3:53, you keep saying I'M taking that into account....all i did was clarify the notion of "average size 12" for you. chill the fuck out, and go take the dose that you missed.
Ok, people obviously its getting close to lunch time and all the fat chicks have low blood sugar and are a little touchy right now, I call time out till after lunch.
lol at all these 'if he can't look past her fat, he doesn't really love her. PIG!!!' i guess i'm a pig because i admit i'm attracted to a certain body type instead of repressing it for some imaginary romantic ideal.
i'm glad you live in a fairy tale, but many of us don't. i don't let myself go and same goes for my gf.
Only good thing about fat people is this. No matter how bad my day gets, I can always look to the brightside of thank god I'm not fat. Thanks fat fucks, heres to you.
Um 1:52 if you have a muffin top it means you are really a size six trying to still squeeze your fat ass back into that size 2 you wore in high school and all the fat is forced out the top looking like a muffin top.
1;43, 1:46.. this is 1:44....splitting hairs? do you have some sort of instrument to do such a procedure. and no i would prefer not to ingest fecal reminent. especially if the shit is fat as shit, you piece of shit.
lol the point of them saying that wasn't to call you cocky. trust me, sweetie, wait til you're a little older. NOT saying you won't stay thin, so don't freak out..........but you might be say, like a 3, instead of 00. which is still thin, i don't know why you're so horrified with the idea lol.
513 is the Nasti Natti. Of course it's all nasty ass people over there. Any argument about this should be considered void. Fuck Cincinastti.
Scarlett Johanssen is a size 6 and she is def. not fat. I think it just depends on how tall you are/ your ass/tits etc. But seriously why is this on tfln?! The text was hilarious!
o o o please can we turn the talk to midgets? we should just attack people with all kinds of problems, get it out of the way...and yes im fuckin dead serious
Did you ever notice that after highschool there are only two ways for a woman to go: up or down.
Some people I see years after highschool have either gotten better looking, or let themselves go. It's sad but true. And yes, I am a woman and it's not hard to stay in shape after high school.
3:11, you're dumb. Size 12 may be "average", but people can do things to change their weight and be healthier and more attractive, but people can't do something to change their height.
2:44, 2:06 here...I actually said size 1. I see you are feeling exceptionally fat today, and feel the need to make me fatter than I am by calling me a size 2.
Every bodys preception is different... most of american culture views thin as ideal image but at one point in history (europesn) fat was desireable ... having extra weight meant that you could afford to eat well... if you were thin people thaought you were a peasant that couldnt afford a meal
To the people saying a size six is fat, it depends on your height. I'm almost six feet tall and wear either a 4 or a 6. If you are 5 foot 4 then you may be a bit bigger in a six.
Yes, because I'm sure you've OBSERVED this person and took them past EVERY person in the world to ask whether or not they were in that person's league. Riiiiiight.
I'm not making fun of anyone you silly cunt. I just thought I'd throw out some actual info for you people arguing about this nonsense. And the average size for a 20-24 year old woman is not 12. Stop fooling yourself into thinking your size is average.
if my boyfriend had to pretend i was as skinny as i was in high school while having sex with me..well, i would want to be dumped. i'd have more dignity.
you sound like my ex 1:38, and she was fuckin nuts...like spray-paint-your-driveway-and-throw-a-rock-through-your-window nuts....she said that same shit all the time, how love was all about personality, and her personality is what will drive any halfway sane guy from her
ok 3:13 try to keep up. the point was if you're going to start siting "average" as a reason not to mock someone, apply that logic across the board. or better yet, don't put people down because of their weight because you suffer from some other insecurity like bad teeth (which, btw, is far worse than being fat).
Girls get soooo much better after highschool.
I like them with a bit of meat on them too.
Not too much mind you, but I don't want to bang a skinny dopey bimbo my whole life.
