wow, i can't believe how gayly passionate you people are about this shit. Yes, clearly a fake story, but why do you give a shit? I chuckled briefly. How are these texts 'killing the site'. The site is meant to ammuse. I was ammused. If anything, it's the people who submit the fake texts who are lame because the reality of their lives aren't interesting enough...
haha i believe it is real. one time i bumped into another "person" when i was really drunk at a club. i said sorry and tried to move out of the way. the "person" went the same way i did... and i then i tried to move to the other side and so did the other "person"..... i thought "oh. this is awkward." then i realized it was in fact a mirror. im not proud of this moment..... but it did in fact happen,,,,,, haha,,,,, sadly.
how many more times must the fact that verizon to verizon can send over 160 characters be stated? jesus. fake or not, it was still possible to send that text.
lmaoo i wouldnt say its fakee right awayy .
because we all havee thosee kind of momentss ?
but damn if its true, that guyy must've been drunkk as helll .
I happen to know a guy who in a nightclub full of mirrors, hilariously called "reflections" was so drunk he had an argument with himself for staring at him...never came to blows he is a peaceful sort, just told him to fuck off staring so who knows, there may be a shred??
Are people really questioning the integrity of a site dedicated to drunken texts? That’s just like Tucker Carlson questioning the integrity of a show like the Daily Show. Its a fun site to post funny stories/jokes real or fake...I urge all of you who disputed this quite passionately to get lives and contribute something else to society.
fuck this you have to be borderline retarded to think there is someone in a mirror. i dont care what drugs you take or how much alcohol you drink this is fucking bullshit and dumb kids like the one that posted this should fucking kill themselves. way to ruin the site fuckhead stop posting obvious fake shit... i dont really care if some shit is fake if its funny and not obvious like this fucking bullshit. damnit
Wats making this site die is faggets who call these funny ass texts fake! Who rele cares, ur reading em to make u laugh right? And i bet it did so F off!!
Honestly, it's funny.
who cares if it's fake?
FML is starting to suck because people keep rewriting/editing stories already posted, and re posting them.
Atleast this was original.
Fake, yes, but funny as hell. I was quite high, and was looking in the mirror, and could not understand why I looked different.... turns out it was a window.
to the person doubting it on the basis of how long it is in general - i hate abbreviating words, and tend to send pretty lengthy texts myself (as i'm sure you guessed based on this post alone)
Just a little lesson for you all. In the end - I agree that the post is likely fake as well. Even still, it gave me a chuckle to picture something like that actually happening...
my txts allow 800 characters so i could really bore the fucking pants off people...if i so 11.05 AM "more stupid" although stupider is probably quite appropriate :)
Just wanted to comment on the fake thing, my best friend nearly got in a fight with my mirror because she was drunk and trying to walk thru my closet to the bathroom to piss but and I quote " this naked bitch won't get the fuck out if my way".
Obviously it's fake. Let me put that dispute to rest:
FAR MORE THAN 160 CHARACTERS. In fact it has 200 more, at 360 characters.
It is lame that the site didn't catch just this as a sign of fakeness. They could easily filter out these fakes. But it's also lame that people post fake texts.
who fucking cares if it's fake?
all of it is funny anyway.
i laughed at this. so it doesn't really matter.
all of you need to chill and not care so much.
Well, I'm a cop and was on duty going into a very dark house that had been burgled.. Windows were blacked out and I couldn't see shit... So I got my asp out and peered round the corner... I jumped in fright having 'seen' someone in the dark... Only to find that there was a mirror at the end of the hall... It was my own reflection!!! DOH
haha fake or not this made me laugh really hard
but really who punches someone over the same shirt?
hahahaha dude, u shouldve called me, we look like idiots
Not only have I been drunk enough to start talking to my reflection, but I have been sober and done it too! I've apologized for bumping into poles before. Then again I do drink a lot. Being from Wisconsin, we do that.
So um, who is it to decide what's fake and what's real? If that's the case, then I suppose everything we see is fake. I thought that was pretty damn funny. Sorry to hear your lives aren't as random as this guys.
@4:31. text length doesnt really mean much anymore. The newer phones CAN do texts over 500char. And I have a friend who did something similar, so I believe this story. And who cares if it's fake? Its funny!
i dont really care if its fake or not, it was funny an di can see my friends doing that lol. but to whoever said it was in vegas...818 is the San Fernando Valley area and 323 is right around LA. thats California not Nevada...
hahahahha at may 20th 12:51
you all really are gayly passionate.
yeah it's fake, get over it. if you have a problem, shut your gayly passionate asses up and get off the site.
Marshall did that in an episode of How I Met Your Mother. Hella drunk and walking towards the bathroom down a hallway and starts talking tough and acting all hard. And then he walks straight in to the mirror. It was hilarious
it might have bee believable if he wasn't like "dude you shoulda called me" cuz obviously a stranger is not going to call you and tell you about a shirt he's going to wear? .....
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