@Nicole: People who choose to do things to their body ie) surgery Is a form of birth control. And IF THERE ARE PEOPLE WITHOUT KIDS WHO WANT THEM OTHER PEOPLE KEEPING ALL OF THEIR LADY PARTS DOES NOT HELP THEM ps the world is overpopulated.
I sent this as a joke to my friend trying to cheer myself up when I got back from getting a biopsy to check for breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer. I'm 20, and been on birth control since I was 15. Don't be so fucking quick to judge.
ps-I'm one of those women who has to get them removed who wants kids, but I've known for almost 6 years that I'll never have them. Feeling like a piece of shit yet?
removing your ovaries sends your body into menopause. if you want to also immediately add hot flashes, excess body weight, facial hair, and more coarse skin and hair to your adventures, go for it. fyi it's also 100% non-reversible.
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