It's the war of skinny chicks vs. fat chicks:
skinny girl, " look at me, I'm a size 0, I take care of my body and boys love me"
fat girl, " you're a board with a 10 yr old boy's body, look at my curves (aka, fat rolls)"
personally, I think the fats chick would win if they just sat on the skinny chicks. or we could all just get along lol
who cares what size anyone is or what anyone would do if their bf/gf or husband/wife got fat...everyone whining is fat and should just die. everyone saying they'd leave, I don't blame you. All obvious
4:57pm 3:53/4:33 here
Awwww, still upset at your lack of intelligence sweetheart. You got anymore gems of info we can throw back in your face while you still claim to be smarter? Just do yourself a favor and leave the thread love.
you should see the sweat between my big fat ass cheeks when I finish bowling. i havent been able to finish a tennis match yet.....
ps oprah says acai berries work wonders.
ok everyone who has posted here is now required to post pictures of themselves for verification that they themselves are not fat and/or hideous. a separate site will be created just for this purpose.
4:21. YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT!!! i was saying the point 3:53 brought up was valid. and admitting that "average size 12" for all women in america WOULDN'T really apply here. but 3:53 could've just pointed that out calmly. and not unloaded some serious rage on me. learn to be a little more perceptive before you go attacking me.
Why does everyone assume a size 'zero' means they're anorexic? I'm eighteen years old, five feet tall, 105 pounds, and a size 00 or 0. I'm just PETITE. Always have been. I have NO eating disorder!!!
wow, this started some major arguments, everyone needs to realize this is a funny text, period... some people like fatties, some like twiggys, to each his own!
Look at you you stupid bitch. Agreeing with me (3:53) while going postal. You truly are an idiot. haha. And the only reason I called you a fool was because you called me one for some reason just cause you were proven wrong. You gave some idiot info, live with your idiocy, don't whine about people pointing it out to you.
What?!? I think the fat from your ass may be encroaching on your brain. First, you can't sing toons but you can sing tunes. I don't even know where to start with your last sentence.
I donno why people keep putting their sizes and that they are thin....wooo, good for you! Nobody cares! If my man put on weight I'd be out the door, i would expect him to do the same! All of you who are saying you wouldn't are LIARS!!!!
bro, just break up with her and pick up a girl in college. seriously. i dumped my hs g/f. she was a bimbo to begin with, but she used to be hot. then she got fat, and the rest his history. and to the girls who think i'm an asshole for doing that, don't act like you don't have to be attracted to who you're dating, because you do.
2:06, 2:44 here. i'm not calling you fat... i'm calling you short which is something you can't do anything about. so go ahead and mock people for being heavy, just makes you a poor excuse for a human being.
actually, 3:15, you are the silly cunt. nobody said the average size for 20-24 year olds is 12....it's the average size for any woman in america.....pay attention, fool :)
Breaking up with a fat high school girl isn't the worse thing in the world. Admitting you still like smacking cheeks with her despite her desire to consume endless boxes of little debbies is a problem. Get out while your ahead, worst case scenerio is that she loses the weight and makes you look stupid for being a dime piece again.
all fat jokes aside, fuck this person's "friend" who sent this text. dudes shouldn't let their friends talk about their girl. and, if they do, they are children who don't deserve to get laid.
All the girls trying to brag about how skinny they are obviously don't have boyfriends and aren't getting any. So shut the fuck up, nobody cares about you. If my boyfriend got fat and didn't want or try to do anything about it, I would dump his ass and we've been together for three years. The reverse is true, too. And yes, we've actually had this conversation before. If you let yourself go, you deserve to get dumped.
4:27 you have no idea what you're talking about. it's simpler for you, i know, to say that i must be fat and ugly to be a good person. that justifies your existance. but unfortunately for you, i am not fat, ugly, stupid, judgemental of others, or ignorant.
Just graduated high school, and I am NOT going to let go of my size 00 figure. Nooo way. I've seen way too many of my sisters' friends gain the college weight. Ew.
3:17, you seem outnumbered. As 3:11 said, the average weight for the age group of the girl this whole thing started around is NOT a size 12 as you have repetively stated to be the average. Quit being jealous of her size 1 and do something about your own body.
The guy I'm dating is fat, and I've seen pictures of him from before we met where he was less fat (and considerably more attractive). But no, when we have sex I don't imagine the skinnier version of him... I look him in the face. It's the guy I love, not some physical representation of him. And that is why the guy who wrote this text is a pig.
2:46 fuck off.
2:44 is right. the short girls that aren't fat yet will be when they get older, cause the weight they will inevitably put on has no place to go. yayyyy for being taller!
