I just masturbated while eating dinner. Now who's the lazy one
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d i s g u s t i n g.
Carter_ronin you are my freaking hero. Easily one of the funniest comments I've read on here
Jerked chicken is awesome!
Want any Special Sauce with your meal?
My ex wife and I gave each other foot jobs at Olive Garden during her rents 25 dinner. I miss her.....not gross if you clean up.
... this moment of "over-share" brought to you by Olive Garden... (olivegardendoesnotendorseviolatinganystateorlocalhealthcodesorpublicindecencylaws.)
Nothing wrong with a little protein drizzle to balance out your dinner.
aint nothin wrong wit that
Work smarter, not softer.
Fucking Overachiever!
Multitasking at its finest
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