So funny. I wore a shirt just yesterday (that I got at a vintage store in Austin, TX that says "Leesburg, home of the world's largest frying pan". I didn't know where that was or if it actually existed! Go Iowa! Fun stuff!
I live in Sioux City and I gotta say this is the most backass country state ever. I moved here from Seattle and it seems like stepping back in time 30 years! And yes I've been to Des Moines, no nightlife to speak of. I miss civilization :(
Ugh, Goddamn Brandon, IA. Super sketchy. I've passed that sign a thousand times on the way to Iowa City, which, as the above posters have stated, ROCKS. Lost my money and dignity many times in the ped mall! :)
LOVE IT! Every time I drive past it, I try to distunguish which is more pathetic...that there's a sign for the world's largest frying pan, or the fact that I live 20 miles from it.
corn is def iowa's, not nebraskas. we grow more corn in iowa than any other whole country in the world. you were thinking of Nothing. Nebraska's thing is all the Nothing they have.
June 9, 2009 12:41AM and supposedly playboy said that the Iowa high school state wrestling tourney is the number one place to get our claims to fame....
i have a picture of me IN that fryin' pan! we drove by it enough times and decided a picture was necessary. then we went to the gas station where we were stared at by the locals, bought cheese, and got the fuck out of there!.......good times
I live in Cedar Rapids, I've actually been to see the largest frying pan, just to see what kind of fucking little town can claim to have the World's Largest Frying Pan.
Ummm, 3:52, the frying pan in question is only about an hour away from Iowa City. So...yeah. This is awkward, may be retarded. You should get yourself checked.
LIES!!! World's largest frying pan is in Long Beach, Washington. I have pics to prove it. Although, the locals there also think they live on the world's biggest peninsula....
Yeah I live in Iowa and never heard of that..You must be in bumblefuck nowhere...You should have been in Iowa City...Youre opinion of the state will definitely change.
Yeah, it's Iowa's largest frying pan, as if there is some Large frying pan race going on accross the country. An yes, I have seen it...i drove down the road (creepy small town by the way) and I thought the actual frying pan was just another sign. Seriously not that exciting....sorry brandon
The only funny thing I've ever seen in Iowa was the Kum & Go gas station in Des Moines. My uncle took a picture of himself in front of the sign, just so his friends would believe him that there was a store actually named that.
i thought the world's largest frying pan was in Rosehill NC?? i touched it. they fry hundreds of chickens in it once a year. hmmm someone better look this up
For all of you bashin' Iowa. Just go to Iowa City for a night, or Des Moines (but I'd say Iowa City is better).. There's a reason that Iowa is considered the #9 party school according to playboy... and #12 according to princeton review... so I would definitely say iowa does their fuckin part!
The town has a gas station and five houses, one of which is rotting apart. The saddest part about this is that no matter how drunk you are when you go there, or get there, it is never fun. No amount of alcohol can make the trip worth it, even if it's just five minutes out of the way. We've tried. Despite this, I still have a huge urge to illegally relocate it to somewhere nearer by where I live. I am certain one of the posters above is someone I know. Hello Caity.
Iowa has the stupidest stuff for people to know us by.
For example. Go to Youtube and look up Gem Sweater , Leslie Hall. Thats an Iowan.
Way to represent.
Yep, the famous Brandon Iowa, Home of Iowas Largest Frying Pan and also home of rapeist and sex offender Roger Bently who along with his brother James plotted the abduction and death of Jetsetta Gage. The shoud heat up that pan and FRY both of those moroons in it and then it would really be famous
Iowa also has the Ice Cream Capital of the World - LeMars, Iowa. Just north of Sioux City. Home of Wells Blue Bunny, LeMars produces more ice cream than any other city in the world.
wait, so the frying pan isn't just another sign? I drove down the road and saw another sign that said the worlds largest frying pan, and it had a pan on the sign, i thought that was it. are you telling me that wasn't it? O.o I think I'm gonna have to go back and try to find this crazy thing. I drive past Brandon every weekend.
Hey! Rose hill, NC supposedly has the worlds largest frhing pan... Right in y neck of the woods... Besides, we actually fry 365 chickens in it every year
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