To girls that are offended by this text, look long and hard at your old high school pics and then look in the mirror, i think you will realize it's time to hit the gym......
ok, but what is your definition of fat? in highschool i was really skinny and gained 10 pounds in college. if my boyfriend dumped me over a 10-20 lb weight gain then he's an ass.
no, i'm actually not. but thanks for asking, you tactless asshole. i think it's a valid point. what i was trying to say is 3:53 could simply point that out, and not go all "unresolved anger issues" on me. :)
@ 2:06 - you are 5'4 and a size 2... GOOD FOR YOU! Guess what? those of us that are a size 6 are usually not vertically challenged like you. Size 1's or 2's are for short girls that don't have curves. I'll keep my size 6 and hourglass shape anyday over your 12 year old boy shaped body!
Dude why does everyone take this site so seriously and make a big issue out of every single text people post? Yes most of them are inappropriate, rude, crass, etc..... but quite frankly they're hilarious so chill the fuck out and just have a good laugh.
120 pounds shouldn't be a size 6 unless it's all in the gut and you have no boobies. In which case, you should just work out, get rid of the gut, and be a size 2
EVERYONE has to try to stay in shape there is NO excuse to get fat, unless your preggo.
fat ppl are gross in general.. they NEED to watch their health and their self esteem...
and for the record i am skinny and always have been :) and intend to stay slim.
at 3:07 - so 5'4 to 5'6 is average and i'm guessing you're implying that it shouldn't be mocked because if falls into "average" ranges, but size 12 is also average and you all have no issue making fun of anyone bigger than a size 1? Yeah.... that makes sense.
3:51, 3:36 here. i'm not bitter, just honest. i would really rather be a good person and a decent human being, than be an ass. and perhaps you're bitter because 99% of the women you meet are way out of your fucking league.
I'm 5 foot 2 and 165 so I know I got some fine black curves! I did gain about 10 pounds after high school a couple of years ago though. Oh and what girl would want to wear a size 00 or even a 4
what if the girlfriend was a midget and got fat after high school...would she get dumped? there should be some sort of curve to this grading system. she def gets bonus points for being a midget
hahahaha no 1:43, i like to stay in shape, and make sure to make time for it...you got screwed over for a skinny girl, didnt you? its ok, you can tell us, we wont laugh at you...just mock you mercilessly and tell you how to change your life because you obviously suck at it...that last half is sarcasm, for stupid people out there
i'm 1:34 & i top out at in a size 2 but i do believe initially you have to be attracted to the person you are with but after you are with them for so long love should out weigh lust
hey 4:12.. since you're a woman, allow me to rephrase: i'm not bitter, just honest. i would really rather be a good person and a decent human being, than be an ass. and perhaps you're bitter because 99% of the men you meet are way out of your fucking league
Fat girls are like Cadillac Escalades. They fit 8 grown men at once and are fun to ride every now and then, but at the end of the day you always go back to you're Ferrari.
im fuckin crying im laughing so hard....this shit is unbelievably funny, and i love the midgets, fat people, overly tall people, lepers, quadripalegics...what else is there?
How can you virtually OBSERVE if someone is out of 99% of the population's league? That person could be SUPER FUCKING hot and you have no idea, dumbass. What are you "watching"? How you perceive that someone acts means nothing. There are lots of assholes, and lots of morons, and people still flock to them. Gah, you're such a fucking idiot.
1st 2:06..........YOU might think size 6 is fat because you are exceptionally skinny. MY POINT WAS that a size 6 is relatively still thin when the average size in america is a size 12....you can weigh just 120 lbs and easily be a size 6.
if you love them you can look past it, if you arent attracted to them and realise it then move on cos even if you did love them, you dont anymore. Easier said than done though!
The ave. size of the entire population is larger than the ave. size of the younger age group being discussed, which renders your little gem of info useless. Are you really too stupid to see that?!?
this is 4:26. how does the ability to admit my statement was made in error make me the biggest idiot on here? actually, it takes an intelligent, civilized person to do that. which is more than what can be said for 3:53/4:33, 4:35, and a ton of you other fucks on here!!
