1. Ryan and Jon want to go the Pretty Odd route, Brendon and Spencer are continuing the AFYSCO sound.
2. If you love someone, learn their name.
3. Only Brendon and Spencer are playing the Blink shows.
4. Stop it with this "emo" word!
(I'm 14 by the way)
we're not fucking emo! it's pop / cabaret music. do you hear them singing "i want to kill myself, let me go slit my wrists!" ? NO! you dont! they are not the fucking jonas brothers, and they are not funded by disney...if they were they wouldn't have been able to put out "lying is the most fin a girl can have without taking her clothes off". im personnaly a fan of "July 6, 2009...10:16 PM" so just shut up!
5:31 Pete Wentz doesn't write music. All he does is walk around and get photographed acting/looking like a douchebag.
But I think that Panic is better than the Jonas Brothers or anything else Disney is marketing as music these days. At least they seemed to be trying.
Don't call the band emo if you haven't heard their Pretty.Odd. songs.
I don't care if you like them or not, but their Pretty.Odd. songs are no where near emo.
You people are stupid.
One, Panic at the Disco is NOT emo.
Two, 'emo' is a type of music, not a stereotype.
Fucking stereotypical people piss me off.
Panic at the Disco had a very unique sound.
Brendon Urie and whatever the drummer's name is ARE STAYING IN THE BAND.
I actually know a girl who killed herself over this and one who tried, so I don't find this very funny. Am I saying it was warranted? No, that's fucking crazy and they need to get help - but still. It's a big deal so don't take it lightly.
i liked them . they were pretty awesome to me. i'm sad they broke up. but what i really want to know is what in the hell does AFYCSO mean? not everyone knows all the damn abbreviations for shit
1. brendon is the most talented BY FAR
2. ryan and jon are pretentious assholes
3. brendon & spencer are better off and i am excited to see what happens
its sad that they're breaking up.
i am definitely not an "emo 14 year old girl" and i love them along with the stones, beatles, zeppelin, ac/dc etc.
plus the word "emo" being used to describe music is bullshit.
emo is short for emotional.
and music is all about emotions
and you know what then? every damn band in the world is emo.
Dude, what the fuck?!
All of these stupid 14 year old girls all up in arms about being called out...honestly, no one gives a shit how old you are or how you possibly feel about this situation.
So stop saying that you're not going to kill yourself, jeez.
Lolol @ whoever said Pete Wentz writes their music.
He doesn't even play the bass right for FOB, why the fuck would he do something for another band?
All Pete Wentz is update his Twitter, and he's even a tool when he does that.
Panic At The Disco is my favorite band in the world. Ryan and Jon leaving is really shitty, but it's not something that I would kill myself over. Brendon and Spencer will do just fine.
Oh, and the people who killed or trying to kill themselves over this were obviously creepy obsessed fangirls with nothing else to do...I'll be happy listening to Brendon and Spencer. And Ryan and Jon, for that matter.
I wonder if they'll start a band called "Fucking Traitors"...
they've stated the blink opening slots will go on as planned... I'd cry more if I was you, those were the two talented band members. Those two are responsible for writing some solid pop-tracks, regardless of your musical taste.
Cocaine...obviously. Ryan's a weirdo. I love him...but he's a freak.
Jon's a hippie. I love him, too....but...what normal man wears flip flops on a daily basis?
Oh, Jon and Ryan. In the words of Whitney Huston: "Crack is whack."
When the F was PATD ever a "emo" band. Last time I checked their music wasn't dark, moody, or about wanting to do. If anything their music was rather happy.
pete wentz [with some help from patrick] definitely wrote the vast majority of fall out boy's music, from their chicago underground days until now...so whoever said that he doesn't write songs is retarded. he does not, however, write panic's songs, that was ryan's job. so it is a serious detriment to the band for ryan and jon to leave.
now i will have ryan&jon's shit to smoke weed to and brendon&spencer's shit to... not smoke weed to. so if you're not a crazy fangirl, this is actually kinda awesome.
anyone who cares about brendon uries name needs to get better taste in music anyway, FYI everyone laughs at you little high schoolers who put "emo" pictures on your myspaces that consist of your face at 215366 different angles, with some pretentious song lyric as the caption.
