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  • Was there any particular reason she couldn't celebrate at midnight? Who the hell gets up at 5 am to start drinking, just because they CAN?

    Submitted by deezknight on Feb 11, 12 at 5:40pm
  • You guys act like the drinking age is a fucking competition of which country is better. It doesnt even matter because most everyone who is underage drinks, reguardless of the law in their country.\n\nIt's just alcohol, grow up people. Have a beer.

    Submitted by sssmarie on Feb 11, 12 at 8:04pm
  • Hahahhahaahahhaa the patriotism in America makes me laugh. They act like their country is their dead father. If anyone insults it, not only are they 100% wrong, the person that insulted them is the spawn of the devil.

    Submitted by yewinnhard on Feb 12, 12 at 1:24am
    • Dead father? A more accurate description is that Canada is our retarded half French cousin that we've bailed out almost as many times as we have France.

      Submitted by porksword on Feb 12, 12 at 2:50pm
  • Canada is just a loft apartment about a really great party!

    Submitted by 2jzstang on Feb 12, 12 at 3:20am
  • They hate us because we have what they want.\n\nUSA bitches.

    Submitted by bearheel on Feb 11, 12 at 9:53pm
  • No, it's why people live in a better country like Canada where the longest you'll have to wait is 19.

    Submitted by dmoney1234 on Feb 11, 12 at 4:53pm
    • Yeah, but those are metric years and the metric system sucks moose balls!

      Submitted by porksword on Feb 11, 12 at 11:45pm
  • You can drink at 18 in England.

    Submitted by AtlantisXX on Feb 12, 12 at 8:10am
  • @phys: if you're so cool why does every country hate you?

    Submitted by dmoney1234 on Feb 11, 12 at 6:35pm
    • everyone hates the US for one simple reason..... haters gonna hate

      Submitted by thorn21 on Feb 11, 12 at 10:44pm
      • and we start wars for profit or blow people up just so guys can score political points...or have west African grade healthcare/education...Lindsey Lohan..

        Submitted by nunubeest on Feb 11, 12 at 11:41pm
  • @dmoney: Canada isn't nearly as cool as the US. Get that through your thick head, eh

    Submitted by Phys on Feb 11, 12 at 5:26pm