really helps when he's stressed out because of traffic.
my boyfriend almost drove off a cliff when i was done. it was superrrr fun haha
you should be called road ass warriors
I'd Watch That Show...Can You Say A&E?
till he hits a speed bump and you accidentally bite it.
lol i wish road head were easier to get for females.... doh!
I know someone who died from road head.....it's a bad idea people
hahhahhahhaha i want to be friends with this person.
Who are you two and when can we meet up?
If this is a girl, you're a whore and it this is a guy, you're a douche.
Cruis control is a must if thats gonna work out AT ALL!
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