I think you should just meet each other half way....You stop publicly telling people that you think your gf has gotten fat, so they dont think you are a pig (even tho its the truth and you should not be criticized for making a simple observation)...and she, just like every girl who cares what guys think and say, should get the fuck in shape...because its really not impossible to drop some LBS.
I haven't made fun of a single person in this entire thread. If you want to defend these people, try talking shit to the people who are being assholes and not the single person giving factual info as a reference.
This is a dumb text. I won't say you're not shallow but if you're not happy be a fucking man and break up with her. You might try being honest with her and yourself for a change.
I think 228 is right. This site and the guys in my high school all say the same things. I wll NEVER have sex. I like being a virgin and don't want one of you people touching me.
orrrrr 2:12.........in my case, i sometimes have to wear a 6 because of my hips........and no, it's not fat, my hipbones protrude. my bone structure is such that i need a bigger size from certain stores because i don't have the narrow hips of a twelve year old boy. shoot me for being a woman.
i'll grant you that implying she was an ass might be construed as judgemental, i strongly disagree with her stance on this matter,and i stated my opinion.
12:56 has a damn point here people. skinny does not always equal pretty. she could be totally hit.
and for the record i am a size 4 so shut up and don't call me fat.
just be like " hey baby, im going for a run... care to join? try to help her lose weight . if she has no desire to take care of her body than leave her.
fat people are scum, there is not excuse for obesity besides possibly a health condition. put down the cheeseburger and go workout. and no, that doesn't mean play wii tennis
i am 12:49, size Zero. i work in the fashion industry so enough said with that.
to all the idiots hating on me i assume you're just upset that i spoke the truth, NO i wont be hit by a bus. i'll prob end up driving over you in my A6.
2am is a moron. she'll be a size 10 by the end of soph year. Metabolism has to slow at some point and 00s arent the type to work out. muscle would force her into a bigger size.
Back to the original text though, he should break up with her. She's obviously not what he's after and he should cut her loose so he can chase after woman more suited to his taste and she can find a man that respects her for who she is, as she is NOW. win-win.
attention fats
learn from 156. see how good she feels about herself...theres incentive for you. GOOD JOB 156...i bet everyone wants to fuck you!
lard asses, no one wants you.
id srsly love to see some fucking pictures of you all! im sure if that was the case we'd all be singing a different toon. i bet you have suck a tiny prick dont feelnad they can fix that
do you ever close your eyes and wish the guy you're having sex with isn't actually fat?...wtf? double standards, dude. I'm sure you're a high school football dropout with a beer gut.
Well if that's the case then you're taking into account all the older ladies who are obese which really fucks up the real average for younger more fit people. We're not even talking about all the women in america, we're talking about girls just out of high school, which makes you the fool. Dumb bitch.
ok im a dude and im not into fat chicks BUT id take a hot fatter chick over a busted skinny chick any day. skinny girls think their weight is a get out of jail free card for their busted faces. FALSE.
haha- nice job, 5:01/5:02. You're either trying to be funny, or you're total idiots. I would LOVE to see you all run 26.2 miles- I do it without stopping, walking, or asking for food. But, hey, you guys go ahead and sit around, making fun of random people on an anonymous board. It's definitely going to help keep you in shape, keep you hot, and give you more justification to attempt (unsuccessfully) to make someone else feel bad about herself. ~5:00
4:38 #1 has a good point. Lots of people put on some weight if their lifestyle changes- one would assume graduating high school/going to college would be a lifestyle change. Ask her to go for a run, a hike, or a quick game of one-on-one basketball. It shouldn't be so much about how much someone weighs, but more about how they present themselves and take care of themselves. (I'm a 24 year old marathon runner, before some idiot starts with the "you sound fat" business)
if my woman ever gets fat, shell be leashed to the treadmill with a juicy steak tied in front of her. then ill eat the steak and give her a carrot. dont worry, ill let her rest for 20 mins, then we'll go again...
Thanks for the history lesson there cupcake but that shit has changed. Oh shit! Did I say cupcake......RRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
the south park episode about the motivational speaker who was a midget.. and cartman the fatass laughing at him. bahaha.. love it.
sorry, watched it last night and couldn't resist
to 12:05 yes you do have to be attracted to the person your dating, but if attraction is the only thing that you had going for her then all you are is a lustfull pig... because if you actually loved her then you would have looked past her imperfections
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