Funny stuff. Most of these little bitches have probably never tried it before, or any drug for that matter... My friend pissed himself the other nite on it... lmao
Salvia divinorum (Diviners' Sage,[2] ska María Pastora,[3] Sage of the Seers,[4] or colloquially by its genus name Salvia) is a psychoactive herb which can induce strong dissociative effects.
Woo Albertans!!
My buddy was on it, and said he thought everyone was made out of Lego,
And another guy said it looked like people's faces were melting.
my housemate was on this shit and thought he was the water underneath a pirate ship. left a drool puddle over the course of 10 mins while he laughed his face off. was really gross.
can you imagine what youd see driving and being on that?
WHoa, man! Have fun toting around that load of guilt that will plague you for the rest of your life if something happens to your dad or someone else as a result of your "fun" little experiment! Hope you get a manslaughter charge to go with it!
lol at the guy above me. Salvia actually requires a higher temperature than most other substances, and higher than some lighters can produce. However, hold a flame to something long enough and it will heat up hotter than the hottest part of the flame.
And as fucked up as this is, this is funny as shit.
.. ... wow. I'm a fan of both drugs, but I feel that dosing someone with something without telling them counts as assault, and you deserve to be beaten with sticks until dead. Seriously uncool, man.
ah shut the fuck up. you could never get high off salvia from a dugout...the taste is noticeable immediately...the dose is too small...its a funny prank
omg thats funny...hope he pulls over though once he starts to trip.
i did that my dorm room..felt like my hair was made o spaghetti, and the chair was eating the rug :)
never used a butane and done it plenty of times, probably not the best idea but good work on the post. story over. PHISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Fuck the dad. Who gives a shit. One less dumbass in the world smoking dope, not to mention while driving. His dad sounds like a piece of shit to begin with. He dies, oh well!
11:38 - how is he acting irresponsibly? If he's old you can assume he's smoked for awhile and I mean I've only smoked for 5 years and I can drive fine blitzed.
salvia is still legal in some states.
and it probably won't do anything unless your dad uses a butane lighter, so everyone needs to calm the hell down.
"Yeah, too bad salvia only works when you use a butane lighter, so I guess you better hope that's what he has."
Not true, any lighter will work, maybe not as efficiently but it'll work.
But yeah that's hella shady, dosing someone is not cool.
Yeah, too bad salvia only works when you use a butane lighter, so I guess you better hope that's what he has.
Salvia is a legal drug that makes you halucinate for a very short period of time. It's not as fun as it sounds though.
a] to whoever said salvia was legal, as of jan 1st last year it became least in the states it did.
b] salvia trip itself only lasts about 5-20 minutes ..20 at most.
c] it depends on what extract you dose it with...30x salvia is giggly but no hallucinating. 60x, though, and you might just have yourself a pile of rubble instead of a papa and a car. best of luck!
Everyone chill the fuck out. The dad will hopefully learn his lesson. If not he discovers an effing awesome drug.
And 11:42.
It is as fun as it sounds.
Totally thought I was humpty dumpty fallen off a wall and my friends were all the king's men.
YOU CANNOT TRIP ON A SMALL HIT OF SALVIA FROM A PIPE! you have to use a bong and you have to take a verrrry large rip of it to feel effects. So everyone on here needs to STFU
Used to listen to Zappa all the time but discovered Zappa when I dipped into my roommates salvia stash. Bong's the way to go with that.
And not cool do alter someone else's state of mind without them know it. Seriously fucked up even if it doesn't work. Douche!
this is to the guy who said shit about americans:
how racist are you? one fucking idiot doesnt make america. are you retarded? you must be. there are dumb fuckers who do dumb fucking shit all over the world, every day, every second. i resent your racist unfounded and ignorant statements about my country and its inhabitants.
Wow. No one here knows shit about salvia. If it's salvia leaf, his dad is going to think, "Yuck." End of story. If it's extract however, his dad will not be seeing with his eyes by the time he tastes it, and hopefully, he isn't driving. Out of the many drugs I've experimented with, this one takes the cake. Quoting my friend Adam the first time he smoked it, "Why would I even think that?" LMFAO. :) Be careful. Have fun.
something along these lines happend to me, a roommate would steal my cigs and to teach him a lesson i put those cig loads in a landlord came over for the rent and he swiped a smoke. he was getting on the 405 freeway when it went did his car right off the on ramp......busted up car but he was ok...i hope the same can be said for this kids dad..
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