Highlight of my weekend: having my card suspended due to "suspicious charges" and standing in line at the gas station yelling at customer service on the phone that I really did go to 4 different strip clubs in one night
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If this isn't a good night I don't know what is.
the other people in line are either disgusted or BASKING IN YOUR AWESOMENESS!!
113 people have never been to a strip club
This is either the most awesome or most pathetic post I have seen on here. Can't decide what one.
Same thing happened to me, bc I opened and closed my tab 3 times at the same bar, and went to a liquor store and two other bars all in a matter of 24 hours. Didn't even overdraft :)
Somebody needs to get a life
Not sure if good night...
Youre all idiots, suspicious charges can be refunded by the bank. Just go with it and get lapdances for free the next time
Been there, but try explaining the head shop and adult bookstore charges and the super8 charges also at the same damn time
Hotlantaaaa. Can you blame the man?
8 th bitches.
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