11:58- are you penning a manual, or similar, on the potential dangers of 'buttfucking'? Hmm, strange individual. Speaking of which, who classifies this as a 'good night'? Good night for who? The shitter, or the shittee?
Of horse you did...\n\nA whore did a horse\nA horse \nA horse\nAnd most people dont do \na horse\nof course\nUnless of course the whore's \ndone worse \nThen a horse she gave some head!
she was on top of me and she sharted all over my nuts so I said what the fuck and she replied........you just fucked the shit out of me........no shit for real
i feel bad for this poor girl! i guess none of you have ever been butt fucked because then you would understand careful you have to be not to shart, it gets too loose after you ass fuck. this guy probably buttfucked her wheather she wanted to or not, and she sleep farted and her butt was to loose not to shart. not her fault. the guys should know that its kind of a risk. at least she didnt shit on him right after he pulled out. that happens to alot of people
If you engage in anal sex you should:\nA)Use the restroom beforehand\nB)Use an enema before engaging in anal sex\nC)Use the bathroom after engaging in anal sex
why is it such a big deal if it did or didn't happen? it's f***ing funny. and it's probably the same person typing 'fake' over and over again anyway.....
To 12.18: "Oh, love? Can I shart on you again so I can take a picture to put up on a texting website? Yeah, some kids think it's not possible.... Aw, thanks, you're the best!"
I love sharting. I did it once at work and said, you know, fuck it, I'm walking around like this for the rest of the day. Sadly, I was also wearing beige pants.
i bet its NOT fake. My husband did it to me. Same exact sanerio. I should have used it against him 24 years ago. and Ran like hell. If it starts out as *being shit on* it somehow does NOT get better LOL
"i bet this kid is like 12 and watches so much porn and thats the only reason he knows what spooning is... and hes prolly never kissed a girl"
Who the fuck spoons in porn dumbass?
ive actually done this before to my ex...after that night anytime my stomach felt weird i had to sleep in whole butts :)
we never sent it out in a text though
Oh good. So I am not the only who has been in this situation. Did it to my boyfriend (terrible stomach virus) and the next day he told me he loved go figure. And I was banned from sleepin naked when I didnt feel good.
"fake. funny, but not real.
unless this girl had a handicap i can't imagine any normal girl losing control over her bowels in her sleep; regardless of being intoxicated"
I love fucking shut-in virgin idiots.
She obviously needed a cork in there, and apparently you weren't helping her in that department. Serves you right.
Now I think a vengeful cleveland steamer is in order.
I am so tired of people saying something is fake.... who the hell cares??? If you think it, it can happen. I believe it and its f'ing hilarious. Well, for us.... maybe not her so much....
the shit that sneaks out with said fart usually likes sprays out like when you open a soda that's been shaken because of all the pressure that has built up.
and i don't have a doubt that this is real. this is why we don't spoon naked while incapacitated.
Im a girl who did almost shart on guy after a drunken night. i beleive this actually happened. you need to get out a live a little if you cant believe this one.
lol... ive never had anal, and i almost did this, but i woke up just in time.. and no, it does not mean you have a loose asshole.. idiots.. its about how much you drink.
fake. funny, but not real.
unless this girl had a handicap i can't imagine any normal girl losing control over her bowels in her sleep; regardless of being intoxicated
8:51 you are a fucked up person.. dude shit like this happens all the time whether your fucking handicaped or not.. my brother is handicaped and can control his bowel movements.. so im pretty sure you have a loose ass hole from too much cock sex.. get over yourself.
I see alot of ppl sayn this was fake. Well tyr this one on for size. I was getn my girl in the chocolate star fish, i have bout an inch round, 10 gauge Prince Albert and pulled out a Cock Ring loooaded with duece putty!
Who cares if its fakee ? Honestly ?
Its a big world + full of texters out theree .
i'm pretty sure its bound to happen, or already did . hence this textt .
its plausible to shart definatley but the likeliness of it happening in your sleep is extremely slim. would make more sense if he had said she farted on his dick
totally believable! today i was sitting indian style on my chair with no pants, Farted, and felt my foot get alittle more than just air blown on it! True story just happened and it sucks. Oh and im a girl.
i dont care if its fake, if it is fake then this guy deserves some sort of award, maybe greatest person alive award, if its not fake then u have a dirty dirty weener
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