I realized after pounding back 151 and head banging into each other to "the drop" of that dub step song, that we weren't meant to have boyfriends at this point in time.
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Any reasonable self respecting guy, who has any decent taste in music wouldn't want to date a chick that head bangs to derpstep.
whats decent taste in music? that could literally be anything
They sound like two sluts that go to "music festivals" and get dicked up in the crowd
was your 151 on fire as per badass decree?
I dunno...I'd date these girls, anyone who likes dubstep is ok by me
It took that much to realise boyfriends are unneccessary?
After reading this text, I have to wonder what kind of dudes would even WANT to date chicks like these...
Dubstep is dead.
I don't hate dubstep...I do, however, live girls that can pound 151! That shit is less liquor, and more cleaning solution. Good job, ladies.
Dubstep>head banging rock shit> Justin Beaver/1D
dubstep isn't rock......neither is that little girl you mentioned
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