At this point do you think buying mom a pot plant would be funny or highly inappropriate?
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Yes....HIGHly inappropriate, sir, pish posh!
hey Thanks for the gift suggestion ill give my mom one
Sounds like the kid got caught.
If she doesn't want it, I'll take it.
That would be a great gift...
You know your mom used to boogie. Fired!
Reminds me if weeds.
Pot's always appropriate.
It's a contraction of the words "pot" and "is".
Considers how much of a stoner she was and if she remembers any of it.
Where are you going to "buy" a pot plant. You have to grow that for her or buy her a sack.
Yeah and buy dad a glass pipe
wow how did i guess Cali...
You're just showing her how much you know she likes to do that stuff...
How about funny because it's highly inappropriate?
Damn riverside trailer trash. Fired
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