Oh, and also, I'm 19 and have listened to this band for as long as I can remember.
As heartbroken as I am, I would never throw my life down. Or try to.
They're not emo. As someone has already said, they're alternative.
Who does everyone think they are? Just because one persons musical taste doesn't match your own, it doesn't give you the right to be awful and nasty about it. If it isn't your cup of tea, just shut up. I'm not trying to be a jerk about it, but it's true.
Also the Jonas Brothers are pure pop (but their early stuff was christian) whist Panic at the Disco is alternative. Plus Bink-182 is basically pop-punk. I hate being peace maker.
Their music was amazing, 1:35!
Well, I guess I'm a little biased because I've loved them since I was 13...
And I think you guys are being slightly unfair to Brendon. He wrote "I Have Friends In Holy Spaces" and "Folkin' Around" for Pretty. Odd. I think they're both amazing songs. I know that Ryan's lyrics are incredible, but Brendon's are really amazing, too.
I hate this. Why can't they just kiss and make up?? :/
I'm 24, and I like Panic! At the Disco. I hope that they can keep on trucking, though I just read that Ryan writes most of the lyrics, so I don't know who will be doing that now. . .
Also, I'm ok with 14-year-olds being on this site provided they exchange alcohol-induced texts on a regular basis. . . I mean we used to party when we were 14. . . but back then most of us didn't have cell phones yet. :)
Wow. I am glad that I was informed that patd is emo. Oh right. It's not. Or New Metal. It's called pop rock. And idk that I would call them the most talented members jsyk. Bring earplugs to blink.
What the hell. They're not emo.
I'm intensely upset...but I know that Brendon and Spencer will pull it off.
Oh, and a big "fuck you" to everyone who's being a huge asshole about this. :)
They're my favorite band and I'm very upset about this. It's more upsetting than Michael Jackson's death.
they arent emo, pretty odd was definately not emo and a fever you cant sweat out was kinda pop-dance-techno-alternative-ish
there really is no way to describre their music
yeah i like them, and im saddened but hopefully by going thier own ways they will still produce good music, which is what i think matters
ok im sorry but which one of their songs was emo???
i dont think any of their songs has anything to do with slitting your wrists or crying
i love how when people dont like a certain band they call it emo
nickelbakc has more "emo" songs than panic!
and i know no one is about to call them emo
people are stupid i swear
1:49 its the same douche bags that think they were actually meant to grow up in a different decade. They have no friends so the idea of being in a decade where most everyone accepts everyone else because they were all to high to give a fuck is pretty appetizing. It could also be the fact that if they were to embrace a band that isn't unanimously regarded as "awesome", it could further degredate their chances of anyone liking them.
im 20. i enjoy the beatles the stones and panic at the disco. and im kinda upset about them leaving. tho i do love brendan urie im pretty upset the bands breaking up. guess that makes me a horrible person haha.
im 14. i was super sad. but lol i can see a bunch of people dying. haha. ryan writes most of the music so the bands basically fucked. ryan needs to stop whatever drugs hes on... tsk tsk.
They really didn't sound good after A Fever You Can't Sweat Out.
But the lyrics were amazing.
And Ryan wrote all the songs.
I'm 15.
And so not emo.
But I must go myspace and tweet about this.
bands break up.
it happens.
and yeah the reason i don't want to go see blink is because of the opening bands.... fall out boy, PATD? All american rejects? you've gotta be kidding me.
PATD are fucking amazing. I dare you to name ONE of their songs that could be considered "emo". Honestly, that's like saying Eminem's songs are Country, and The All American Rejects' songs are Metal or something. Just shut up.
I saw someone asked what's going to happen with the band.
Well, Brendon and Spencer are keeping it going and already have a lot of new demos out already.
And Ryan and Jon are thinking up new bands names and have started recording.
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