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  • TFLN, is great for occasional million dollar ideas like this.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Aug 7, 12 at 5:02pm
    • Pretty sure the police want that million...not only half minus groupon fees...

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Aug 8, 12 at 2:03am
  • @R_shackleford oh. My. God. You're like fucking Sherlock Holmes

    Submitted by AFatChode on Aug 8, 12 at 8:18pm
  • Number of times Incle

    Submitted by armchairguru on Aug 7, 12 at 6:32pm
  • Eightyeight's compulsion to comment 'eightyeight' is only when he is the first to comment. Why he chose his moniker is up in the air. But trolling trolls will troll. So not only is he a 'first douche. He perpetuates hate also in one fail swoop.

    Submitted by ly0ntamer on Aug 8, 12 at 3:44am
    • the Eighty Eight in his name is over eighty eight in his comment. 88/88=1 and 1=first. He just thinks he's smarter than us by saying "first" in this weird way.

      Submitted by R_Shackleford on Aug 8, 12 at 3:42pm
      • And he may just like the number, when I was a kid 88 was may favorite number

        Submitted by R_Shackleford on Aug 8, 12 at 3:44pm
  • Number of studded dildos uncle bought with his last Groupon. also number of times ArmchairGuru fails at using Swipe

    Submitted by armchairguru on Aug 7, 12 at 6:34pm
  • I'm certain R-sack would LOVE to fuck Sherlock Holmes. no sarcasm here.

    Submitted by armchairguru on Aug 10, 12 at 11:22am
  • Oh ft. Hood doin up as always

    Submitted by Irish_man_88 on Aug 8, 12 at 3:11am
  • Eighty Eight

    Submitted by Eightyeight on Aug 7, 12 at 4:04pm
  • Someone needs to get that going! I'ma give eighty eight a break... For now... Just gonna assume it means he likes it? Still annoying as fuck. "First" is worse though...

    Submitted by Kamster on Aug 8, 12 at 1:42am
    • I think they do it for fun. Someone pointed out that his name and comment being over each other signifies division so they really are saying they were first. I personally think they are female and endlessly entertained by the gibberish yall post. Troll person is trolling, it's the internet, nothing to see here. I dont see the point though, logging into my s/n is annoying enough without making two. They are a dedicated troll though.

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Aug 8, 12 at 2:02am
  • I don't get it.

    Submitted by MLOVES_T_F_L_N on Aug 7, 12 at 4:06pm
    • Groupon is a site where you can buy gift cards to places for half price. So $50 gift card for $25 ect. Kinda useful but really for people in big cities where there is shit to do.

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Aug 7, 12 at 4:10pm