I work at the mass pike, but I don't swear when i taunt yankees fans. I just politely point out that we've beat them 8 times in a row this season so they must enjoy putting testicles in their mouth.
It's not a "schtick", it's part of Boston culture... a culture that you can't fully grasp from attending college here. Any true Sox fan will tell you there's nothing better than Sox vs. Yankees, a Fenway Frank, and a cold Sam Adams on a hot night at the park. And oh yea... Yankees SUCK!
6:06--And you expected...? Hugs? Rainbows? You're in our territory, dude! And it's not like people in Mass are polite drivers anyway.
Anyone who can't appreciate the Sox are just haters. I was with a group of friends from college from all around the country, and all but the token Yankees fan agreed that the Red Sox were the quintessential American baseball team. Made my heart well up with pride. Take my word for it--there is NOTHING as good as being a Sox fan.
Got to agree with 4:01. The Yankees don't suck but why would we ever admit it? It's all in good spirit, really. I've grown up around Boston and it's the most natural thing in the world to like the Red Sox, even if you aren't a mega-fan. It's all about hometown pride! So give Massachusetts some slack, please :)
Being a Red Sox fan is more than just being a fan of a team, it's being familiar with a whole culture. I've grown up around it, and I love it. Do the Yankees actually suck? No. Are we going to say that they do? Of course.
it's not all fairweather fans. yes, there are some, but for the majority of us, we just love our teams. i slept in the bruins starter jacket i got for xmas in 5th grade for a week, cheered on the sox heartily at an o's game in b-more in 02, etc...the great thing about boston people is that we're loyal, regardless.
red sox fans are morons the vast majority of the time... Went to college up in MA, and I swear it's the only place where you can go to an event entirely unrelated to baseball, and the crowd will invariably start chanting "yankees suck." Find a new schtick already -- that crap is so old by now, not to mention the red sox have pretty much turned into the yankees anyway.
wow, each one of you who have said "its not i-90 its the pike" how about trying to understand that this person IS FROM TORONTO, therefore they dont know the local slang of your goddamn crumbling roadways. and red sox/yankee/weak american sports fans, catch a third division english soccer match and see what REAL devotion to a sports team is: no money, no shot in hell at a championship, and yet 20,000 still turn out screaming and singing.
shout out to "insert city here" just for 9:59.
Seriously though, Massachusetts is good for one thing: drunk college chicks. Otherwise fuck your state. Yes, I live here too and I'm not proud of it.
yea red sox fans are definitely hardcore. Haha, no I'm just kidding. Boston is yet another fairweather city that's full of fans who think they're badass, but really they're just a bunch of bitches
11:14 are we really supposed to believe that Boston is the only phenomenon in which there aren't a ton of fairweather fans?! I can't wait for bostons core to get old and watch fenways attendance take a nose dive
hey anyone seen the new red sox shirts GOT RINGS LATELY? dumbest shit i've ever seen. don't steal our saying. you didnt win a world series in 86 years, just because you're a good team now you still havent been a good team THE ENTIRE TIME YOU'VE BEEN A TEAM. NY takes shits that are better than boston.
too bad red sox fans turned into a-holes. i hate the yankees, but at least they earned the right to be pricks. as much as it pains me to say it, they've been a good team their entire existence. the red sox, on the other hand, win 2 championships since 1918 and suddenly they're in the same ivory tower? i don't think so
Any sox fan will tell you that they have no life other then to root for the sox and scream Yankees suck. Seriously...you have three other sports root for them or just get a life.
WE actually call it the mass pike not "the pike"
I fuckin hate MA it sucks I live in Massachusetss and is your not a red sox fan never go to boston i swear to god they might shoot you.
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