i agree... if you stick your finger in someones ass and aren't grossed out just by the fact that you stuck your finger in their ass, you deserve to be poo'd on.
So it's now immature to think you shouldn't stick your finger in someone's ass? Let me put that into perspective... the only people who would do that are either 18 month old babies who don't know better, or homosexuals. Which one are you? Ahh, that's right....closet case right there.
Ok, 571 is Boulder VIRGINIA, 303 & 720 are Boulder COLORADO. One is in the sketchy, hick south, the other is voted the best place/the smartest place/the sexiest place/the fittest place to live by magazines such as Forbes and Newsweek. Classy in Boulder CO means $2Billion+. Classy in Boulder VA means 200+.
apparently some guys have no standards... wondering why you stayed in the first place, and if you even really wanted to leave. musta been fukkin desperate.
if she was that disgusting, why would you have spent the entire night with her? and yeah, definitely wouldn't enjoy a finger shoved up my ass so if anyone ever does try it I hope there is poo so they won't do it ever again.
you stick a finger in her butt and don't expect poo to be in there? now us girls have to make sure our butts are unnaturally clean as well???? bahahahah
@9:45 I will never understand why people think that just because a text is long that it is fake. iPhones don't have a text limit, so you're obviously poor & have a crappy phone.
there is something called 'standards'... u don't have them
boulder is NOT that bad... if you attract sick nasty people you can attract them anywhere
and fuck all of you people saying 'what i hear about boulder...'
grow the fuck up
10:01 here, just wanted to let the Texas guy know that Colorado isn't really Yankee. They had almost no involvement in the Civil War. Also, Texas is a shithole full of arrogant douchebags.
It's scary that some of you have the right to vote. They should make you take a test first. Raising children and voting, two of our most important responsibilities, yet any dumb ass can do it.
there is no such thing as Boulder, Virginia retards. This person obviously is from VIRGINIA and goes to school in COLORADO. people go to school out of state. it does happen. this is not rocket science. jesus.
meh..it probably is boulder, co. CU has about 50 cases of suspected swine flu right now, which we all like to blame heavily on the Californians bringing back from the LA area. that'd make the most sense anyhow, seeing as a girl this classy could only be a Californian import.
I hope Texas secedes. Everyone wins. They don't have to deal with "Yankee bitches" and we don't have to deal with...well, we all know what Texans are like.
the fact that you stayed after seeing the mattress on the living room floor is stupid but you stayed until 10am. you must've liked the shit on your finger.
Everyone dissing Boulder.... It's all the douchebags and skanks from California and Tex-ass that bring the town down! The actual locals are great people.
Douche bags. 571 is Arlington/Fairfax VA, not Boulder Va, which is about 7 hours away. Boulder, CO is where he is talking about becuase he is some tree hugging hippie out of state college kid that likes to stick his dick in the dirty locals. And you think 571 is a poor area? Check again retard it lies in the one of the richest counties in the US. June 9 11:16 am
Thank you, 4:17, I was thinking the same thing. The only way he would've "felt poo" is if she was about 5 seconds away from taking a shit on his chest. Then again, some guys are in to that. You never know.
no one is from boulder in boulder...CU is just amazing so everyone out of town and state go there...their are at most like 100 kids actually from boulder so stop hating!
Dear 3OH!3
You are obviously not from CO...so stop referencing our shitty band.
And dear God...this might be the same girl my friend found...if so...you need to get tested ASAP
boulder is the shit. i cant think of anywhere else where you can go hiking and blaze with your friends in the mountains, then get drunk and try to go tube down a class 4 rapids river, all why surrounded by some exceptional babes.
Texas sucks, Colorado doesn't. Never been to Boulder, so it may or may not suck. The poster is a rockstar who obviously just wanted to get some sleep after these goings on and was awoken by the diseased hag at 7am by her coughing and again at 10am from her pissing the bed. I'm betting he left right then. Stop the hate, this is funny shit.
that's why you don't stick your finger in a girl's butt. It's not made for that. It's made for poo. Stop sticking fingers where they don't belong asshole
You are all fucking retarded!! Look at the g*d damn area code. this isn't Boulder, Colorado. Boulder, Colorado is 303 or 720. It's not CU, it's not 3oh!3, it's Boulder, VIRGINIA. Fuckin' use your heads. That's probably why you aren't at CU. Because you can't decipher the o so confusing numbers in an area code.
hahaha anal sex is fuckin awkward man. my first time with my boyfriend, my cd of the acacia strain was in the background.
but advice for you, maybe...not anything involving a girl's ass? or choose your ladies better....
To all the people saying "of course you felt poo, you stuck your finger in her ass" ... shit is usually stored higher in the intestine than a finger can reach until it's time to take a dump. Just sayin'.
One, I'm an original NOVA girl and I still love Texas. Two, 571 is not Boulder, VA. It's NOVA's cel area code [Fairfax, Prince William yada yada] ... So stop being dumb. And hey, some people like a finger up their butt. Don't hate.
I'm from NOVA, and my brother recently moved to Colorado, not Boulder, but not far from it, and every time I read this I question if it could be him and that just makes it a million times more disgusting.
No such thing as Boulder, VA? You're a retard.
Boulder, CO voted as "the sexiest place to live"? WTF???? I fucking hate the people's republic of boulder, co!
a herion mattress resembles laying in a full sized ashtray with a bloody condom on my cock and a half eaten cheddar cheese log crammed in my mouth while she beats me with a whiffle ball bat
Dude you talk like the person getting the Text should feel sorry for you, when In reality you must be pretty desperate to hang out with a chick like that in the first place, or a junkie yourself.
uhhh... 3:49, you clearly have never been to boulder. while there are a lot of hot girls there, there are also a lot of girls who dread their pubes and bathe in patchouli oil.
Jesus christ man! You definitely caught something. Probably something old that was thought to be an extinct disease. Not necessarily an STD but something. Scurvy maybe?
Excuse me why would you do that DUDE Exit ONLY WRONG NONONO I can barely work this contraption I'm so appalled what do you expect when you stick you finger in someones bum STUFF COMES OUt It DOESN'T GO IN!
1:43 you obviously have never been to Texas or know anything about it because you just spit out every stereotype related to it...perhaps we have reasons why we love it so much?
He had best not have been talking about Boulder, Colorado. We are a classy group of individuals in this little town, thank you very much (although it's true, the Californians do hoe it up some).
And just because Boulder is mentioned doesn't mean quoting 3oh!3 is necessary, thank you very much.
1. - what does that make you?!
- and (a very, very little) 2. - what are you doing up that late in Boulder!? (except being skanky with skanky!)
What's your name? so, I can tell EVERYONE to stay away!
sick....the part about the poo in her butt...why the fuck was ur finger in there anyways, looking for something besides poo? But yeah...she sounds like a keeper...
THAT is not the saddest thing about that night.It's that she is not only the classiest lady in Boulder,she's the classiest lady you've ever gone to bed with.
Firstly, where the fuck is boulder? I dont know every place in america/etc... And here in the great heritage of england, we reserve our fingers for the WOMAN'S vagina.
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