I'm fucking your sister right now.
You motherfucker
She's next.
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single greatest back-and-forth in history
I love scotch
you stay classy tampa bay!
my brother inlaw is also my best friend and ive gotten similar texts from him when he's been drinking, guess its payback for when we were teenagers and he walked in on me fucking his much older sister! lmao
Awesome dude
I've never been prouder of living in Tampa!
tampon suck balls stop talking about it please
keepin it in the family.....nice!
Halarious I'm gonna have to try this cause I date my friends sister. Hahaha!
hhahahaahahahahah idc if its from american wedding but this is too funny
*Long distance high five*
my hero
haha! That is EPIC!!!
Thats kinda from american pie
Epicccc,...favorite of all time
Haha that is one amazing comeback
that's just how we get down in Tampa.
Oh Tampa, you would. It's fun to see what my area code says...
Nice new fav!!!!!!!¡¡¡!!!
I gotta love this town, especially when I personally know 2 seperate situations of this. love to be from this town
hahahahahaha i love this
Represent TAMPA!!!! WHOOT!
I've been waiting to find a tampa post, and this was the first one. have to say, i'm impressed.
reppin tampa!!!!dah 813!!!lol
Oh baby!! Lmao
So what if it is fake??? Its still hilarious and great so stop being so uptight about it and enjoy it for what its worth.
Got to love it
Way to rub it in well done indeed
Oh wow. Can we say ooowwwnneeddddd?
oh wow what a talk this is fuckin funny
this is awesome i don't care whether or not it was made up.
American Wedding was like: "You're a GrandMotherfucker" "You Motherfucker" "Yes I am"
Legen... Wait for it...DARY!
yeah i doubt it's made up, this definitely sounds like a tampan. so proud.
Dude who cares if there fake. There funny.
... god i just need to fuck Placke's sister now so i can send that to him...
It's not from American Wedding, but it sounds familiar...
I LOVE TAMPA!! lmfao
That's almost as epic as my dick!
hell yeah,Tampa :)
Haha, not as fake as you'd like to think, anons.
I think im in love with whoever posted this. Fake or not, it made me laugh my ass off. Seriously. Text me =]
gottaa love the 813!
Ellllll yeh
Haha.... Glad to c tht I'm not the only one who keeps it in the family:)!!..
Gotta love the 813
yeah thats good stuff
Hahah that's great
Can I be next ...
Tampa bay ftw
Wow! For once Tampa..gotta give you props!
wooooowww..... it is hilarious, maybe fake, but I really don't care because it is extremely funny. Extra points cuz I woke my roommate up laughing.
Game, set, and MATCH! Hahaha
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Pwned.
jajajaja puta tú madre ese jaja
God help me, this is so corny.
It hellarious as long as it's not u
Flawless victory
Hahahahahahah that made my day
You go man. You. Go.
Joey, how could you post this?
Def proud to call 813 home :)
this is def my fav so far. lol
Haha best one!
i fukking love ate one tree
Hhahahah that's messed up, yet so funny
woooooo tampa. awesome.
fake the guy wouldnt set him up with motherfucker its to easy to reverse it
Hahahahaha lol rofl
damn strait its the best one eva. the more the merrier. keep it alive!!!!!!!
It's probably not made up. Us Tampanians are fucking nuts.
Who wanna do it
Yeahh Tampa bitches .
I applaud you. Nicely done
I think this is fake, but I don't care because it's funny!
Good game.
Alwaz wit dee moms ahe!
Good job Love. Make me proud. :)
Good to be back in Tampa lol
I would literally come unglued! Definitely have to be break someones legs, face, and hands! They would regret even thinkin about my mom and sister!
This reminds me of a porno I have seen
Lmao!...I wud fuck this dude up tho!
Stpetee. 727 bitches!
tampa is da shiit
That is hilarious!!!
Wish I had thought to do that when I was dating a friend's sister...freaking hilarious.
Why the hell would you do that
I'm 30 mins South (Sarasota) yay!!! Way to go Tampa.
Footage love the 813 ;)
yeah, def a frat-greek-incest post deal
So awesome
Must say, one of the best of the best TFLN!
This shit is funny
Funniest fucking shit I have heard in a while
... also, gotta love being in tampa for the thought that someone else has something that awesome in mind...
Stay classy, bro. Stay classy.
hahahaha. fucking epic. probably fake, but wonderful anyway.
gotta say thats funny...
dun dun dun...
My best friend was fully awake and aware I was fucking his older sister... Mainly cause he was in the room acting as Dj.
So fake
what the fuck??
This was clearly fake.
Haha! Win
totally from american wedding..
I wish this would happen
Tampa. anyone go to Plant?
Wooooo! My area code! Tampa FL! FTW
Props man. That takes balls.
Soooo fake
Haha way to go Tampa, way to go. Stay classy. Makes me proud I live an hour away from Tampa.
OMG, LOL!!!!!!
And that's how things are done in tampa lol
hahahahahaha. that is the best thing ive ever read. maybe.
That's Tampa for you...
Lmaooo , SO proud to call Tampa home :)
I go to plant!
thats fucking funny....keep it real
My fav by far
Hilarious i m going to fuck her next
I call after her!!!!
Fake af
this one is the best
We have found the new "King Of Trolls"!!!
this is great. made my night :)
From my area, tampa makes me proud
Ya because people text while their having sex. Bullshit!!!
I do, especially if I'm fucking my friends sister!
Fuck Tampa, this is small town 813 shittt(:
Lol Tampa, FL ftw
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