ohhhh fuckk. chicks a dude.
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Dude looks like a lady...
exactly what i was going to say
BadMitch only fucks super models with vaginas, www.badmitch.com
And your friends knew.
Perhaps he was a sweet transvestite (from transsexual Transylvania)?
Marry me?
rocky horror picture show is pretty much the worst movie ever made
Bitch I will beat you down
Wow amazing comment just saying
A mouth is a mouth...
Trannies need love too. :(
so.........who played catcher?
No, she's a chic with a dick!
You mean three philipinno women..... Oh god.... Oh god... Oh god!!!!!
bought this shirt for my friend cause he got head from a tranny....he loved the shirt
best one on this whole damn site.
I think I know who this is
dude looks like a lady!!! (dude aint a lady)
I have been this 'chick' before.
sounds like a few thailand stories I have... some can be very convincing
Suprise? Or are u used to it?
gotta love... SO FAKE DUDE May 28, 2009 6:58PM even if your thinking it, no one gives a shit. cant we all just laugh at the misfortune of others. this is america god damn it. unless this site is global, in which case fuck you french bastards.
this site is global mate
Or transizes
did no one else catch that this was from What I Like About You??
Been there, done that...
even if it's fake it's funny as fuck!
South bay!!!
reading this is like the first time i saw the hangover.
In soviet russia girls are guys.
So how far exactly did u go before u realized this...
Chop his dick off an fuck the hole.
And this is where the song "Dude look like a Lady" starts playing.
Bitches... Tru dat....
Dude looks like a lady!!!!!!
Lol looser check twice before sex
Best on so far
You shud still finish what u started
I say 'run bitch run'
That sucks... U should just enjoy the moment though... It could be a shemale
hopefully you tried it might not get another chance again!
nice mann have funn wit da tranny (fuck all haters this guy had probs lol)
this deserves a horrible night
This is from what a like about you:(
Some people are into that
that can really ruin a night........
Lol I really feel bad for you, but the again if it never happened I wouldn't be laughing
That's just wrong man
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah\nWhy would you try an hook up with someone like that?!
dudes like it more anyway
hahahahahaha this is my all time favorite
Hahaha funniest one ever. Oh so unfortunate and oh so authentic. Love it!
the rule is if u have to think avout the she is
Hahahaha fuuunnnnnyyyy!!!!! Sense the sarcasm
Funniest text ever
This is actually from an episode of What I Like About You.
next time just go for a dude. save u the surprise.
this is like so freaking awesome its not even funny
Two halves can't make a whole without a hole! giggity giggity oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
Bahahhahaha! Omg best ive read today, thats epic
HAHAHAHHi laughed so much at this
Did you ejaculate?
All gays should only do this to other gays
I guess they were sayin it's funny
my worst nightmare...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm laughing so fucking muuuch!
O shit. Dony ya just hate it when that happens???
Just got Chuck Liddelled!
i just fucking pissed my pants lm-fucking-ao
hahahahahahahaha that sucks!!!!!!
FYL dude.
Bro that was just a huge clit!!
Well, there's a 1st time for everything...
10/15/09 1:38am-- ew.
Hahaha never would admit it, even if he was looking for this! Lol
Dude...Fucking. Lol!
With a 310 area code, this guy should know better!
This text is epic xD
thats what you get for hanging out in los filez at night.
Oh my god he probably had sex with him/her to find out. I mediforicaly feel his pain
yessssss I live to here this stuff.
either the guy was really fucked up or the chick was very passable lol
I know a man named chick. Haha.
terrible...unless ur into that sort of thing
His name is ilian roudev. Look him up on myspace n shit. Google.
You know what's sad this has happen to me before
Ha, always gotta wonder, do trans do this kind of stuff just to see the look on people's faces or what?..
Ain't that a bitch? That won't buff out...
Just tell me u dident go all the way?!
Ohh fuck... Peed in ya butt
Sounds like a line from it's allways sunny in philidelphia.
We've all been there...
my girl/man is TG. I hope she was passable, cause there aint nothin grosser than one thats hairy and funny looking!
Imagine if he had sex with him before he found out
Never think I'd see the day this would be one of the worst nights... Heh
WOW. when did u find out? In bed?!
dude looks like a lady!!! (dude aint a lady) WAS FUNNY
You got owned
Lets hope you found out soon enough.
Only in la
Probably found put when they hit the bedroom and saw the she still had a dick attached.
Hello, Always Sunny in Philadelphia
If you were drunk then it's okay bud
All gays are so sex driven... Fucken homosexual
"Jojo was a man who thought he was a woman,"
Things like this happen in north hampton mass all the time
The funniest text ever. Who wouldn't laugh if you got a text like that?
In soviet Russia dudes become chicks with dicks
Da da da dude looks like a lady!
How in the fuck is this a good night..?
Wait that was you....
Lol. That's good one! Lol. Really!!!
Figures this would be in Los Angeles! Haha!
Mess that sick fuck up.
Lemme guess next yr goin 4 old granny fuckin stine
Overlooking the Adams apple?? Bad idea.
Ladyious Maximus ??
How do fucking 1600 people think this is a good night? God. Retards
Hey,I'd say that your pretty fucking lucky you didn't put that lipstick on your mouth..... .....or did you?
U poooooooor soul
Fav by far
Double take
They all look the same with the lights off...
U live In Los angeles, that's a surprise?
There are somethings that are mention to be kept secret....this..is NOT one of them. You made my day slightly better
...when exactly did u find out?
Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend
I know what you mean
Dontcha just hate it when this happens...
Uhhhh.... I'd fuck a guy and I'd fuck a chick but not a guy pretending to be a girl or vice versa
i think im dancing with a man.lol!
oh drag queens, how u scare us so at how badly u men want to cross-dress
Beat that sick fuck up !
Chics with dicks, watch out for \n Lola!
Mega Win
All cats are gray in the dark!
So... Still feels warm when you piss down his throat when he thinks he's just gonna blow you.
Hate it when that happens
My mom thinks I am a dude inside by I now the truth
lifes a bitch
Tru dat....
ahaathats is som bad luck
that's why you don't order "girls" off craigslist
Soooo epic!
Ohhhh fuck. That's hilarious.
You didn't see that one "cum"ing.... Or did you?
Why does this have so many dislikes? I thought it was funny
Lola l.o.l.a. Lola
Shims a hemale?
ohh fuck.....
Hahaha rough dude thts a situation
Hahahahahahahaha I just pissed myself a bit!
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