If you keep snorting Tylenol you're going to be facing impending death from liver failure. Tylenol is prescription-only in some countries because the distance between a therapeutic dose and a harmful dose is so short compared with most OTC medications.
You know nothing about the world in general if you actually north Korea will get anywhere in attacking anything. The second they are even close to having a nuke ready south Korea will all of a sudden have lake America above them.
dmoney... they already have finished nukes that they've been testing. Doesn't mean their bark has any more bite to it. Most South Koreans view the North more so as a retarded brother that likes to bitch.
It is very deadly. It is actually the most common drug that people OD with in the US and it can kill you quickly if your liver fails. If its not a "cry for help" and you don't go immediately to the hospital to get some n acetylcystiene the only cure can be a liver transplant.
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