I once saw a guy driving a lawnmower with a tallboy... he proceeded to drive the mower up a tree only for it to flip on top of him... he didnt spill a drop of beer!
Bakersfield/ Tehachapi is the biggest shit hole on earth. everone there is and ugly dumbass redneck. i knew this girl alyssa that lived there and she had the fattest ass ever not to mention a gross ass mole on her face
When I moved to Tehachapi my new neighbors were very excited to inform me that my "property is zoned to have split-hoofed animals" as in pigs and goats. They bred rabbits for food... I last ten months there before I moved my family out. Tehachapi sucks and this post just reminded me why... thank you!
it depends on where you are in 661. bako town is bomb. then again thats a pretty shitty place to live. but its not boring =]]
haha i wanna race a lawnmower!!!
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