i know some one this happened to, cept she is paralyzed from the chesticals down and over weight. Even then she figured it out at 8 months. now she just needs to figure out who da daddy
NO! I don't want no scrub. Scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me. Hanging from the passenger side of his best friends ride. Tryin to holla at me. TLC is the SHIT!
I am pregnant, only 3 months, and there's no way in hell I could not know it! You've got to be a special kind of stupid to go through an entire pregnancy and not know it.
the best is that the reenactment actors are always slightly more attractive than the real people, but not by much. also good is when the reenactment dad shouts, "OH GOD, SHOULD I JUST PUSH IT BACK IN!!??!"
yeah, it can happen to anyone. i saw this a while ago, and this one girl was really skinny and didn't gain any weight.
not to mention she drank and did drugs and was a singer so preformed every night of her pregnancy, im surprised that that kid was semi normal.
scary shit.
My Mom and I watched this together and made fun of the Southern chick's accent the ENTIRE time - the best part is that the EMT was from her high school and he looked scared out of his mind in his interview!
I'm so watching that right now. I didn't think it was possible at first, but it's kinda creepy that it happens as much as it does. It seems illogical that you wouldn't know you were pregnant, creepy. And as for it only happening to fat women, it's a medical condition; it doesn't pinpoint you because of your size! geez.
I was watching it last night.
I still have yet to grasp the concept of WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU STUPID CUNT.
How can you not know that you are pregnant.
the one woman felt it moving but didnt know what it was and didnt question it. she just started calling it a little alien having no idea that it was actually a baby inside of her! like really? if you feel something kicking around in your stomach what would a normal person think? baby? or alien?
Hahaha that show is hilarious. All of them are like, well I just didn't think it was weird when I gained 40 pounds and didn't get my period for nine months! And then I hadcreal bad stomach pain and popped out a kid into my toilet! Whoops!
I watched that tonight too, on the one where the girl had the baby in the bathroom when they were camping and it fell out and hit its head on the concrete, I was screaming at the tv "bitch sit down"
I'm 25 and just had my first baby 7 months ago, and i'm not the smallest girl (160 pounds) and there was NO way I wouldn't have known I was pregnant! I mean, I had a huge pregnant belly...it's crazy how some women don't get that!
ha ha ha its funny that i saw this one tonight because i starting watching it like two min ago and got freaked out that i was pregnant and didnt know it.
haha i watchted that show last night and that's exactly what i thought xD
apparently it's possible not to know you're preggers until you're giving birth to a child in a public toilet.... 0.o
I actually knew someone who didn't know she was pregnant until her 7th month. Even though everyone that knew her kept telling her she looked pregnant. She was drinking and doing some drugs during. Thank god that baby is okay.
This was on TV while I was making out with my ex-boyfriend last night. Surprisingly, the mood wasn't killed until the woman shat her baby (that she didn't know she was pregnant with) out into the toilet. Ummm, yeah.
Lol I watched that a few months ago and it convinced me I was prego and didn't know about it.. I was soo scared I was gona go to take shit and have a baby so I made my gyno give me a prego test
omg i watched that the other day too!!! the title was so insane i just had to see it. ya i saw two episodes and i was like umm??? it doesnt make sense. crazy world we live in
hahaha i was just watchinng those. they had like 10 episodes on in a row!
over 50 people have been pregoooo and just given birth without knowing they had it inside of them for 9 months. one lady had triplets.
It's totally true about the actors being slightly better looking.. the first one I ever saw was about a girl who didn't notice any weight gain and still wore swimsuits all the time. I was thinking "how can you not show it at all?!" but then they showed the "actual" mom and she was definitely not that skinny or swim suit-able..
I worked with a girl that this happened to. She always told people she was a virgin, but her bf had 2 kids already. She was gaining weight and was exercising like crazy to stay thin, then one day she gave birth. She never showed at all. She was always a little thick, but not fat, and never got or had a bulge. I think she knew though because she got insurance like a month and a half before it's birth.
That show will make you way parinoid! I made my girlfriend stop watching it cause every time she did she'd call me freakin out thinkin she might be preggo
so i saw that show and told my friend about it and his mom is a gynecolgist and he said one time there was this girl that was like heavy set and she was 17 and she wanted to start taking birth control and they gave her a preg test and that is how she found out she was 7 months pregnant with twins. like she didnt know at all. and its like how do you not know you are pregnant with TWINS?
I've watched this show a few times. It's so crazy shiz. I've seen some skinny girls on the show and their belly just doesn't poke out, it just pushes everything else and they might gain like 5-10 lbs. And it's crazy how some women have been told by doctors that they can't have babies and BAM! Have you guys seen the one where she has it on the toilet??? I feel bad for that baby...is like "hey by the way your first seconds in this world were in the toilet".
i know some one who had a baby that way (she was a little bigger) ... she had 2 normal pregnancies and for the entire 9 mo of her last pregnancy she had all of her menstral cycyle..was on birth control.. but she went to the dr. for back pains & they said that she was in labor... how weird?
irregular periods happen to a lot of people. If you have constant stress, or a lot of stress, than you are more liable to miss your period. So when you think you are getting your period, it's really just light bleeding that can occur during any pregnancy. It's totally possible that anyone, no matter size or weight or age, can have this occur. People should keep an open mind on things like these.
this show is sooo stupid, "um I had sex and nine months later there was a lot of stomach pain and I had been vomiting and gaining weight and didn't have any periods, so I went to the hospital and omgosh I was pregnant and in labor!!!" Well duh idiots!
Majority of these women are obese, so of course they aren't going to notice if they are bigger or smaller... the ones who claimed they lost weight is cuz the weight moved to the front of their bodies! I didn't see one skinny bitch up there having this issue!
12:25am, the same thing happened to a friend of mine. She's overweight, but only gained 10 pounds during her pregnancy. She thought it was just stress from moving and she had her period the whole time. She started getting back pains, went to the doctor, and she was 8 months pregnant.
Now, whenever I have the SLIGHTEST symptom of pregnancy, even though I've been on birth control for about 4 years, I go take a pregnancy test. lol
dude i fucking watched that.
that lady had the baby in the bathroom and it like landed on its head.
then when you looked at it was like a year old and covered in fake blood and hamburger meat.
made my mother fucking day.
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