what really sux is when u get it to automatically go to "fuck" when u type it and you have to actually use the word duck...
try texting ur mom, "micheal ran at all the fucks and got chased around a little"
you know.. mine does that too! but how bout the other day i actually had the occasion to use the word "duck" and it came up as "fuck"!!!! total bullshit!!
You don't curse enough...the phone should learn your habits. No wonder strong word = fuck. If you were really a normal adult who cursed normally, your strong words wouldn't be fuck. It would be phrases that carried backing making it strong. Fuck is nothing, silly duck.
Ok press the the correction before you push space and it should go away now duck is still fuck and your girl friend isn't thinking she's gonna get ducked!!!
I've seriously considered getting a diff phone for that reason. Did u know that it won't even stop it I'd u restore it 7 times n a row?!?! Yeah. And it changes all my Gina into Gina.
Oh yeah haha my iPhone does this too one time I was trying to tell my ex to get the fuck out of my life cuz she was a fucking whore who doesn't deserve to fucking live... You can imagine how that came out haha
15. Curse Words
This is one of the most convenient updates in the iPhone 3.0 firmware. The iPhone no longer tries to auto-correct every single curse word you use. I've tested it out in notes, and I even got creative. The iPhone lets everything slide, auto-correct free. Just test it out on your own.
my friend and i purposely say Duck instead now.. so, my friends truck is ducked, his lunch was duckin cold, his brother ducks strippers.. ect.
it makes the day a little happier while recieving texts at work hahaah.
I hate that on mine. And everyones like you know u can shut auto correct off right? I'm like yea but I mess up so often that would hurt more than help.
You know, if they would just hit the little thing that says duck under the word fuck, there would be no problem. However, what's sad is that I have somehow managed to say fuck so much, my iPhone keeps trying to change duck to fuck...
Lol I love it mine does the sameshit. I've actually had to resend my txts saying and I mean fuck fuck fuck stupid phone iwishit wouldonluautocorrectsome words
Lol that happeneds to me too ! I freaken wrote the best tell off ever to a doushe and yeah he just laughed at it and I was like wow fuck my life hahaha
This is fucking funny, mainly because I don't have an iPhone (thank god) and I was talking to my boyfriend who lives in London and he was complaining of the same thing. Good stuff.
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