oh shit you live right by me...I'll have to tell all my guy friends to stay clear or a girl who doesn't like protection, so they can stay clear of your STD vag
don't worry, she won't be passing her stupidity down to future generations - if you take plan b more than 5 times it SEVERELY reduces your chances of ever conceiving.
>don't worry, she won't be passing her stupidity down to future generations - if you take >plan b more than 5 times it SEVERELY reduces your chances of ever conceiving.
>June 25, 2009 12:40PM
Bullshit! Plan B is nothing more than a heavy shot of birth control. It stop you from ovulating, therefore reducing your risk of getting preggo by the sperm that is apparantly already inside you. IT IS NOT ABORTION
Wow, you're kind of a giant whore. It's more economical and safer to just get a regular birth control routine, y'know. But someone with your brains probably shouldn't be having sex to begin with anyway. Suggestion: Have sex with women. Get the best of both worlds.
hahaha 242
Wow, some people are just fucking stupid. Also, this is an EXCELLENT way to get a fuckload of STDs, genious bitch
Thanks for making women look like idiot whores, you give our entire gender a bad name
11:32, I'm a girl, and I don't know how much it is either. But I am also military, so we get birth control and plan b for free. Never used Plan B, but do use BC.
hmm, perhaps birth control. and a warning to future partners that there is a 97% chance u have an std, but a 97% chance that u won't get pregnant either
You're only supposed to fake Plan B like twice a year because it's so strong. I know a girl who took it a lot (she was afraid to ask for birth control) and now she may never have children because her uterus has been deteriorated. So good job being a slut, you may never have to worry about getting pregnant ever again.
this thread is so fucked up. yeah, this girl isn't smart to take plan b so much but that doesn't mean she is a whore OR that she has disease. girls like to have sex and they're allowed to have sex. it doesn't say that she was with a different dude every time. people are so incredibly sexist that it's not even funny.
Umm, just so people can stop FREAKING OUT about it costing so much (because that's obviously the thing to worry about in this text) IT'S FREE FROM PLANNED PARENTHOOD. they hand it out like candy. They also happen to hand out REAL birthcontrol. I suggest this bitch uses it.
What ever stops another retard in the world is good by me. You know the parenting this one could give will be great considering she cant keep her legs closed ever.
Whoa, what's with all the anger on here? People getting laid is a good thing! Lighten up, you people sound like nutjobs. I gotta get the eff out of this puritanical country. European chicks are hotter anyway.
people are mean...
but seriously, if you ever want to have kids (if u still can) only take Plan B as a last measure. It totally kills off your fertility HARDCORE.
just a thought.
Where have some of you people heard that you can only take Plan B two or three times TOTAL for it to be effective? The only kind of warning on the documentation is an advisory warning to not continuously rely on Plan B as a birth control method.
I definatlely work for my money.... I just have never purchased birth control or Plan B. But since I make just over $50 an hr... $40 bucks a month is almost 45 minutes of wasted time.
well, i dont know the reasons why this woman was havin unprotected sex, but should we assume it was with a different guy each time?
Why do u call her a whore if u dont know if it was someone different each time?
whatevs everyone loves getting LAID !!
only taken plan b once- but it made me SUPER sad the hormones in that is CRAZY
babies deserve to die anyway. anytime i hear one of those crying little fucks, i want to smack it with a meat cleaver and give it a real reason to cry.
Let's see... drop a load of cash on plan b everytime you get laid or pay $5 a month to take birth control.... I can see where your dilemma is on that one you twat!
I hope you never have children
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